How To Love Ourselves And Why Is It Important

Half of our problems, wouldn’t have existed – had we been taught.
How to fill the Gap.

How to not look outside to belong.

How to stand for yourself

How to be not lonely, but Alone.

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  1. Patience Green Avatar
    Patience Green

    Exactly..some of your comments I read I agree. Most of us were raised with traditional ways of thinking based on how we were taught to behave and react to life situations we face daily growing up. I remember this beautiful framed quote my mom placed on my wall of my bedroom at the age of 7, with a little boy and girl standing side by side titled; Children learn what they live” If a child lives with criticism, they learn to condemn. If a child lives with hostility they learns to fight. If a child lives with ridicule, they learn to be shy. If a child lives with shame, they learn to feel guilty. If a child lives with tolerance, they learn to be patient. If a child lives with encouragement, they learn to be confidence. If a child lives with praise, they learn to appreciate. If a child lives with fairness, they learn justice. If a child lives with security, they learn to have faith. Because of that framed quoted words at that young age, I understood the message. Each one of us are a living factor to those meanings. Most to all of us were raised by our parents, grandparents etc. If we were most of us grew up under difference circumstances if that makes sense. Doesn’t mean we are bad people. personally I feel there’s no such thing as bad people. Our experiences shapes us of who we are in the world. How we choose to live in society, how we love, value ourselves, the level of respect for ourselves and others we surround ourselves with. How we deal with life on a daily basis. Each of us have experienced some negative trauma that has made us stronger individuals, better acting people and there’s are us who still struggles in those areas. We have to decide if we know how to, which direction we want to travel from it. In the beginning or the end of it will be the results of US and YOU…Stay forever blessed beautiful people.

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