Best Quote: Peace Quotes

In a world torn apart by war and hate, peace does sound surreal. But before dismissing its relevance in today’s world, we must take a hard look at how we value peace in our life. Whether dealing with a difficult coworker, a toxic parent, or a cheating partner, we can forgive, let go, or leave, but we should never wander off the path of inner peace.

For a truly peaceful life, check out the famous peace quotes from revered spiritual leaders like Thich Nhat Hanh, Dalai Lama, and many others at The Minds Journal. These quotes on peace will open your eyes to the possibility of a more tranquil state of existence, even in the midst of all the chaos.

  • You Cannot Find Peace By Avoiding Life
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    You cannot find peace by avoiding life.

    Virginia Woolf quotes, life quotes, life advice quotes, deep quotes, peace quotes, life teachings quotes.

  • Offline Is The New Peace Of Mind
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    Offline is the new peace of mind.

    Mental Health Quotes, Deep Quotes, Life Quotes, Thought Cloud Quotes, Peace Quotes, Life Advice Quotes, Life Lessons Quotes.

    Offline Is The New Peace Of Mind
    Offline Is The New Peace Of Mind
  • You’re Doing Everything Right
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    You’re doing everything right.
    You’re loving yourself more, you’re increasing your gratitude, and you’re restoring your faith. There isn’t a single part of your soul you haven’t nurtured, recovered, and healed.

    Don’t let your mind convince you that you are not where you’re supposed to be; you are inside the blessing. Having the ability to grow and be at peace in the same environment that tested you is why your magic is just different.

    You’re invincible. Drown out the noise of negative energies and tune into the soft melody of your intuition. The Universe always has the final word.
    -The Diary of A Goddess

    wisdom quotes, peace quotes, spiritual quotes.

  • Please Don’t Disturb My Peace
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    Please don’t disturb my peace if you’re at war with yourself.


    Peace quotes, deep quotes, wisdom quotes, life quotes.

  • Habits To Unlearn For Peace Of Mind
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    Habits To Unlearn For Peace Of Mind

    • Trying to change people

    • Yelling to get your way

    • Ignoring your needs

    • Trying to “win” the argument

    • Comparing to others

    • Negative self talk

    • Not sleeping enough

    • Giving the silent treatment

    • Self-sabotaging

    Mental health quotes, mental health awareness quotes, mental health care quotes.

  • It’s Scary What A Smile Can Hide
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    It’s scary what a smile can hide.

  • Where Are You Living Past Present Or Future
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    Where Are You Living?

    Past – Guilt, shame, and regret Feeling sad or depressed Dwelling on what happened Replaying events or conversations Overanalyzing

    Present – Clarity Acceptance Joy of Being Understanding Inner peace Gratitude

    Future – Fear of the unknown Worrying about what could happen Feeling anxious for what is to come Overthinking “what if” scenarios Thinking worst-case scenario

  • Be With Someone That Is Good For Your Mental Health
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    Be with someone that is good for your mental health.

    Someone who brings you inner peace. Someone who challenges your bad habits, but supports your process of change.
    Idil Ahmed

  • A Wrong Partner Will Find You In Peace
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    A wrong partner will find you in peace and leave you in pieces. The right partner will find you in pieces and lead you to peace.

  • Universal Responsibility Is The Key To Human Survival
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    Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace.
    Dalai Lama