Best Quote: Life Quotes

Life can be a big jigsaw puzzle for us to solve. It can be unfair, unpredictable, and difficult. But does it have to be complicated too? Why not look at life from a higher perspective and try to simplify it?

When you go through The Minds Journal’s gallery of inspirational quotes about life, you will be able to see this divine opportunity through its many facets. Yes, it brings misery, hardships, and struggle, but it also offers solutions, dreams, hopes, and second chances. If you are striving to gain a positive and empowered outlook, our compilation of the best life quotes can surely help.

  • The quality of a friendship
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    ” The quality of a friendship should be measured on the strength of your bond and the abundance of love between you, not the number of times you catch up over coffee or go out drinking. We all have different needs, schedules and responsibilities. What’s important is you are there when it matters.”
    – Beau Taplin

    Is that not all, that really matters ?

  • Don’t take anything Personally Nothing others do is because of you.
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    “Don’t take anything Personally Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering”
    – Miguel Ruiz

    Most of the times, we suffer more in Imagination than in Reality.

  • The art Of Waiting

    Sometimes what we learn and who we become in the process of waiting is even more important than what we’re waiting for.

    Arguably one of the most difficult concepts in life for us to grasp is the art of waiting patiently. . . . But sometimes what we learn and who we become in the process of waiting is even more important than what we’re waiting on. . . . We’re all waiting for something. An answer. A response. A reaction. A second chance. An e-mail. . . . If you’re still waiting for it, it means you’re not yet ready for it . . . whatever “it” is, so stop looking at waiting as a punishment and start looking at it as preparation! . . . Sometimes the moments spent waiting for something are even more important than the moment the something actually happens. And not all wishes are meant to come true. Some wishes are only there to teach us how to wait. These wishes . . . bring us not an instant blessing but a lifelong lesson.  – Mandy Hale

  • Chances Are, If Someone’s In The Past: They Deserve To Stay There.
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    3/7/13 We cry over Friends we will never have back People we once loved Bridges that have been burnt. But there’s a reason The past is in the past. You only have so much Room in your life, Save it For people that deserve it. Chances are, If someone’s in the past, They deserve to stay there.

  • Forgive yourself for not knowing
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    Forgive yourself for not knowing what you didn’t knew before you learned it.

    Forgiving myself for things i didn’t knew were wrong and I still did.. 

  • Loyalty Isn’t Grey
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    Loyalty isn’t grey. It’s black and white. You’re either loyal completely, or not loyal at all. And people have to understand this. You can’t be loyal only when it serves you.

  • Worry about loving yourself
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    Worry about loving yourself, Instead of loving the idea of other people loving you.

    If I could love myself enough, would I be needing any love from anywhere.

    Wouldn’t I be more of a Giver than a Receiver

    A life expectation free. Are expectations not root to all heartbreaks and evils ?

  • Walking Down The Street Naked
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    The moment that you feel that, just possibly, you’re walking down the street naked, exposing too much of your heart and your mind and what exists on the inside, showing too much of yourself. That’s the moment you may be starting to get it right.

    -Neil Gaiman

  • Healing Takes Time
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    “Healing takes time. Like a small garden in the soul you plant the seeds, and with a little care, sunlight and patience, you watch them grow.”
    Beau Taplin // Healing

  • Putting Other People Down, To Feel Good About Yourself
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    There’s no logic behind putting other people down to feel better about yourself.