You Are With The Wrong Person

You Are With The Wrong Person

You Are With The Wrong Person…

When you rarely feel loved and cared about. When you are in a relationship/marriage, but always feel alone. When you don’t feel safe with this person. (You are not sure you can trust them) When your life is harder. Rather than easing the stress, things seem to have gotten harder. When conflicts and situations, with others arise and, You don’t feel like this person has your back, and is in your corner. When you can’t count on, and rely on, that person. (You are let down a lot) When you feel sad a lot of the time, but you don’t know why? When that person is emotionally unavailable to you. (When difficulties arise, this person is not there to comfort, and support you.) When they don’t hurt when you hurt. When you are struggling or having a difficult time, and that person doesn’t show concern, love or care. When they don’t encourage and support your dreams. You don’t feel like that person believes in you, or wants you to succeed. When you are the one that is always giving more, whether it’s time, love, support, money or something else.? (You are the only one carrying most of the weight of the relationship.)

– Maria Consiglio

Toxic Relationship Quotes, Maria Consiglio Quotes

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