Wajid Nabi


A Wish For Utopia (Vs Addiction)

A Wish For Utopia (Vs Addiction)

I Watched You Grow

I Watched You Grow

Love Begins Within Oneself: A Carol Resonates In Heavens

Love begins when you start loving yourself.

Two Sides Of Moon

Just wait for the day The miracle will betide Don’t focus on light Moon have two sides Let the

You Lay Under The Sun

You sleep in your room,You lay under the sun,You all have a lot to do,You sleep with nothing done

The Late Confessions

From feeling of love and then broken inside having mood swings and anxiety attacks and depression

Thorns and Roses

Beauty from the ashes,Beauty from the choas,In the dolour,full darkness.

Life As An Anti-Social

Being anti-social as looked from different perspective isn’t negative dogma , Life As An Anti-S