Tony Fahkry


How Changing Your Beliefs Will Make You Realize How Much Life Has To Offer

We gain great insights into ourselves by understanding our beliefs since it is the foundation upo

Why Someone’s Opinion Of You Doesn’t Determine Who You Are

We must walk our own path since that is how we learn and grow as individuals.

When You Start Healing Yourself, The Rest Will Fall Into Place

Healing requires putting the pieces of our life back together and stripping away what is not esse

Why Your Challenges Don’t Expose Your Weaknesses, They Reveal Your Strengths

Challenges contain enormous growth and when we overcome them, we can never go back to our old way

The Universe Never Takes From You Without Giving You Something Better

If the universe has taken something from your life, something better may take its place in the fo

If You’re Looking For Change In Your Life, Start With Yourself

Lamenting how things are without taking action is a recipe for disappointment.

How Accepting Things You Cannot Change Makes You Finally Free To Be Yourself

“Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I