Why Your Zodiac Sign Is Still Single

Why Your Zodiac Sign Is Still Single

Why Your Zodiac Sign Is Still Single

Aries: Moody as f**k.

Taurus: Too stubborn to agree on anything with their partner plus already in a relationship with food.

Gemini: Not committed enough and never has the time.

Cancer: Too busy crying and watching tv.

Leo: Too needy.

Virgo: Still waiting for their manic pixie dream girl/boy to save the day.

Libra: No reason; you are perfect.

Scorpio: Trust issues and jealousy.

Sagittarius: You are always drunk or hyper and u don’t know what you want.

Capricorn: Too dry and serious about everything.

Aquarius: Too insensitive.

Pisces: Would rather daydream about a relationship than have one.

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