Why Organization is the Key to a Happy Life

Organization Makes You Happier

Most people want to be happy, but happiness can be elusive. For some, happiness is achieved through meditation and spending time doing what they love. For others, it’s a matter of pursuing their passions. In any case, the pursuit of happiness is part of human nature.

Although you can find endless articles describing specific techniques to become happier, the influence of organization is often underestimated. While you read self-help books and search for advice online, here’s why you should also start organizing your life.

1. Organization reduces friction

You’ve probably noticed that when you’re disorganized, you feel stressed and uncertain, possibly even anxious. Not having a firm grasp on organization creates friction that steals your happiness. For example, not knowing where to find items, paperwork, or information will create stress, which is the antithesis of happiness.

It’s easy to get (and stay) organized – you just have to find the right tools. For instance, businesses often deal with loads of paperwork and information they need to reference regularly, and they use software to stay organized. For example, Cetaris simplifies the work order process for fleet managers to manage repairs, parts inventory, and inspections. Anyone who manages data or paperwork will benefit from using software.

When teams are equipped with the right tools, they’re more efficient, which leads to satisfaction and ultimately, more happiness.

2. Clutter is a mood killer

With limited exceptions, most people are negatively impacted by clutter. When you’re in a chaotic environment, you will become chaotic inside. It might come out as subtle frustrations or impatience, and it’s possible you won’t even notice it’s happening. However, when you clean your space and get rid of clutter, you’ll feel better and happiness will be easier to maintain.

Aside from making your space look good, there are many benefits to decluttering that impact your happiness:

·  Reduced cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone and is designed to be produced short-term. The longer you remain in a cluttered environment, the longer your body will produce cortisol.

·  Better focus. You’ll be happier when you can focus better on your work and other things that interest you.

·  Fewer arguments with others. When you live in a shared space, clutter can become the source of arguments. Decluttering will reduce or eliminate these situations and you’ll feel happier.

For the most part, decluttering is a good idea. However, some creative people find that clutter is helpful in promoting new ideas. If this applies to you, the key is to find a balance. Use the clutter to your advantage and then clean it up periodically.

3. Organization puts you in control

Feeling out of control is a major cause of unhappiness. Nobody wants to feel like they can’t direct their own life, whether it’s for business or personal matters. Organization can help you feel more in control of how your life unfolds. 

For instance, say you’re looking for a job and you get a good offer from a company you’re really excited about. All you need to do is show them your diploma to prove you graduated high school and provide a birth certificate and social security card. Problem is, you don’t know where these documents are.

In this type of situation, you might feel like your dream job is going to slip away from you, and there’s nothing you can do to stop it from happening. If you were organized, this wouldn’t be an issue. You could simply walk over to your file cabinet to retrieve the required documents and get hired.

Knowing where things are in your home or business makes you feel safe. According to one counselor, physically organizing your space is an outlet when someone feels mentally chaotic. It’s a practice that can bring peace and calm to a person who feels out of control.

4. Organization makes you feel accomplished

Having things in a designated spot so you can always find them creates a sense of accomplishment, which is tied to happiness. It feels good to put things away and look at your work when you’re done. That sense of accomplishment creates an elevated mood and contributes to a person’s happiness.

Want to be happier? Get organized

When happiness is your goal, there’s no better place to start than by organizing your space and your life. Start cleaning the clutter, use productivity apps, and label the boxes in your closet. While your mindset plays a big role in how happy you are, so does your environment. Get as organized as possible and you’ll start to experience an elevated level of happiness in your life.

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