Ella Zarcilla


Manipulated Manhood

“In awe for the greatest regret that I had in life. I am now reprimanding loyalty to persev

Hestia And The Gods

This letter is dedicated to the gods— Athena, Zeus, Poseidon and Hades.

One Road, Universes.

We continued to gaze at the stars— sharing dreams, laughter and fascinations. The whooshing of

The path of preparations—the future wife

This is my other persona who wanted to be heard, on being independent and a woman who wants to be

Fall for you – Mind Talk

There’s right and wrong to know everything
and the truth is somewhere written in betw

Do not marry a woman who has the same faith.

Marry a woman who has different faith with yours. Marry a woman who speaks her mind…

“The change is not you or better yet, not today” – Mind Talk

Someone’s father told her, “be the change, be changed today, and act now”, but there were s