Best Quote: Being Me

In a world, where people are trying to get others’ validation by being someone else and trying to get ahead in life by faking their way up, being yourself is a rebellious act.

Those who believe in being their true self, live authentically, and never give a hoot about what others think about them. They learn lessons from their mistakes and own up to their emotions.

For genuine and self-aware people, The Minds Journal presents a rich collection of the best being me quotes. If you too want to be your authentic self, draw inspiration from these powerful being me quotes and sayings, and become the best version of yourself.

  • I Didn’t Realize Who I Was
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    I didn’t realize who I was until stopped being who I wasn’t.

  • I need someone
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    I need someone who is going to motivate me and not stress me.

  • Be with someone
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    Be with someone who makes you a better you.

  • I used to dislike being sensitive
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    “I used to dislike being sensitive. I thought it made me weak. But take away that single trait, and you take away the very essence of who I am. You take away my conscience, my ability to empathize, my intuition, my creativity, my deep appreciation of the little things, my vivid inner life, my keen awareness to others pain and my passion for it all.”

    — Caitlin Japa

  • I’m a big fan
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    I’m a big fan of people being exactly who they are.

  • I Have Fed Mouths That Have Talked Shit About Me
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    I have fed mouths that have talked shit about me. I’ve wiped tears off the faces of the people that have caused mine. I have picked up people that have tried to knock me
    down. I’ve done favors for people that can do nothing for
    me. I have been there for people that have not been there for me.

    CRAZY? Maybe….
    But I will NOT lose myself in the hatred of others; I continue to be me because I am who I am and it is my nature. Life isn’t easy. but even through all the bullshit…
    I will still be here.

    – Cheryl Fernandez

  • I’m attracted to intelligence
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    I’m attracted to intelligence, not education.

    You could graduate from the best, most elite college,

    but if you’re clueless about the world and society, you don’t know anything.

  • That’s my problem
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    That’s my problem: I think too much, and I feel too deeply. What a dangerous combination.

  • The shit that makes your heart beat faster
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    The shit that makes your heart beat faster and your eyes glow when you do it or talk about it, no matter if it’s hiking, yoga, gardening, painting, sex, meditation, photography, going for walks, helping others – do that. Do it as often as you can. Because that’s what life is about. Creating as many passionate, happy moments as possible. Don’t let anyone stop you from doing the things you love – not even yourself.

  • I like staying up so late
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    I like staying up so late, because in those hours the world is so quiet and nobody expects anything from me,I could stare at the wall for hours and there would be no consequences. It’s so silent and calm.