You’re Not Where You Want To Be. And It’s Okay

You're not where you want to be

You’re not where you want to be. And it’s okay. Everyone starts somewhere. This is where you are right now. It doesn’t mean you’ll be here forever. It doesn’t mean you’re stuck. It just means this is where you stand today. I know this journey feels so overwhelming. I know it feels impossibly long and difficult and painful. And I know there are days when it feels easier to give up. But the truth is that most things worth having don’t come easy. Change takes time. Getting to a better place takes time. You aren’t a failure because it’s taking you so long or because you’re struggling just to start. You aren’t weak or incapable. You’re human. This work is hard. It’s uncomfortable and mentally and physically taxing and terrifying โ€” and it makes sense that it would take your time. It makes sense that this is a struggle. You don’t have to solve your whole life overnight. And you don’t have to feel ashamed for being where you’re at. All you have to focus on is one small thing you can do today to get closer to where you want to be. Slowly and lightly, one step at a time. You can get there. Every effort you make adds up over time. And you’re capable of doing that work. So breathe and trust that it’s okay to be here today. Trust that something better is coming. Trust that you have what it takes to get there.

โ€” Daniell Koepke

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