13 Signs You Have Negative Energy and How To Get Rid Of It


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Signs Negative Energy Get Rid Of It

Do you think your life is a big mess? Your problems are never-ending? Friends are pulling away from you? You are always mentally exhausted and donโ€™t know what to do? Itโ€™s time to realize you have very negative energy. 

A lot of people have negative energy, but they hardly realize it. And keep blaming others for their problems and worries, which in turn increases the negative energy in your life.

Donโ€™t Entertain Negative Energy

This post discusses the reasons you have negative energy and simple methods to reverse it. 

13 Signs You Have Negative Energy and How To Get Rid Of It

Signs Negative Energy Get Rid Of info

1. Your Only Motto Is To Prove Yourself Right

Do you always want to be right whether it is a debate about – legalizing the ban on smoking in public spaces or something casual like – social media is good or bad or something very silly like – fresh pasta is better than dried? Do you always want to win all the time? 

If yes, then you have a fragile ego or some sort of insecurity or fear that society will perceive you in the wrong way. In short, you are not coming from the place of power! Not accepting and acknowledging differences in opinions makes you a close-minded person, fueling negative energy, anger, and anxiety. 

Tips to stop trying to win all the time

  • Identify from where your need to be right coming from – trauma, repressed memories, abuse, etc.
  • Acknowledge when you are wrong to get rid of negative energy 
  • Explore other peopleโ€™s opinions and follow their lead on purpose.
  • Work on social skills 
  • Strengthen your solar plexus chakra (which controls our feelings about the world around us) through yoga, exercises, and letting go of bad memories. 

Related: Self-Abuse: Are You In An Abusive Relationship with Yourself?

2. You Are Unable To Quit The Blame Game

Do you constantly blame others? Whether it is the loss of your job or break up with your lover or your defective smartphone?

Blaming others doesnโ€™t solve your problem, but increases the negative energy so much that your mind is programmed to always find faults in others. You live in denial that you are on the right path, fail to correct your mistakes, and remain stuck in life. 

Tips to stop blaming others

  • Increase your self-awareness, know your weaknesses and you will stop blaming others.
  • Forgive yourself and others to clear negative energy from your mind.
  • Show deep gratitude for all the good things in your life.
  • Open your heart chakra (individual’s center of compassion, empathy, love, and forgiveness) by repeating positive affirmations like – โ€œI feel gratitude for all that I have been through.โ€ This practice will help you find true healing. 
Blame is a bucket of shit that mediocre men throw around.

3. You Have Next Level Mood Swings

Rapid mood changes include watching your favorite comedy movie and laughing out loud to feeling low and anxious at the very next moment. When your emotions are out of control, you tend to boost and amplify negative energy. You will tend to have problems with everything and everyone around you. And people will perceive you as a low-spirited person.

How to fix your mood swings?

  • Engage in physical activities like walking, yoga, exercises. 
  • Maintain a healthy sleep cycle and diet.
  • Practice calming activities like meditation.
  • Express your feelings in a creative way like Mandala,  Abstract art, or anything. 
  • Verbalize your feeling to near and dear ones or close buddies. 
  • Recall a sad memory and gently tap the middle of your chest and say to yourself, โ€œAll is well.โ€ This will restore and enhance positive energy, and help you deal with reactions to negative experiences.

Related: Emotional Distress: 7 Signs You Are Feeling Mental Strain And What To Do

4. You Have A Habit Of Ruminating

Rumination is known as a โ€œsilentโ€ mental health problem. Itโ€™s a tendency to consider or examine attentively or deliberately something in one’s thoughts again and again without any conclusion or rapt absorption.

You are ruminating if you constantly think (consciously or unconsciously) about the person who bullied you in high school five years ago or abused by your partner when you were in a relationship or that one bad decision that caused an immense loss in business and so on.

Thinking and talking about the same negative events and stories over and over make you feel worse. Because you are reliving the same moment hundreds of times. In doing so, your body produces the same chemicals as when it happened, compounding the effects of negative energy in the body. 

Tips for addressing ruminating thoughts

  • Program your mind to think in a positive way. For example – instead of saying โ€œmy business is operating at lossโ€, say instead โ€œI always do better than I did yesterday.โ€
  • Keep healthy distractions handy like board games, chess, favorite movie CD, college photo album, chocolates, books, and musical instruments.
  • Call your best friend forever  and speak about any random shit
  • Practice mindfulness and meditation 
  • Write down the triggers for rumination and take actionable solutions 
  • Accept what happened and let go of bad memories
  • Consult a mental health professional 

Related: The Ruminating Mind: 4 Steps To Help Deal With Negative Thoughts

5. You Look For Answers Outside Of Yourself.

If you are looking for answers outside of yourself, you will be prone to validation and criticism, which can increase negative energy in your life. You are the only one who can answer questions like – who am I? What is the purpose of my life? How can I be happy? All the answers can be found within ourselves. 

Steps to finding the answers within:

  • Allocate few minutes every day to connect with yourself 
  • Turn off phone, TV  and keep away other distractions 
  • Connect with your inner self 
  • Strengthen your third eye chakra by gently tapping the space in between your eyebrows while repeating five times aloud, โ€œI am clear and I know my own voice.”
  • Ask questions to yourself
  • Be calm and allow the answers to come into your awareness
  • You have to really feel the answer, not just think it. 
  • Focus, trust, and practice 

6.  Youโ€™re Prone To Negative Thinking

When you have been through a lot of negative experiences in your life, itโ€™s hard to think of positive thoughts. Negative anticipations, assumptions come naturally to you.

Only by replacing negative thoughts with positive ones you will develop a positive mental attitude. Thoughts create our reality, so positive thinking is important to reap short-term and long-term rewards. 

