Best Quote: Self Love Quotes

When feeling alone and broken, we hope the right one will come along and make us whole again with their love. While there’s nothing wrong with seeking true love from another person, we must never forget that our first and longest relationship is with ourselves.

If we don’t love and care for our mind, our body, and our self-identity, how can we expect that from someone else? By treating ourselves poorly, we give a free pass for others to do the same.

If you’re groomed to put yourself second, draw inspiration from The Minds Journal’s best self-love quotes. Every quote about self-love that you’ll find here will take you a step closer to empowerment and finding true love.

  • I Am Learning To Love The Sound Of My Feet Walking Away

    I Am Learning To Love The Sound Of My Feet Walking Away

  • No One Is Going To Love You Exactly Like You Imagine

    No One Is Going To Love You Exactly Like You Imagine

  • You’re Not A Victim For Sharing Your Story

    You’re Not A Victim For Sharing Your Story

  • Such A Curse Is Constant Beauty

    Such A Curse Is Constant Beauty

  • Hey You – Yes, You. Stop Being Unhappy With Yourself

    Hey You – Yes, You. Stop Being Unhappy With Yourself

  • You, Yourself, As Much As Anybody In The Entire Universe Deserve Your Love And Affection

    You, Yourself, As Much As Anybody In The Entire Universe Deserve Your Love And Affection

  • There’s A Primal Reassurance In Being Touched

    There’s A Primal Reassurance In Being Touched