Prana and Poetry


Your Exile from the Dominant Culture Is Your Power Path

Dear are those to me, who don’t fit in, who are outsiders, drifting in a perpetual exile.

Warrior Training 3: Conscious Embodiment

Do you want to be a real-life warrior, who is the epitome of courage, resilience, and true streng

The Shero Rises: Your Time Has Come

The Shero Rises: Your Time Has Come

Warrior Training 1: The Martial Arts Mindset

Always be yourself, express yourself,
have faith in yourself.
~ Bruce Lee

3 Ways To Welcome Pain As A Friend

What? Pain? A friend? You’ve got to be kidding me?!

Awakening The Shero Within Part 3: The Return Home With Treasure

Be proud of your scars. They have everything to do with your strength, and what you’ve endu

Awakening The Shero Within Part 2: The Dark Cave Of The Unconscious

“There is no coming to consciousness without pain……..” – Carl Jung<

Awakening The Shero Within Part 1: Enter The Dragon

In Vedic mythology the gods must draw their power from a feminine source.

Unearth Your Power Through Self-Knowledge And Right Action

Do you see how your darkness, your unconscious material, is an endless source for your awakening

Think Like a Warrior, Feel Like a Poet!

Disconnection from our divine feminine power leads to so many consequences. Here are a few

The Sacred Rebel Rising

Isn’t this life though?

3 Keys To Meet Your Goals And Manifest The Reality You Want

Follow these steps to create your own reality and be the master of your world

The Yogin, The Warrior And The Feminine

Kick away obsolete energy and make way for the clear vision of your being