

Aphantasia – Living a life without mental images

Did you ever ask yourself if the way you are thinking is any different from the way other people

Friendship and the value of a true friend

I was one of those kids that always tried to make friends. Good friends. I always knew a lot of p

I gave up on love until I found it – Mind Talk

I cannot even count how often I heard that line “Everything happens for a reason”, “Love wi

Finding the right people at the right time – Mind Talk

It was quiet the last weeks. Very quiet.
People who are busy in the spiritual field also ha

Defeating the feeling of not being good enough – Mind Talk

It started with very small things. “You laugh too loud, it makes me feel ashamed”, “I think

Dear Narcissist

Dear Narcissist,

It took me 14 years to realize the manipulative grip you had on me as an

Breaking the daily routine – Mind Talk

We grow up in a society which trains you all your life that you have to finish school with good g