Jake Thompson


This Is A Time For Healing Deep Emotional Trauma

You have to continue to spiral through the same emotional experiences.

Social Media Has Made Perfect Look Achievable

If you want to win life, embrace your imperfection like a boss.

What Do You Want To Manifest

Manifest the life you really want.

Your Thoughts Create Your Life

Your thoughts are powerful creators.

15 Holiday Affirmations I Am Thankful

Be grateful for everything you have in this holiday.

You Can Do Anything, There Are No Limits

The only limits in life are the ones you make.

Change Your Health By Changing Your Mindset

Change your mindset and achieve your goals.

Everything You Need Will Come To You

Opportunities will show up in the unlikeliest forms.

To Receive You Have To Give

And, that’s the law.

Those Who Do Not Move

Break free from that which binds you.

All Your Dreams Can Come True

The way to make your dreams come true is to live them.

Love Yourself The Way You Want

You are defining how others will treat you by the way you treat yourself.

One Small Positive Thought In The Morning

The power of positive thoughts.

No Matter How Good Or Bad Your Life Is

No matter how good or bad your life is, wake up each morning and be thankful you still have one.<

Make Sure Your Actions Reflect

Make sure your actions reflect what you expect to receive.   Do you affirm?

Let Go And Have Patience

What it means to trust the Universe.

What Is A Toxic Parenting Style

Toxic parents are more than how you make them feel than how you feel.

You Only Fail When You Stop Trying

Keep trying until you get it.

You Have The Power To Change Your Situation

Change your mind to change your life.

I Am Able To Succeed In Anything

The key to success is to truly desire it.

We Must Accept Finite Disappointment

We must never lose infinite hope.

Today Is Another Chance To Get Better

Cheers for a new day to get it right.

All Your Dreams Can Come True

Be courageous and grab your goals.

There’s Only One Way To Have A Blissful Life

Self-awareness leads you to a blissful life.

The Love Inside You Is The Most Priceless

The greatest gift is the love inside you.

The Real Secret Of Power

The real power is within you.

Mindset Is Everything

With the right mindset you will succeed.

Trust That The Universe Will Grant

Trust that the Universe will grant all of your inner desires.  Do you believe?