Kaytlyn Gillis LCSW-BACS


Invisible Wounds: 10 Ways Unresolved Attachment Trauma Manifests in Adults

An attachment wound relates to the trauma from having an abusive, absent, or unavailable parental

Breaking Free: The Ultimate Checklist for Ending a Relationship With a Narcissist

Taking steps to protect yourself can help decrease the impact of their retaliation while helping

Coping with Dysfunction: Understanding the 10 Unspoken Rules of Dysfunctional Families

Growing up in unhealthy environments can set children up for unhealthy or unsafe relationships do

20 Common Personality Traits Of Family Trauma Survivors

In childhood, children lack the tools to understand when something bad or dysfunctional is happen

The Rise in Armchair Psychologists on Social Media

The rise of mental health discussions on social media is leading to a lot of misinformation, whic

6 Stages Of Recovering From A Toxic Relationship

While the end goal is always safety, understanding, and meaning, recovery looks different in all

Post-Trauma Anxiety: 10 Anxious Behaviors That Could Actually Be Trauma Responses

If you can relate to most of these anxiety-based behaviors, you might have been severely traumati

10 Frustrating Things Childfree People Hear All the Time

Recent generations struggle to overcome gendered expectations surrounding child-bearing.

Why Trauma Survivors Don’t Always Need To Forgive

Society puts a lot of pressure on trauma and abuse survivors to forgive, but this can actually st

What Happens When You Have An Abusive Partner Stalking You

When perpetrators can no longer use physical violence, they may turn to other forms of harassment

Unseen Victims: Understanding Domestic Violence Against Men And Recognizing The Signs

Domestic violence against men is often ignored due to stereotypes. Recognize signs and provide su

5 Major Relationship Red Flags That Trauma Survivors May Tend to Normalize

It’s easier to get out of a potentially toxic relationship when it first begins.