Aliaa Hussein Abbas


Struggle, Survive And Hustle!

Human strength and self-love are the origins and fundamentals of all great and horrific deeds equ

I Am Tough

I only answer to the calling of my inner beliefs of my true person…And yes… I have t

When All Is Well, Good & Great!

l am in a place where all is well, good and great even when seeming otherwise. I mostly handle it


Unnoticed in your arms

The Depressed Rebellion!

There is no able force bigger than a connected soul. There is no light brighter than a spirit in

You don’t come this far to get nowhere!

You don’t come this far to get nowhere!

30 Trillion Cells

Rather the the well being of your organs, the synergy between their duties, the timing of their t

Why Is She Single?

The ability to see through peoples words and labels and accounts them responsible for their actio

Value those who put you first!

Value of the ones who put you first…the ones who always pick up your call even when they ar

Wisdom calling!

Wisdom calling!

Don’t Date a Woman with Brains

Don’t date a woman for her mind … and require her not to use it! – Lia –


The fact of the mater is, being in the now is instinctively natural yet lost with all our origina

A Note To My Catalyst!

A note to my Catalyst!

People in our lives

People in our lives are vital
They teach us, shape us, support us and hurt us

About that Gut Feeling

It exposed her but she didn’t care… because with the scars her beauty shined on
She lea

When Dreaming Is The Drug, Vision\’s Your Only Cure!

A vision is the road map to the maze of your dreamy heart and wishful mind.

A Road-map to Freedom

Replace positive thinking with progressive thinking…
Replace feelings with guts, expe

Her Favorite Label Was Her Name… Just Her Name

She simply wanted to be a woman…a human, a being, a soul, a heart, a mind…

She Blamed Her Unwise Mistakes On Her Mind!

You can never condition the heart… it’s wild and free… it’s untamed and t

Don’t say you miss me!

We miss our life with them but certainly it is not just them.
Even the sound of it is deepe

ِAnd I Find Solace In….

How Do You Find Your Solace?

How Awareness Turned Paradox

She meets new people every day… they see something in her and she sees something in them bu


The interaction that may shake them and move them and urge them to grow into the truly marvelous

And He Always Told Her The Truth!

You may think she’s walking in his shadows but she was always in his heart and mind; She wa

This is why they freak out on me!

They freak out on me…
Not because I am strong,
Not because I am demanding

A Beastful Beauty

It takes a free spirit with a passionate mind to see the beauty of a beast; an eye that sees thro

This is why it is harder to fall in love with you; after finally finding my true self…

This is why it is harder to fall in love with you; after becoming my true self…

He confessed his love… and she cried!

When he sent her a letter to finally confess his love… to tell her he wanted and wants nothing

A Love Without Subject!

Today I woke up with such an emotional overflow … I cried!

Be The First To Last!

I want this to be the first that lasts!