Out Of My Control

Out Of My Control

Out Of My Control…

  • What other people believe.
  • What other people think.
  • Others’ opinions.
  • Others’ actions.
  • What other people say
  • Other people’s feeling’s
  • Other people’s time
  • Aging
  • Traffic
  • The weather
  • Time
  • What others post online
  • Bills

In My Control…

  • What I say
  • What I do
  • My opinions
  • Who I hang out with
  • My self
  • My words
  • What I do
  • My thoughts
  • What I eat
  • My self – care
  • My actions
  • My boundaries
  • What I look @online

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Everyone Is Breaking Up And I Fully Support It

Everyone Is Breaking Up And I Fully Support It

Everyone is breaking up and I fully support it. Life is too short, too fragile and too important to be with someone who’s not loving you the way you need to be loved.

– Oliviaa Patrice

Oliviaa Patrice Quotes, Breakup Quotes, deep breakup quotes, goodbye breakup quotes, attitude breakup quotes, breakup quotes for her, breakup quotes for him, after breakup quotes