

Jargon Of Love

Jargon Of Love It’s suddenly transparent that I’m no longer a dreamer. The vitality of our pa

Invigorating light

Invigorating light I’ll massage your brain waves until they resemble the low tide that you list


Tears I’ve been up all night contemplating why I’m writing poems that you’d nev

Love Of My Life

Love Of My Life Thank you for the key to one of your secret layers. I promise I won’t let i

Lost Sorrows

The lost sorrows of the universe have found a shell in me to encompass them.

Solar Eclipse

Do not cast someone aside who has fallen from Grace. The light that has once burned brightly is n


I was so busy living my dream,

I forgot to come back to reality.


To be awakened means to drown in your overflowing subconscious. 


I wish I could take back the memories you penetrated into my soul. 

A Chemist

I cradle your feelings back to sleep as I lie awake monitoring your serotonin and dopamine as a c

Nicer Together

I never needed him; I wanted him, because life suddenly became nicer to live together.


I may not have hit the ground, running.


Coal You didn’t like the fact that I wasn’t in your reigns so you dumped coal in my s


Occupied Though there was never a seat for me at the table, I took one anyway and started feastin

Life Of A Phoenix

The blackened lungs will collapse, And I will breathe the life of a phoenix into you. Newly birth

The Winter Shade

The winter shade hides my secrets, Trapped in a wide-open corner still as can be. Emotionless fe

The Wind

As the wind captures the depths of my soul, My body remains alone standing on the mountain withou


The melancholy was a penny…..

The Bus

I see people, throw themselves under the bus…..


When I was backed, into a corner of disillusionment

The Conjoined Twin

She is not a burden. 

Unknown Misery

Some people, do not know the amount of pain…..

Self Taught

You are the epitome, of my message to the universe.


And after years of staring at me…..

Loss Of Memory

I can not remember, half of the things we had talked about.


Find the God within yourself.