

Relating (Wo)Mankinds Quest To Know Why

The proof however is in eating the pudding which is clearly half baked and in a shambles at prese

Trying to make sense of it all

Living life well is much less serious than what we have been led to believe.,Trying to make sense

The Wherewithal of Presence

You may choose to change your wherewithal whenever no matter what you believe to the contrary.Rea

Resigning to Resonance

Whether we like it or not, resigning to resonance is a habit well worth having., Resigning to Res

A Parley To Shakespeare’s Globe

Another little known fact about Shakespeare’s life is that he is the bespoke ‘Father

The past is a strange and foreign place

When we look into a mirror we see only what we want to see. That which hurt us, shame us, and tha

Everything connect in mutual relevance

Without the wherewithal of a present sense perspectivewe lose perception of the flow of Nature&#8