The 12 Zodiac Signs Arguing

The 12 Zodiac Signs Arguing

The 12 Zodiac Signs Arguing


Aries: started the fight only so they could have hate sex afterward

Taurus: insists on having the last word, even if it’s just “Fine”

Gemini: weaponizes insecurities you told them about in confidence

Cancer: secretly hopes you won’t let them go to bed upset

Leo: holds in their tears because they refuse to give you the satisfaction of knowing you hurt them

Virgo: fights at 50% intensity so that you have a fair chance

Libra: believes that if one person wins then you’ve both lost

Scorpio: randomly hits you with the “โ€ฆI just think it’s funny how”

Sagittarius: gets mad at you for doing something they do to you all the time

Capricorn: listens to you explain your feelings and then says “Okay.”

Aquarius: Lectures you when you start crying

Pisces: brings up that thing you did six months ago that they generously never made a big deal about until right now

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CAPRICORN: 404-File not found

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TAURUS: the can of beans from 2009 at the back of the pantry

GEMINI: the plastic bag full of other plastic bags

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How Zodiacs Are Recharging Themselves


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