Karen Stollznow Ph.D.


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Dr. Karen Stollznow

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Dr. Karen Stollznow is a linguist, writer, academic researcher, and knowledge worker. She is the author of the best-seller God Bless America. Her latest book is On the Offensive: Prejudice in Language Past and Present (Cambridge University Press).Karen is an academic affiliated with several international universities. She is a former researcher at the University of California, Berkeley, where she worked on the Script Encoding Initiative (SEI) project involving endangered writing systems for the Department of Linguistics and Unicode. Karen has worked as a Consultant Linguist for several major companies, including Leap Frog and Amazon. She is currently a researcher at Griffith University on the Building Blocks of Meaning project. Karen is also doing research into prejudice and discrimination in language with the Griffith Centre for Social and Cultural Research. She has authored many academic papers and books about a range of areas in language and linguistics, including semantics and pragmatics, cross-cultural communication, and sociolinguistics, with special interests in the topics of discrimination and prejudice, gender studies and women’s health, and Australian and American culture and language.

