20 Most Popular Articles Of 2020: Minds Journal


2020 is coming to an end, and to say that it was a tumultuous year is an understatement.

This year was all about survival and getting to know what really matters in life. This year taught everyone to slow down, appreciate their loved ones, and focus on their health and happiness. In the midst of it all, our readers showered a lot of love on us and this is how we compiled the popular articles of 2020.

These articles were liked and shared by so many people, and this list is truly a diverse one. Keep on reading to know what our readers identified with the most, loved the most, and chose as the popular articles of 2020.

Here Are Our 20 Popular Articles Of 2020

1. What Is Your Soul Symbol? Your Birth Month Has The Answer

In every human being resides their soul, and there may be many skeptics who are always trying to debunk this, but human souls do exist. The concept and idea of souls have never failed to interest people, and if you add that every human being has their own soul symbol, then it is something else altogether. Yes, itโ€™s true, your birth month holds the key to knowing your soul symbol and what it says about your personality.

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โ€œSpace and time are the tools of the mind to put everything together and therefore, a part of our mind which is our soul exists outside of space and time.โ€

2. 7 Signs You Are Spiritually Connected With Someone

You will meet many people in your lifetime, but you will find that you can only vibe with just a few. You wonโ€™t like everyone, and everyone wonโ€™t like you and thatโ€™s fine. When you will connect with someone spiritually and emotionally you will see a few signs that will signify that this bond will last for eternity.

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โ€œYou just know thisย person is right for you. Thereโ€™s no reason to it. You simply know it and thereโ€™s no room for any doubt.โ€

3. 4 Mentally Damaging Things We Say To Kids All The Time

Kids have sensitive and fragile brains and what you tell them, they accept it without any question. They donโ€™t yet possess the maturity and intelligence to demarcate between what is right and what is wrong, or what should be said and what shouldnโ€™t. So when parents tell their kids certain things in the hopes that it will toughen them up, they are causing more damage than they know. What you tell your children when they are young stays in their minds for the rest of their lives.

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These seemingly harmless words might affect a childโ€™s psychological development far into his adult life.

4. 40 Deep Questions To Ask If You Really Want To Know Someone

Itโ€™s not surprising that this was one of the most popular articles of 2020 for us. Itโ€™s not possible to really and completely know someone on the first date itself, or even after you have spent quite a few months with each other. It takes a lot of time to really know and understand someone and how they truly are as a person. But hereโ€™s a secret: There are certain questions you can ask that will help you to really know someone. Like REALLY know them.

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Yes, it is not possible to entirely know someone on the first date or the first conversation itself.

5. The 12 Archangels And Their Connection With The Zodiac Signs

All the 12 zodiac signs are linked with 12 angels and constellations which look over the people born under those signs. Every zodiac sign has its own archangel that can help you to understand your astrological birth sign and you soul purpose and life path. Knowing who is your archangel can give you a lot of clarity about what you are destined to do in your life.

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โ€œWe can ask for help from our guardian angels or archangels by communicating with them in meditation or prayer, they are all around us but we need to seek their help and give them permission to intervene in our life situations.โ€

6. 9 Genuine Signs of Intelligence That People Canโ€™t Fake

Intelligence is not only about getting straight As in tests or having impressive degrees and qualifications. Intelligence is so much more than a piece of paper and grades. Genuinely intelligent people might not have the perfect job, or the perfect degree or the perfect marks, but they possess certain qualities that define the actual meaning of the word โ€˜intelligenceโ€™.

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Have you been applauded for your creativity and smartness even after having a score sheet that says โ€˜Below Averageโ€™

7. 8 Things Men Look For In The Women Of Their Dreams And Itโ€™s Not Related To Looks!

Contrary to what most people believe, looks and an amazing body are not just the only two things men look for in the women of their dreams. Not all men are really that superficial that they will be perfectly happy with just these two attributes. There are so many other valuable and important attributes that men look for in their prospective girlfriends and wives.

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Best Lines:

Thereโ€™s no dearth of beautiful women in this world. Itโ€™s not the primary attribute a man wants in his woman. Rather, there are other things men find attractive in women which we tend to overlook.

8. 7 Stages Of Awakening You Have To Go Through To Achieve Enlightenment

Attaining enlightenment is desired by many, but it doesnโ€™t happen to you just because you want it to. Also, it wonโ€™t happen to you when you want it to. Achieving enlightenment is a process that consists of seven stages, which you should be willing to go through. Simply rushing the process and expecting it to happen overnight wonโ€™t serve you well. It is only when you successfully experience these 7 stages, will you be able to attain enlightenment.

