Category: Parenting

Being a parent is a full-time job. Whether you’re a stay home parent or not, your waking hours are spent trying to give your kids a decent life and a secure future. It’s a challenging journey. In one moment, you’re struggling to make your baby wean, and before you know it, they have become a sulking teenager.

How do you know when to be the cool dad and when to say no when they bring home a date that’s clearly not right for them?

For the best parenting blogs and parenting tips, head over to The Minds Journal now! To resolve your queries, check out our mommy blogs, blogs on parenting, teenagers, raising adult children, healthy boundaries, and more related content.

  • How Men Suffer From The Lack Of Maternal Love And Affection When Raised by Unloving Mothers

    How Men Suffer From The Lack Of Maternal Love And Affection When Raised by Unloving Mothers

  • Shadows Of The Narcissist: 9 Subtle Behaviors In A Child Of A Narcissistic Parent

    Shadows Of The Narcissist: 9 Subtle Behaviors In A Child Of A Narcissistic Parent

  • Unlocking The Pain Of The Past: 10 Signs Of Repressed Childhood Trauma In Adults

    Unlocking The Pain Of The Past: 10 Signs Of Repressed Childhood Trauma In Adults

  • The ‘Not Good Enough Mother’: 3 Ways You Can Learn To Mother Yourself

    The ‘Not Good Enough Mother’: 3 Ways You Can Learn To Mother Yourself

  • 3 Things Emotionally Intelligent Parents Do

    3 Things Emotionally Intelligent Parents Do

  • Self Care For Parents: 24 Secrets To Being A Happy Parent

    Self Care For Parents: 24 Secrets To Being A Happy Parent

  • The Parent Trap: Understanding Parenting Guilt And 7 Tips For Overcoming It

    The Parent Trap: Understanding Parenting Guilt And 7 Tips For Overcoming It

  • 3 Signs You May Have Suffered Childhood Emotional Incest

    3 Signs You May Have Suffered Childhood Emotional Incest

  • 10 Common Triggers Of Mom Rage And How To Tame The Storm

    10 Common Triggers Of Mom Rage And How To Tame The Storm

  • What Is Tiger Parenting? 5 Key Characteristics and Its Impact on Child Development

    What Is Tiger Parenting? 5 Key Characteristics and Its Impact on Child Development