Loren Soeiro, Ph.D. ABPP


4 Psychology Concepts Most People Get Wrong

Using these terms more accurately, as described here, can reduce harmful misunderstandings.

How To Stay Psychologically Healthy At Any Age: The Evergreen Mind

Psychologically, there are ways to approach aging that should help us cope and stay mentally and

6 Key Psychological Truths About Dating Apps

Today’s average 30-year-old spends up to 10 hours each week on his or her dating apps.

The Healing Power Of Forest Bathing: Finding Serenity In The Woods

Forest bathing has powerful physical and psychological effects.

Decoding the Dark Triad Personality: Recognizing and Differentiating Narcissists, Machiavellians, and Psychopaths

People possessing Dark Triad personalities tend to have unstable relationships and take advantage

Unpacking the Dangers of Alexithymia: The Risks of Ignoring Emotions for Men

If you’re a man, have you ever been told that you lack empathy?

Spotting the Warning Signs: How to Recognize Breadcrumbing in Your Relationship

Breadcrumbing means stringing someone along by giving them only the smallest bits of attention.

4 Ways Dating Someone With ADHD Can Prove To Be A Challenge

When people who have ADHD get together with those who don’t, problems can arise.

Insecure Attachment Style: How Parent-Child Dynamics Affect Adult Relationships

Our childhood attachment style may explain why we all struggle differently with relationships in

Why Are Millennials So Anxious And Unhappy?

Up to 17 percent of them are depressed, and 14 percent suffer from anxiety.

10 Reasons Why People Refuse to Talk to Therapists

As a psychologist in private practice, I often hear stories of people who could really use someon

7 Essential Psychological Truths About Ghosting

Why “ghosting” hurts so much, why people do it, and how you can get over it.

15 Things Manipulative People Do To Control You

Being on the receiving end of manipulation can feel awful, but if you decode how manipulative peo

14 Ways To Break Up Better and Minimise The Pain

How best to minimize the pain in a painful situation.

6 Psychological Strategies To Help Get Over A Bad Breakup

Getting over a bad breakup is sometimes easier said than done, but a few psychological strategies