How To Keep The Signs Happy During A Relationship

How To Keep The Signs Happy During A Relationship

How To Keep The Signs Happy During A Relationship

Aries Show excitement and enthusiasm for their interests, hobbies, ideas and most importantly for them, let them think that every idea is theirs, change up your routine as much as possible to keep things feeling new and fresh

Taurus Pamper them with massages and psychical affection, make them feel safe, secure and comfortable, allow them to maintain a level of independence within the relationship – don’t ever make them feel trapped

Gemini Keep the lines of communication at all times, find a way to keep things light and playful during the relationship, even during tough times, love their friends and support their active social life

Leo Shower then with love, affection and praise on a daily basis, support and encourage their passions and ideas, let them take lead whenever possible

Cancer Spend as much quality time with them as possible, they should be your, if possible, top priority! Master the art of snuggling

Virgo Be honest and open with them, keep your house as clean as humanly possible, help them talk things out whenever their worried or anxious

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    lora murphy

    Missing some signs

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The Zodiac Signs And Their Longest Relationships

The Zodiac Signs And Their Longest Relationships

The Zodiac Signs And Their Longest Relationships

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ARIES: A rival yogi from their four-week vinyasa workshop

TAURUS: The Trader Joe’s sample person they see every Sunday

GEMINI: Their best friend’s ex they dated for two weeks to gain insight into their relationship

CANCER: Their high school sweetheart (despite briefly breaking up to explore the dating scene)

LEO: The paediatrician they saw until 25 because Zocdoc is overwhelming

VIRGO: A hot mess who unknowingly inspired their self

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TAURUS: Heard the ceremonies involve soothing epsom salt baths

GEMINI: Just wanted to meet new people

CANCER: Responded to a Craigslist post looking for “like-minded roommates who feel like family”

LEO: The recruiting process made them feel special

VIRGO: Memorized the sacred texts in case there was a pop quiz later


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Aries and leo: Passionate and dynamic bond

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Virgo and taurus: Reliable and secured bond

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Aries: Key your initials in a heart on the side of their car

Taurus: Build a fully-stocked bunker and lock yourselves inside

Gemini: Memorize the encyclopedia and casually slip a new fact into conversation every day

Cancer: Fashion them a homemade bubblewrap onesie and be very gentle

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TAURUS: Treats all their friends to an intimate celebratory evening for ‘no particular reason’

GEMINI: Blasts it on social media before they’ve even processed it

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Turn-on that’s actually a red flag

ARIES: Emotionally unavailable crushes who make you chase them

TAURUS: Play-fighting over every little difference in opinion

GEMINI: People who constantly move between friend groups

CANCER: Being used as an unpaid amateur therapist

LEO: Feeling like the only person who your partner thinks highly of

VIRGO: Pristinely self-curated people who never break character


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Zodiac Signs And Their Contradictions

Zodiac Signs And Their Contradictions

Zodiac Signs And Their Contradictions


Aries: tough, but very sensitive and emotional

Taurus: lazy, but works hard to get what they want

Gemini: flighty, but will always be there for people

Cancer: self-absorbed, but cares for other people more than themselves

Leo: confident, but have self-esteem issues

Virgo: strict to themselves, but will try anything at least once

Libra: fake, but will be the best friend you’ve ever had
