Why We Meet The Same Souls In Every Incarnation?


Why Meet Same Souls Every Incarnation

Do you know why we meet the same souls in every incarnation? Each soul that we cross paths with has been a part of our past lives and has a purpose to fulfill in our present life. Let’s dig deep into this.

Same Souls Different Masks

meet the same souls
Why Do We Meet The Same Souls In Every Incarnation?

According to the law of Karma, we always meet the same souls, only that they are behind different masks and playing different roles.

Why Do We Meet The Same Souls Over And Over?

The soul goes through this cycle of physical reincarnation when it has some kind of debt or obligation to fulfill i.e. when it is not entirely free. It has to meet same people in next birth because it has to pay its karmic debt.

By crossing paths with other people and learning from them, we can evolve as souls and free ourselves from the shackles of karma.

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Karma is nothing but the result of the acts we did from the lack of love and lack of connection to its source. Due to lack of love, we are consciously or unconsciously hurting others, or they are hurting us. Now the reason we meet the same souls in every incarnation is that we are in this karma bank to resolve any residual loans, all by the law which is the same for everybody.

Karmic records are stored in Akasha (the memory of the universe) that are not available to our conscious mind. But we can download the lessons by becoming more attuned to people around us. When a person fulfills their purpose in our lives, they move away from us. Some of these people have been unpleasant for us, so it is a bit of a relief to be liberated from them.

However, we shouldnโ€™t ignore these emotions that have been invoked in us. The origin of them is within us. The mud and the dirt of our suppressed negative experiences and unwanted emotional states of fear and pain are in the depths of our beings. All people that we meet through life are our teachers, whose role is to help us to release from the poisons we are holding on to. If we don’t learn the lessons, we will meet the same people in the next life.

The first contact with a person takes place on a visual level, but usually, the attraction for souls you have known before comes from another subconscious level, where there is a reading of a past life-connection by our subconscious karmic records.

Our karmic record and the karmic record from the other person โ€œrecognizeโ€ the essential thing that is needed for clearing our karma, and so we form a soul connection or enter into a relationship. This is why we meet the same souls in every life.

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In a relationship, we don’t grow by expressing our best features, which are not the real us, but by having conflicts. The moments of conflict are precious as gold because important things are revealed and gets healed.

When we have our first moment of jealousy we should ask ourselves: โ€œWhy do I have this feeling? What is this within me?โ€ Donโ€™t ignore this feeling. It is necessary to work on it to put this wandering fragment that is not integrated and which seeks its place in the mosaic.

These fragments are the weaknesses of our personalities. Maybe, we have been outcasted in our childhood, and that rejection in the crucial period of our lives made us a magnet for these kinds of emotions. So in time, our personality polarizes and disintegrates a particular emotional experience such as fear, pain, hate, jealousy, and so on, until one part of us continues to function stably.

We force our idea of stability in the relations with others, but if the behavior of the partner is out of that idea and if we are not able to understand some of their moves we are switching to fragments of fear, from where our mind draws its beliefs.

Actually, our partner only plays a role in creating the mosaic of our personality. But we cannot understand that because we see our partner as someone who is trying to hurt us. There is a karmic thing in experiencing these emotions. We are building a relationship with a person who in one distant past had the same feelings for us.

So, Why Do We Incarnate With The Same Souls?

The idea of karma is not for you to suffer, but to unite you both to unconditional love and spiritual integrity. Learn how to act out of love โ€“ because I am a partner and a partner is I. They are the ripped piece of us and we all are ripped pieces of this big puzzle. I am both, the drop (me) and the ocean (all the people) because there is an ocean in every little drop. And as long as the relationships are not crystallized at this level, people will continue the cycle of incarnation and meet the same souls in different lives and in different roles.

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Why We Meet The Same Souls In Every Incarnation 2
Why We Meet The Same Souls In Every Incarnation?
Why We Meet The Same Souls In Every Incarnation?
Why We Meet The Same Souls In Every Incarnation?
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Why We Meet The Same Souls In Every Incarnation?
Meet Same Souls Every Incarnation
Why We Meet The Same Souls In Every Incarnation?

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