Steve Taylor


What is The Meaning of Life: Is It Life Itself?

So what do I think is the meaning of life? It’s difficult to put into words. But you can le

How to Silence the Negative Voice Inside Your Head

Is there a commentator inside your head, observing and criticizing your actions? Here’s how

The Guru Syndrome: Spirituality or Mindless Devotion?

Starting a spiritual journey? Look out for the guru syndrome. It will not liberate you but instea

The Transformational Effects of Bereavement: How Grief Can Lead To Spiritual Growth

Loss and grief can lead to various changes in life. These changes tended to be stable and endurin

Disordered Leaders: Why Are Psychopaths And Narcissists Drawn To Positions Of Power?

Narcissists and psychopaths push themselves into positions of power in the most ruthless and braz

Why Our “Common Sense” View Of Time May Be False

Time may not be absolute, but only reflect our state of consciousness.

What Is Spiritual Depression And How Do You Recover From It

When depression is caused by losing touch with our spiritual sensibility.

How Awareness and Coincidence Intersect: There Are Things We Can’t Understand And Why That’s Okay

Why we should accept that there are some things we can’t understand?