

Be Happy With Yourself

Healing means accepting yourself just the way you are, with or without someone. Moreover, be hap

I Wish I Knew

I wish I knew how is it to be loved. 

Encouraging Words

Sometimes, you need a sincere assurance that the person will comfort you in times of trouble. 

To Hold Her

Cradle and crave her in the minutes when she thought that everything is lost

Courage to fight

Courage, for you, will face everything. Life tells you that it is still not the time to be weak.<

Why I Like So Much The Night Sky

It is because, in the darkness, I feel myself closer to the Universe.

You Don’t Love Me If

You don’t love me if you know that your silence is my sentence and you still choose to not

I Have The Ability To Beautifully Express

I have the ability to beautifully express the love I’ve never felt and to describe the plac

Deep Within I Am A Sad Person

Deep within I am a sad person because sometimes I get tired. Tired of waiting for the rain in thi

Something About Me That No One Knows

But the truth is that behind the wall I have built around myself, there is still warmth preserved

I’m Feeling Waves Inside My Soul

I’m feeling waves inside my soul,
They violently strike me on the floor.

Was I The Light?

For my fire isn’t burning. My soul forgot being lit.

I’m Sorry That My Presence Hasn’t Become As Important

I’m sorry that my presence hasn’t become as important to you as yours is to me.

Life Gives A Bitter Taste Of Losses And It Teaches Lessons

After a time you realize that your only loyal friend is yourself, you have yourself and that one

Your Eyes Betray You

Your eyes betray you, there’s a deep sadness inside them, and you can’t hide it. If o

I Crave To Be Loved

I want his arms to be my home when I’m crying. I want to be lost in his love, to feel mysel

I Choose To Be Warmed From The Depths Of My Soul

I choose to be warmed from the depths of my soul, for in this cold empire, I’m becoming col

If The Fire Could Show All My Pain

If the fire could show all my pain, I’d burn to the ashes.

Warm Embrace

If only you’d know how my soul craves your slightest touch at 3 a.m.

Autumn’s Last Embrace

I’ll take all the autumn love hidden there, hoping for me it is enough.

Strong Women Carry Hurtful Scars

Strong women cry the loudest in the silence,
Their armor becomes hard to carry sometimes. <

Everything I’ve Ever Wanted

Tell me in the darkness about your scars, I’ll bandage them with threads of love.

Her Loud Laugh Was A Scream Of Help

My damaged heart is trying to reach out, from the depths of despair I’m wailing.

What Abandonment Trauma Has Taught Me

In the end, everything a person struggling with abandonment trauma wants, is to be assured once a

Warrior Heart

She’s just a warrior with bleeding wounds.

In Her Eyes Were Forever A Hidden Pain

If only I was able from my fears to run, cause facing them daily becomes so tough.

Let Me Sleep In Your Dream

Let me sleep in your dreams tonight,
With you I want to climb the stars.

Your Embrace

I wanna place my worries on your chest,
To feel your breath above my face.

Learning To Love Myself

It’s my fault because I’ve tried so hard to be kind to others that I forgot to be kin

When You Are Unloved

I’m an Highly Sensitive Person. Sometimes, I don’t know if I need to be grateful for