Category: Mind and Brain

Our brain is responsible for our emotions, mental health, memory, and all cognitive functions. How we think, feel, and perceive; every detail of our personality is ultimately controlled by our brain.

Our mind is the inner workings of our brain and it influences our relationships, career, and all aspects of our social, personal, and public life.

The Minds Journal’s best mind and brain blogs talk about facts about the brain, brain health, and well-being.

For the best mind hacks and mind and brain news head over to our web portal. Here you will find curated articles that will help you discover unknown facts about how your mind and brain work and what internal and external factors trigger them. Know your mind to know yourself!

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    15 Provocative Questions To Trigger Curiosity And Help In Creative Problem-Solving

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    How Do Some People ‘Hear’ Colors And ‘See’ Sounds? — A Look Into Synesthesia

  • What Is Counterfactual Thinking: The Psychological Forces and Life-Altering Impact of ‘What Ifs

    What Is Counterfactual Thinking: The Psychological Forces and Life-Altering Impact of ‘What Ifs

  • Understanding The Mind Body Connection Definition: 3 Compelling Benefits of This Holistic Approach to Well-Being

    Understanding The Mind Body Connection Definition: 3 Compelling Benefits of This Holistic Approach to Well-Being

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    Understanding Solastalgia Meaning: The Subtle yet Profound Emotional Impact of Environmental Change

  • Are You Living Out Of Sync? 5 Warning Signs of a Disrupted Circadian Rhythm

    Are You Living Out Of Sync? 5 Warning Signs of a Disrupted Circadian Rhythm

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    Unpacking Parentification Trauma: The Burden of Growing Up Too Soon

  • What Is Decision Fatigue? 6 Signs It’s Shutting Down Your Brain

    What Is Decision Fatigue? 6 Signs It’s Shutting Down Your Brain

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    What Is Telekinesis? Science Behind Telekinetic Abilities: 3 Explanations