Kelly Bramblett


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Kelly Bramblett

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Kelly Bramblett is a trauma support coach, mindset coach, and spiritual mentor who works with people from all over the world who are struggling with unresolved wounding. She does this by gently guiding them to healing, peace, and self-love through her one on one coaching. In addition to this, Kelly also writes a spiritually-based blog and is the host of Kelly Bramblett’s High Vibe Podcast, which can be heard on all major streaming platforms. Kelly’s mission is to help spread a message of hope to the hopeless and inspire others to heal the collective by first healing themselves. Kelly is a fully certified General Life Coach, Trauma Care Specialist, Law of Attraction Practitioner, EFT Practitioner, and a Level Three Usui Reiki Master Teacher. Kelly’s first book, Alchemy of The Phoenix: From the Ashes of Trauma to The Light of Love, was released on July 1st, 2020, and continues to offer further support for trauma survivors worldwide.