Reasons The Nursing World Needs You

Reasons The Nursing World Needs You

Nurses are among the most valued employees in the world. While this may not reflect in how much they earn, it does in the millions of patients whoโ€™ve experienced the warm smile and heard the reassuring voice of a nurse while theyโ€™re in the hospital. For many, nursing is a calling, but not everyone knows their calling; some need a little nudge to go in the right direction. This is our nudge to you!

For those who are wondering if this is for you, thereโ€™s no harm in checking it out. Take a look at whatโ€™s required to study nursing, and who knows, you might have found your calling! For those who have already earned their undergraduate degree and are looking to take their calling even further, maybe you should consider getting your graduate certificate in nursing.

Here are some reasons why the nursing world needs you!

What Does a Nurse Do Exactly?

Nurses are at the front lines when it comes to health services. Theyโ€™ll do anything from promoting health, assisting doctors, treating patients in recovery, and money for other basic medical tasks required by doctors. When you go to the hospital, youโ€™ll likely engage more with the nurses than the doctor.

10 Reasons the Nursing World Needs You?

Wondering if this is your calling yet. Well, here are 7 reasons why you should consider nursing:

1. Nurses earn the publicโ€™s trust and respect

Nurses are well known for gaining the trust and respect of people. Nurses deal with people at their lowest and often play a significant role in helping them through tough times. While this might be tough, itโ€™s also incredibly rewarding! As a nurse, youโ€™ll be helping people in a meaningful way.

2. Nurses make a huge impact in rural communities

Nurses also make a huge impact in the community, offering their healthcare services to those who are underprivileged and unable to get help otherwise. Nurses go out to communities, perform basic healthcare tasks and help educate communities on basic healthcare methods to ensure they stay healthy.

3. You can diversify in nursing careers

The nursing career is filled with opportunities. Just because you have a nursing degree doesnโ€™t mean you canโ€™t diversify in your career. From being a hands-on nurse to being in management and setting up health treatment plans, nurses can grow in advance in their careers. Nurses can also be in the ICU, dealing with daily walk-ins or assisting doctors in surgeries.

4. Nurses are in demand

These days, nurses are in demand. The world’s current growth rate is roughly 9%, meaning that the number of people on the Earth is multiplying at a fast rate. We need nurses to counteract the need in hospitals as more and more people require healthcare. Likewise, the aging population also need preventative health care as they continue to age. This stretches the capacity of current nurses, making the need for more nurses essential.

5. Nurses lead

You might have never thought of nurses as leaders before,  but the truth is that they are. Nursing demonstrates servant leadership, among other traits. Theyโ€™re the leaders in classrooms, administrative roles, and management positions in healthcare facilities. Weโ€™d go as far as to say the Nurses of the world play a leadership role in the healthcare industry as a whole. Experienced nurses form a part of councils and education boards that set the standard for nurses country-wide.

6. Their work combines head and heart

As you can imagine, nurses have a passion for people. Their best weapon is their compassion. Nurses have always been empathetic to other pain, offering comfort and reassurance to their patients. Theyโ€™re also quick on their feet and skilled in managing high-pressure environments while lives are on the line. Take the character traits and skills developed with years of study, and you have a person whoโ€™s well-equipped to care for people with their head, knowledge and heart.

7. Nurses are real-life superheroes

Lastly, nurses are examples of real-life superheroes. They juggle long hours at the front lines with people who are injured or sick and do it all with smiles on their faces. In an emergency, nurses are there, managing multiple patients at a time and saving lives daily. Thatโ€™s hero material right there!

Final Thoughts

Thereโ€™s much more we could say about nurses, but the point remains: the world desperately needs passionate nurses, and if thatโ€™s you, dive right in. While it may seem like a difficult job, itโ€™s super rewarding. Who else can say that theyโ€™ve saved a life or made someone smile on a daily basis?

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