Signs Your Marriage Is Headed for Divorce

Signs Your Marriage Is Headed for Divorce

You’ve heard it a thousand times, “Relationships are complicated.” Even those “lovey-dovey” couples you see on social media portraying their perfect lives experience ups and downs in their marriages.

They may not show it publicly, but no marriage is perfect. In fact, many couples don’t realize their marriage is on the rocks until it’s too late. And while it’s not uncommon for a spouse to ignore the signs of divorce, in hindsight, many admit they can now see the signs of divorce were there.

If you’re worried your marriage might be headed for divorce, here are some warning signs to look out for so you can take action before it’s too late.

Is Divorce the Solution?

Well, it depends on the circumstances surrounding it. In some cases, divorce might be the key to happiness. After all, happiness is something we’re all looking for, right? Where the cause of tension is domestic violence or chronic addiction that leads to neglect, lack of support, or toxic criticism, divorce may be necessary.

Victims of domestic violence, in particular, often opt for divorce for safety concerns. That said, it’s important to know the divorce laws in your state, otherwise, you might not meet the requirements for divorce, even if you’re a victim of violence.

For instance, the divorce process in Ohio requires couples to be legally married and have lived in the state for at least six months. Those who meet the residency requirements can file for either fault or no-fault divorce.

Where the cause of divorce is minor differences, like lack of communication and unrealistic expectations, it’s best to talk things through and look for solutions rather than take the divorce route. Divorce can be expensive, and things can get even more complicated when children are involved.

5 Signs Your Marriage Is Headed for Divorce

Without further ado, here are the tell-tale signs a marriage is headed for divorce.

1. Lack of Communication

Communication is an essential ingredient for a healthy marriage. It helps couples understand each other’s feelings even when it leads to disagreements. Some make the mistake of avoiding conversations to prevent arguments, only to end up paying a high price in the form of divorce and separation. Lack of communication signifies a lack of interest in understanding and working out issues with your spouse.

Open communication with the goal of resolving conflicts is key to preventing divorce. Experts recommend engaging in active communication regularly. Talk about everythingโ€”the ups and downs, the good and ugly. If you cannot find a common ground, it’s best to engage a third party, preferably a family friend or counselor.

2. Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is one of the top reasons why marriages fail. A study published in the National Library of Medicine shows that domestic violence accounts for 23.5% of all divorce cases in the US.

Domestic violence is defined as any behavior intended to coercively gain control and power over a spouse or any family member. It includes physical violence, psychological violence, sexual violence, and emotional abuse.

When violence becomes a habit, the chances of divorce increase rapidly. Sometimes, a spouse can get used to it. But when people, especially children, get hurt, divorce becomes inevitable.

3. Lack of Intimacy

Physical intimacy is one of the essential aspects of a healthy marriage, and lack of it can lead to infidelity, separation, and divorce. A reduction in affection can result from busy schedules, lack of interest, children, and other stressful events. Temporary abstinence may not be a problem, but if it lasts for months or years, marital problems may occur, leading to divorce.

When the relationship is falling, and there’s no sex, hugs, kissing, or even cuddling anymore, it shows a lack of interest, which often leads to divorce.

4. Infidelity

Infidelity is a common ground for divorce in America. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), 20 โ€“ 40% of divorces are due to infidelity. For many couples, cheating is unforgivable. If trust is paramount for you to stay in the relationship, infidelity will, in most cases, lead to divorce.

When one partner is cheating or is suspected of cheating, it breaks the trust and commitment in the relationship and can cause anger, intense emotional pain, and feelings of betrayal. An affair can be an early warning sign that a marriage is headed for divorce.

5. Addiction

People can experience addiction to many things, including alcohol, drugs, tobacco, gambling, and pornography. While this issue might not be a spouse’s wish, per se, when their addiction begins to impact the relationship and the children, it can become difficult to stay married.

Often, addictions that impact finances and the spouse’s life lead to separation and divorce. Addictions to drugs and alcohol can also lead to physical abuse, which, in most cases, warrants a divorce.

Wrapping Up

These are the divorce warning signs to look out for. But just because these signs are evident in your relationship doesn’t mean you’re headed for divorce. If you take action and discuss the issues with your spouse, you might find a way to fix the issues and repair the marriage before it’s too late.

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