Luke Miller


Brilliant Hidden Zodiac Map In Leonardo Da Vinci’s “The Last Supper”

The 15th-century painting “The Last Supper” is one of the world’s most famous paintings. Bu

Haunting Photo Series Explores Homosexuality In India

The love that brought them together, was the love that tore them apart…”
A sad mind-num

Staring Into Someone’s Eyes For 10 Minutes Is Like Tripping, Without Drugs, Says Research

Discover how staring into someone’s eyes for 10 minutes can cause hallucinations and altere

13 Simply Effective Ways To Expand Your Consciousness

Being more conscious is like exercise for the brain. As it has the potential to grow, try out the

7 Things The Buddha Taught Us About Overcoming Suffering

In a sacred text called the Sabbāsava Sutta the Buddha outlines 7 areas of growth and key areas

5 Social Illusions That We Accept As Reality

We have multiple religions, belief systems, schools of thought and scientific processes all claim