9 Signs You Are A Good Person โ€” Even If You Don’t Feel Like One


Clear Signs You Are A Good Person

Being a good person isnโ€™t always about being perfect; its about making the right decisions. Do you think you’re actually nice as you claim? Below are 9 signs you are a good person!

Psychology has thoroughly investigated the identifying key traits that genuinely good people seem to have. So, I’m going to provide some of the signs that will let you know you’re not as bad as you think.

signs you are a good person
9 Signs You Are A Good Person โ€” Even If You Don’t Feel Like One

Related: 8 Brutal Truths Thatโ€™ll Improve Your Life and Make You a Better Person

9 Clear Signs You Are A Good Person

1. You Show Kindness To People Without Expecting Anything In Return

Goodness is rooted in empathy. When you understand what others are feeling, it means that you actually care.

Compassion makes you want to help those who are less fortunate than yourself โ€“ not because there is anything in it for us but simply because their lives could use a little improvement.

2. You Strive To Be Honest, Even When It’s Hard

Relationships built upon trust endure forever while those based on deceit crumble easily. Being honest and reliable are two basic qualities of any decent human being.

signs you are a good person
9 Signs You Are A Good Person โ€” Even If You Don’t Feel Like One

If people know they can count on your word and that you will come through for them when needed, this speaks volumes about the level of integrity. And it is surely one of the signs you’re a good person.

3. You Respect Others’ Boundaries Opinions

Whether someone comes from a different background or holds opposing views doesnโ€™t matter; respecting their right to exist as equals shows respect for humanity itself.

When we respect people from all walks of life, it shows that we’re committed to fairness and equality. It doesn’t matter how we feel about their race, religion, sexual orientation, and so on. We all deserve to be treated well and with dignity.

4. You Practice Forgiveness

Itโ€™s easy to hold grudges and seek revenge but harder still is the choice of letting bygones be bygones.

Forgiving those who have harmed you takes guts as well as maturity. If you are managing to do this, then it is one of the signs you are a good person with a big heart!

5. Youโ€™re Humble

Itโ€™s easy to acknowledge our good traits, but the ability to recognize your mistakes is a true mark of a good person.

It takes a level of confidence and self-worth to admit that we are not always right. Being able to honestly admit our mistakes and learn from them is a true sign of maturity.

6. Youโ€™re A Good Listener

How to know if you are a good person? Well, one of the signs you’re a good person is being a good listener.

You don’t interrupt or judge another personโ€™s thoughts and feelings, but rather provide support through attentive listening skills. You make them feel validated and understood. Listening carefully can save somebody’s life!

7. Youโ€™re Open-Minded

One of the signs you are a good person is being open-minded. It means that youโ€™re willing to consider different viewpoints, and it also means youโ€™re willing to change if you learn that youโ€™re wrong about something.

Being close-minded can lead to stagnation in relationships as well as in your personal life. Hence, you chose to always keep an open mind. It doesn’t always come naturally to you but it helps you understand your friends, family, and coworkers better.

8. You Never Always Act With Integrity

How to know if you are a good person? Integrity is the most important quality of a good person. When youโ€™re a person of integrity, you do whatโ€™s right even if youโ€™re the only one who knows about it.

signs you are a good person
9 Signs You Are A Good Person โ€” Even If You Don’t Feel Like One

You act ethically all the time, no matter what the situation is or what the pressure from other people might be. Thatโ€™s what it means to be a good person.

9. Youโ€™re Always Generous With Your Time And Resources

Generosity is the most obvious sign of a good person. Itโ€™s not about how much you give, but your willingness to give from what you have, like your time, energy, or love

The act of giving without expecting anything back clearly indicates you are a good person. Whether you volunteer at soup kitchens, donate blood or money, or even help your neighbor move in. It all counts as goodness.

Related: Good Intentions, Bad Outcomes: Why Do Good People Do Bad Things?ย 

If these signs strike a chord with you you don’t need to question whether you are a good person.

In this dark and cruel world, always remember to appreciate these traits in yourself and keep growing them!

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signs you are a good person
9 Signs You Are A Good Person โ€” Even If You Don’t Feel Like One

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