Super Blue Moon in Aquarius: Your Full Moon Horoscope for August 19, 2024


Full Moon Horoscope August: Embrace The Super Blue Moon

The full moon that in Aquarius brings forward a rare celestial event – the Super Blue Moon. This powerful lunation is also referred to as the Sturgeon Moon, a period for reflecting on the fruit of your labor. Let’s dive into its significance and learn the full moon horoscope for your zodiac sign!

The Sturgeon Super Moon is named after the largest fish in North America, which denotes richness and rewards for work done. So, whatever you choose to call it, be it Corn Moon, Grain Moon, or simply blue full moon in Aquarius, this is your spiritual moment to harvest what you have sown. Let this be a reflection on what each zodiac sign may learn during this life-changing blue full moon.

Read more here: Your Full Moon Horoscope: 21 July 2024

Full Moon In Aquarius – Horoscope For 19th August 2024

1. Aries: Embrace Uncertainty  

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Super Blue Moon In Aquarius: Your Full Moon Horoscope For August 19, 2024

Bold Aries thrives on action and challenges, yet this full moon is about embracing uncertainty. Not everything can be planned or controlledโ€“ and thatโ€™s fine. Drop the need to have all the answers right away; trust in the unknown as an opportunity for newness and good unknowing adventures.

2. Taurus: Release Old Attachments  

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Super Blue Moon In Aquarius: Your Full Moon Horoscope For August 19, 2024

Taurusโ€™ loyalty and persistence are well known, but sometimes holding onto outmoded attachments can weigh us down. This full moon asks us to let go of what no longer serves us โ€“ whether it be a relationship, habit, or mindset โ€“ so that we can grow anew into experiences that align with our current values and desires.

3. Gemini: Seek โ€˜Realโ€™ Connections  

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Super Blue Moon In Aquarius: Your Full Moon Horoscope For August 19, 2024

Gemini your social nature is to thrive off being around others; however superficial interactions might not cut it this time round โ€“ seek deeper connection instead! Build relationships where you can truly be yourself without fear of judgment; where your thoughts and ideas are welcomed and shared freely.

4. Cancer: Take Care Of Yourself, No One Else Will  

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Super Blue Moon In Aquarius: Your Full Moon Horoscope For August 19, 2024

You have a loving heart, but it often pushes you to sacrifice yourself for others. But this full moon horoscope asks that you nurture your independence now. Concentrate on what you want to achieve in life or what makes you happy personally.

Allow yourself to grow beyond where you feel safe because sometimes itโ€™s alright to be selfish about oneโ€™s self. Grab the opportunity to shine and do whatever it takes to make your dreams come true.

5. Leo: Nurture What Drives You  

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Super Blue Moon In Aquarius: Your Full Moon Horoscope For August 19, 2024

Leo, you love being the center of attention but tonight try taking a few steps backward and ask yourself why. Ask if everything is still about chasing after fame or if thereโ€™s something deeper within that requires recognition too.

Use this moment of self-discovery to get back in touch with who you truly are inside so all your actions can be driven by a genuine passion.

6. Virgo: Donโ€™t Be Afraid Of Failure  

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Super Blue Moon In Aquarius: Your Full Moon Horoscope For August 19, 2024

It is good that you are detailed oriented Virgo but trying to be perfect can drain someoneโ€™s energy. This lunar phase tells us not to fear making mistakes or failure because they help us improve ourselves.

Instead, learn how to appreciate things when they donโ€™t go as planned; let them teach us new ways of doing stuff and show different sides of life altogether too โ€“ one cannot always know everything!

7. Libra: Put Yourself First!  

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Super Blue Moon In Aquarius: Your Full Moon Horoscope For August 19, 2024

Harmony is key in any relationship but according to the blue moon horoscope, you may need more balance than ever before! Thus it demands that you take care of yourself first; and give equal importance to both โ€˜giveโ€™ and โ€˜takeโ€™. And while youโ€™re at it do not hesitate to voice out what you need or set boundaries wherever necessary for people must understand your likes and dislikes too.

8. Scorpio: Embrace Change  

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Super Blue Moon In Aquarius: Your Full Moon Horoscope For August 19, 2024

Scorpio, you have always been familiar with changes, and this is just another time for your transformation. Just let it be a personal breakthrough or any external shift that you experience.

Trust that the process will drive you to a more empowered and genuine self. Allow the old one to fade away so that thereโ€™s room for something new to come up.

9. Sagittarius: Be Open To New Experiences  

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Super Blue Moon In Aquarius: Your Full Moon Horoscope For August 19, 2024

Even though you love exploring new territories because of your adventurous spirit, change can sometimes be scary too. However, during this August moon period, all that is expected from you is openness toward change no matter how uncomfortable it may feel at first.

Embrace different views or ways of doing things that challenge what you believe in as growth comes when one is ready to change and adapt.

10. Capricorn: Review Your Goals  

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Super Blue Moon In Aquarius: Your Full Moon Horoscope For August 19, 2024

Being ambitious, you tend to set high targets but this super blue moon requires you to stop and look back. Are your goals still aligned with who you are today? The answer could be yes or no; either way, it doesnโ€™t matter because sometimes stepping aside even brings greater achievement and happiness in your life!

11. Aquarius: Appreciate Individuality  

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Super Blue Moon In Aquarius: Your Full Moon Horoscope For August 19, 2024

As an Aquarius, you possess the ability to accept and influence the uniqueness you bring into this world. When you take hold of this opportunity, it will not be unobserved by people. Make sure to prove to all how special you are by doing something extraordinary! But remember that your individuality is that makes you powerful!

12. Pisces: Trust Your Intuition  

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Super Blue Moon In Aquarius: Your Full Moon Horoscope For August 19, 2024

Pisces, you should know that your intuition serves as a reliable source hence you must follow every bit of advice given here without hesitation, especially during this particular phase represented by the August moon. In other words, if thereโ€™s any decision bothering your mind at present then trust whatever answer pops up into your consciousness because deep down inside my heart I believe that you know whatโ€™s best for yourself.

Read more here: Chiron Retrograde 2024: Lessons For These 4 Zodiac Signs

As the Super Moon lights up in the sky, may it also shine a light on what youโ€™ve learnt and how much youโ€™ve grown. Share your thoughts if you resonate in the comments below!

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Super Blue Moon In Aquarius: Your Full Moon Horoscope For August 19, 2024

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