5 Awesome Facts About A Leo


awesome facts about a leo

Do you want to know some awesome facts about Leo?

Leoโ€™s are great people, I know because I am lucky enough to be dating one myself!

Known for oozing self-confidence with their super fire charged energy, and with their wonderful loyal nature, they make for fantastic friends.

And since itโ€™s the lionโ€™s time to shine this month, what better time to highlight all the awesome traits a Leo possesses?

awesome facts about a Leo

Here are 5 awesome facts about Leos:

1. Leoโ€™s give good advice

Confident and headstrong, a Leo is always a good person to ask for advice, they wonโ€™t allow you to wallow in self-pity and will tell you exactly what they think.

2. Leoโ€™s are cheerful

Optimistic and fun, Leoโ€™s are happy people. They love to make others laugh and they are really good at brightening up even the saddest personโ€™s day.

3. Leoโ€™s are motivational

Leoโ€™s wonโ€™t stop at anything if they want something, they usually set and achieve all their goals. Their ambition and drive are contagious โ€“ they will encourage and cheer you on to success along the way!

Read Top 13 Reasons Why Leo Is The Best Zodiac Sign 

4. Leoโ€™s love is powerful

Leoโ€™s have massive hearts, they are incredibly passionate and truly put 100% into loving. If you love a Leo and he/she loves you, you can expect that love back tenfold!

5. Leoโ€™s Love to have fun

Leoโ€™s zest for life and fun makes them the life of the party, they wonโ€™t turn you down when you need a party buddy and they are bound to help you have a great time!

These are some of the awesome facts about a Leo personality.

Read 5 Things You Need To Know If You Love A Leo 

Source – Spirit Science

5 Awesome Facts About A Leo

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  1. Sherri Lasseter Avatar
    Sherri Lasseter

    [email protected]. Yes, you are so right about the Leo…I am a true Leo my father was one.My daughter is a Leo…And then there’s mom the Leo โ™Œ If iam your friend iam your friend for life if you piss my off iam going to roar like a lion but then I’ll turn around and forgive you and just keep on having fun Leo’s are cool people that’s up to them if I want to keep being my friend can I have someone I don’t expect anything in return I have them from my heart I do have my bad points in my good if you want a good fight pick one with a Leo you want win…smile.I get over it quickly….I love hard I’ll give my all when I am in love..But if you try me and mess with my heart…I ll just leave you..

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