Best Quote: Relationship Quotes

Our relationships, both romantic and platonic, can be a source of vitality for us. Each of our close relationships is like an ever-flowing fountain of comfort and love, that replenishes us with joy, hope, and a renewed passion for life. No matter how hard the world tries to crush our souls, our relationships shelter us, nurture us, and make us whole again.

On The Minds Journal portal, you will find the best relationship quotes, sayings, and thoughts on relationships of all nature and the challenges they entail. These quotes about relationships will bring your focus back to the ones who truly matter and help you overcome any issue that might threaten to break these precious bonds.

  • Everybody isn’t gonna love you
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    Everybody isn’t gonna Love you Most people don’t even love THEMSELVES.

    True that

  • The Impulse
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    “The Impulse”

    to want to put out your hand and want someone to be there at the end of your reach.

    “I understand the Impulse. The impulse to want to put out your hand and want someone to be there at the end of your reach. To want someone to be close to. To want to kiss or touch, even if it’s wrong. The point is, you can’t control these feelings. Even if they are wrong, they are there.”

    All you want then is someone to be there, to listen to you. In most cases you aren’t looking for a reply or an opinion too… It’s just this loneliness which is causing the Impulse. There’s nothing wrong in the want, but the consequences could be worser. A moment of a feeling of acceptance can never out weigh the guilt of it. Learn to give better company to self, learn to overcome it.

    Your thoughts on this ?

  • How Your Day Was
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    Be with someone who wants to know how your day was.

  • It’s Not About Giving Up On The Fairy Tale Relationship
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    It’s not about giving up on the fairy tale relationship. It’s about landing it in reality. It’s about giving the fairy feet. It’s about peeling away the prince’s armor and loving the human down below. It’s about wiping off the princess’ make-up and loving her divine humanness. It’s about finding romance in the naked fires of daily life. When our masks and disguises fall away, real love can reveal itself. Forget fairy tales- the human tale is much more satisfying. We just have to learn how to get turned on by humanness.
    – Jeff Brown

  • What Was It Like To Love Him?
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    “What was it like to love him? Asked Gratitude. It was like being exhumed, I answered, and brought to life in a flash of brilliance. What was it like to be loved in return? Asked Joy. It was like being seen after a perpetual darkness, I replied. To be heard after a lifetime of silence. What was it like to lose him? Asked Sorrow. There was a long pause before I responded: It was like hearing every goodbye ever said to me—said all at once.”
    ― Lang Leav, Love & Misadventure

  • Before I Met Him
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    Before I met him, I would dance in the shower. When he was in my life, I would think about showering with him. After he left, I would sit on the ground in the shower and cry. When I got over him, I showered so quickly there was no time for dancing, fantasies or tears. Someone can invade the smallest parts of your life, you won’t even realize it until you dance in the shower again and wonder why you ever stopped. 

  • Closure – We All Seek It
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    Closure. We all seek it. We seek the end of things and also the beginning of new things. Those things we can’t find closure on, they haunt us. They pop up in our dream, they creep into our thoughts in idle moments, like a mind-bender that’s beyond our mental capacity, a mystery that just won’t be solved.
    —Lisa Unger, Beautiful Lies

  • If You Love Something
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    If you love something, love it completely, cherish it, say it, but most importantly, show it. Life is finite and fragile, and just because something is there one day, it might not be the next. Never take that for granted. Say what you need to say, then say a little more. Say too much. Show too much. Love too much. Everything is temporary but love. Love outlives us all.

  • Sweetheart, Let Me Tell You Something
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    Sweetheart, let me tell you something no teenager ever believes, but I guarantee you it’s the absolute truth. You fall in love more than once. It will happen again. It will be just as amazing and extraordinary as the first time and maybe just as painful. But it’ll happen again. I promise. But until then, be your own anchor.
    – Melissa

  • Someone Who Wants To Understand Me
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    “In the end there doesn’t have to be anyone who understands you. There just has to be someone who wants to.”
    ―Robert Brault