Linda Carter


Important Skills to Teach Your Kids in 2022

In 2022, the internet and easier access to it gives us – and our kids – a world of in

What Impact Does Physical Disability Have on Mental Health?

Adults with physical disabilities experience more mental distress than those without them—as re

What Traits Do We Most Like in Our Colleagues?

Office dynamics have always been a tricky subject. Sometimes they can run smoothly, but on other

People are Self-Medicating to Treat Depression – Why Is It a Risky Move?

Depression rates among adults in the US tripled in 2020, according to a new study published in Th

Why Equality is Important for Lasting Relationships

If you really want your relationships to last, make sure both of you feel that you can decide on

Why You Need a Vacation This Summer

Summertime is a great season to rest and recover, and it happens to be the perfect season to take

5 Tell-Tale Signs You’re in Need of a Mental Health Check-up

Almost half of all American adults will experience a mental illness during their lifetime. Unfort

How To Deal With Anger So As Not To Offend Your Partner

Anger, irritation, anger are active emotions that require an exit, and preferably immediate. It i