Can’t Relax Your Mind And Muscles? Here Are A Few Things You Can Start Doing Now

Can not Relax Your Mind And Muscles

Mental health receives more and more coverage as people become increasingly aware of the toll that stress takes on their overall wellbeing and functioning. Stress is considered a main culprit in several physical, emotional and mental health complaints, ranging from insomnia, and digestive problems to depression, a low immune system and high blood pressure. If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed by the amount of stress you have to deal with on a daily basis and it seems like there’s no end in sight, you might need to look into helpful methods and strategies that can help you improve your general wellbeing. While you might still deal with stress across different areas of your life, creating a routine that allows you to prioritise relaxation means that you can at least eliminate the chronic worrying that is associated with an increased incidence of disease.


Lack of sleep is unfortunately a growing problem in today’s society, with more and more adults claiming to not get enough or adequate rest. Hectic schedules and a full list of chores are among the main culprits, and many people can actually believe that there’s no harm in skipping on a couple of hours of sleep every night. However, the truth is that this leads to sleep debt and chronic sleep deprivation, a condition that causes chronic disease, as well as aggravating symptoms in those who are already dealing with different conditions. 

Among them are metabolic syndrome and depression, but those who routinely don’t get enough sleep are also more susceptible to illness as a whole due to a decrease in immune function. An increased risk of type 2 diabetes, headaches, aching muscles, memory lapses and an irritable mood are also common signs that your body is exhausted, and can be triggered when you least expect and need such crisis. Imagine you’re looking for quality but cheap kitchens for sale and you lack the presence of mind needed to find your suit and make the best decision. In this context, not only may you end up buying a unwrothty set only to regret it later, but you may not even carry out your mission too soon.

Getting sufficient rest can be difficult when you’re stressed, but it’s among the main solutions that will work, for not enough rest could be the root of your current mind and body problems. In order to relax, you should develop a sleep routine that lets you unwind before heading to bed. This way, you’re more likely to enjoy a good night’s sleep that is not interrupted in any way. 

You can drink various herbal teas known for having a relaxing effect, as well as listen to some music, do some physical exercise, or read a book. Please avoid using your smartphone right before going to bed and keep away from caffeine a few hours before bed. Reduce or eliminate any source of light that may disturb you, for this could prevent your melatonine production process. The most important thing is to remain consistent, and keep on doing the same routine on a nightly basis in order to see results. Sleeping well can keep your anxiety in check, reduces cortisol levels and repairs the damage your immune system sustains as a result of the panic attacks. 

Muscle relaxation

When you’re stressed your muscles will typically feel tight, tense and sore. And the pain is often not localised, but can spread throughout your body and cause a general feeling of malaise. The reason for the discomfort is because during episodes of elevated stress your brain sends a signal to the nerves to go into protection mode. This causes the muscles to tighten, which later leads to heightened pain. Relaxing your muscles during periods of extreme stress is no easy task and will take conscious effort, but it will help you feel better and increase your general well-being. 

Progressive Muscle Relaxation, also known as PMR, is an exercise that can decrease anxiety levels that have accumulated in the body. As the name suggests, all you need to do is tighten a group of muscles for a short time, followed by a period of relaxation. Typically, you should take your time when doing this exercise, and work your way from your toes to your face. Remember to inhale and exhale deeply throughout the exercise, and focus on every single muscle group for around twenty seconds for maximum effect. 

Deep breathing 

If you’ve been struggling with stress for some time and confided in someone else about your problems, you might have encountered a response akin to “Just stop worrying!”. While this most likely comes from a well-intentioned place, it can also feel dismissive, especially since relaxing on demand is pretty much impossible. In fact, it is more likely than not to cause additional stress, since you might start overanalysing your emotions and feelings, making things worse. When you feel overwhelmed, one of the simplest things you could do is practise deep breathing. 

Get as comfortable as you can and place one hand on your belly in order to feel more connected with the process and avoid rushing. Make sure to breathe in and out as slowly as you can, and continue to do it until you start to feel relaxed again. The effect will be almost instantaneous, as deep breaths send a message directly to the brain, which then transmits it to the rest of the body. The vagus nerve is involved in the process as well, and it switches the body from “fight or flight” to “rest and digest”, a state during which you’ll feel considerably more relaxed and at ease. 


Very often, the root of anxiety is the fact that you get lost in your thoughts and they begin to spiral out of control. Being present in the moment can banish those feelings, but you’ll have to use your imagination. Think of a relaxing scene, such as a natural space like a forest or a beach, as they are quite likely to help you unwind. Naturally, if there’s a particular memory or mental image that can put your mind at ease, that’s what you should focus on. If unwanted thoughts arise during this exercise, try your best to let them pass instead of clinging to them. 

Another tactic that can root you in the present is to focus on your senses. Pay attention to what you hear, feel, smell and taste. Try to ground yourself on these feelings. Some refer to this method as a way to get out of your head and into your body, since overthinking can easily escalate out of proportion, affecting your perception and causing you to struggle with anxiety and panic attacks. 

While it’s impossible to banish stress from your life for good, there are definitely several things you could do to control your responses, so that it doesn’t affect your well-being and the issue doesn’t reach chronic proportions. 

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