Jennifer Guttman Psy.D.


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Jennifer Guttman Psy.D.

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Dr. Jennifer Guttman received her doctorate in clinical psychology from Long Island University. She is trained in cognitive behavioral therapy with specializations in trauma treatment and family systems. Over the past five years, Dr. Guttman has launched a motivational brand platform Sustainable Life Satisfaction® with four SLS® YouTube web series. She authored her first book, A Path to Sustainable Life Satisfaction Workbook (Amazon 2017), released the Audible Original, Beyond Happiness, The 6 Secrets of Life Satisfaction (October 2022), and the same title is being published as a hardcover by Post Hill Press (May 30, 2023). Dr. Guttman is a regular contributor to Psychology Today, Thrive Global, and MindBodyGreen, and has written articles for the Washington Post, Newsweek,, Marie Claire, Entrepreneur Magazine, Readers Digest, Redbook, Health, and TeenVogue, among others. She has been a guest on several network television programs across the country including, KTLA, ABC News, Channel 20, Springfield, IL, NBC Bloom, and CBS Georgia Channel 13, WMAZ. In addition, she has been featured on dozens of podcasts including Beyond Well, Longevity Live, Unshakeable Self-Confidence, Harvesting Happiness, Resilience Unraveled, and The Hidden Why. Over the past 30 years, she has sustained robust practice with offices in NYC, Connecticut, and virtually as a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist nurturing exciting personal interactions with thousands of clients from diverse walks of life.