Donโ€™t sit with a certain chain of thought for too long. Switch it up more often.

How to think positively?

  • Focus on all the good things in your life.
  • Keep a gratitude journal.
  • Try to find a silver lining in all the negative situations.
  • Practice positive self-talk.
  • Spend time with positive people.

Related: 12 Plants That Can Create Positive Energy in Your Home

7. You Speak Before You Think

You are too reactive to think before you speak. You hurt others by saying anything and everything that comes to your mind only to regret it later. This tendency only fills your space with negative energy.

How to reverse it?

  • Recognize your triggers.
  • Take deep breaths. 
  • Become more responsive less reactive.
  • Practice coming from a place of love and understanding.
  • Observe and listen more 

8. You Are Too Hard On Yourself.

Do you put too much pressure on yourself about achieving your goals? Beat yourself up for silly mistakes in the past? It only increases negative energy, physical and mental stress. 

How to stop being hard on yourself?

  • Record your accomplishments 
  • Stop comparing yourself to others 
  • Stand up for what you believe even if it is not cool 
  • Accept your weaknesses and try to improve 
  • Look at your past as an adventure 
  • Donโ€™t underestimate your talent 
  • Express your anger in a creative way like writing poems or drawing Mandalas 
  • Surround yourself with people who want you to be successful 
  • See yourself as a child suffering. Will you beat a child for mistakes? Never!
Donโ€™t be so hard on yourself. Get up and try again.

9. You Donโ€™t Do What Interests You 

How often do you engage in activities that lift your mood and spirit? When you donโ€™t create new pleasant moments and memories, you have only old memories to think of and if they are bad, negative energy will hold on to you.  

If youโ€™re not following your bliss regularly, you are likely to remain in the loop of negative thinking, sadness, anxiety, and depression. There are physical, emotional, creative, social interpersonal, benefits of hobbies. Engage in reading, writing, traveling, or anything that lights you up. You will gain a new perspective that will help you navigate your thoughts in a better way. With pleasurable opportunities, you will start to have a positive outlook towards life.

How to reverse it?

  • Change the way you schedule things 
  • Commit to short bursts of hobby-ing everyday
  • Find a partner who is interested in the same hobbies as yours
  • Take your hobby with you wherever you go 
  • Ditch the phone, when you busy with your hobbies

10. You Have Low Self-Worth 

Do you believe you are unworthy of great good things in your life? You hold on to negative beliefs and opinions about yourself. Mostly, low self-worth stems from poor academic performance, unhappy childhood, and stressful relationships and life events. The negative energy in you doesnโ€™t let you appreciate lifeโ€™s blessings or things that are going in your favor.

Tips to improve self-worth

  • Start journaling to increase self-understanding. 
  • Accept your good, bad and ugly side.
  • Increase Self-love.
  • Recognize your self-worth.
  • Stop pleasing people and crowd-fitting.
  • Take full responsibility for everything that happens to you.
  • Realize that you donโ€™t need to seek validation.
  • Recognize the power to change and influence the events and circumstances of your life.
  • Stimulate your crown chakra by using a soft, circular motion at the top of your head. Repeat five times aloud, โ€œIt is my birthright to be happy.โ€
getting rid of negative energy

11. You Have Trouble Making Friends

Itโ€™s your negative energy that is pushing your friends away. No matter wherever you go, only negative people pop up in front of you. You tend to have a lot of arguments with your existing friends and other friends donโ€™t turn to you for help. 

How to start making friends?

  • Focus on the good in people 
  • Smile more
  • Let go grudges
  • Be a positive mirror for others
  • Be kind and grateful
  • Keep a positive attitude 
  • Meditate to clear out negative energy in you 
  • Adjust the vibes you give off, you will attract positive people in your life.

Related: Are Bad Friends Holding You Back? The Friend Test To Help You Understand

12. You Canโ€™t Seem To Get Organized

You donโ€™t take care of yourself. Messy rooms, piled-up work, irritation, anger, impatience, exhaustion all reflect the negative energy and clutter in your mind and your messy life. You are so disorganized that promotions are passing you by.

How to stay organized?

  • Chant positive mantras.
  • Write positive thoughts in your diary. 
  • Declutter your physical space, itโ€™s cathartic.
  • Set goals and accomplish them.
  • Practice mindfulness and meditation to clear the clutter in your mind 

13. Animals Tend To Shy Away

Pets and kids donโ€™t get along with you because you have negative energy. Animals have instincts and children have a keen sense of who is nice and who is not. They donโ€™t shy away from you because you are a bad person, but because your energy levels are low. 

How to reverse it?

  • Start with energy healing and chakra balancing
  • Practice good faith
  • Make yourself a priority
  • Let go toxic people from your life
  • Drop your ego

Related: 15 Ways Your Dog Says โ€˜I Love Youโ€™ According To Veterinarians

I hope you have got the signs you have negative energy in your life. There are various techniques that can help break through it, such as meditation, chakra balancing, chanting mantras, and working with a trained energy healer. Be consistent in your efforts to see the best results!

Are you ready to get rid of negative energy?  Leave a comment below.

Please share this article with anyone who you may think will find it valuable and helpful. 

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  1. Eda T. Avatar
    Eda T.

    Hi Louisa, I came across your post very randomly and I have to say it got my attention by accident. I got out of a really toxic and abusive relationship that truly affected all areas of my life hence making me similar to your description, all in less than three months post break up. I completely changed from the person I used to be and despite my awareness this post somehow summed it up the mess I became. lol. So, thank you for your work! While reading your bio I love that you also have interest in Psychology, I recently graduated in that field,so another reason for leaving a comment:)! Much appreciated post!

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