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Itโ€™s a sad travesty that most of us spend our entire lives trying to reach the pinnacle of ourย spirituality, in the hopes that it would guide us towards nirvana. But what we donโ€™t realize in this fix, is thatย everything takes its due course, and trying to speed up the process would result in nothing but failure.ย 

9. The First Thing You Notice In This Image Will Reveal How Emotionally Intelligent You Are: QUIZ

Emotional intelligence is the capability of putting yourself in someone elseโ€™s shoes and understanding their emotions and feelings. Not everyone is emotionally intelligent in the same way, and this quiz is one of the best ways you can understand just how emotionally intelligent you are. This quick and simple personality test will help you truly understand yourself better. No wonder, this turned out to be one of the most popular articles of 2020.

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Best Lines:

โ€œAn emotionally intelligent person knows when you are craving for a tight little hug, even if you are keeping up a stern front.โ€

10. 13 Habits of People With Concealed Depression

Depression isnโ€™t always about dark rooms, incessant crying, disinterest, or oversleeping; sometimes the happiest person in the room can be the most depressed one and you will have no idea. People who suffer from concealed depression might put on happy faces to show that they are alright, but if you look closely you will be able to notice certain distinctive habits that says otherwise.

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Best Lines:

โ€œThose with concealed depression put up a happy front and hide the fact they are fighting with inner demons.โ€

11. Do You Often Wake Up Between 3 am to 5 am? Here Is What It Means

If you have been waking up consistently between 3 am and 5 am, then congratulations, you might finally get the answer to that! The human body is full of channels with the help of which energy is directed to your entire body, and these channels are known as meridians. If any one of your meridians is troubled or misbalanced, then you wonโ€™t be able to sleep properly and will end up waking up at certain times everyday.

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โ€œAccording to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), every Meridian is activated every couple of hours. This is done to achieve balance in our energy matrix and maintain proper health and stamina.โ€

12. Why A Woman Leaves The Man She Loves: What Men Need To Realize

When a woman leaves the man she loves, there is so much more to it than just a few small issues. You might be the best father, and the best man, but if you donโ€™t give her the appreciation, acknowledgment, and value she deserves, you are unknowingly pushing her away from you. Emotional disconnection and emotional neglect can push a woman who loves you to leave you for good.

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A long-term, committed relationship can very easily turn into a toxic one and lead to a breakup or divorce if you start taking your partner for granted.

13. Which One is Not A Family? Psychological Personality Test

Psychological tests and personality tests can go a long way in helping you understand yourself and your mind better. This psychological personality test can help you understand how the relationships in your life shaped you as a person. Whichever you choose, your answer will determine your inherent personality and thought process.

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โ€œThe kind of relationships (with family members and others) we make right from ourย early years of lifeย have a profound impact on how we view the world, our psychology, and personality.โ€

14. Osho on F*ck โ€“ Why Itโ€™s The Most Beautiful and Versatile Word in English Language

Osho is an absolute legend, isnโ€™t he? He is probably one of those few people in this world who can use the word f*ck and not make it sound dirty or horrible. So, is it any wonder that this was one of the most popular articles of 2020? For him f*ck is one of the most versatile words out there and also a very unique one. You can use this word and insert it anywhere you want and somehow it will sound right.

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โ€œOsho also says thatย there is no other word that takes out oneโ€™sย frustrationย mildly as well as this word. The satisfaction one feels after saying โ€œf*ck offโ€ to someone who has been bothering them, is ten thousand times more than the satisfaction one might say something like โ€œbuzz offโ€, or โ€œget lostโ€.โ€

15. 7 Common Manipulative Phrases and How To Shut Them Down

Manipulative people might tell you that they always want whatโ€™s best for you and that they only have your best interests at heart and thatโ€™s why they do what they do. Well, they donโ€™t have your best interests at heart. Manipulators will say certain things and try to make you feel that they are doing the right thing, but the truth is they are simply doing what serves their own selfish interests.

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โ€œJust because something isnโ€™t a lie does not mean that it isnโ€™t deceptive. A liar knows that he is a liar, but one who speaks mere portions of truth in order to deceive is a craftsman of destruction.โ€

16. 8 Mystical Meditation Mantras That Will Raise Your Consciousness

Meditation has always served as a powerful tool for achieving peace of mind and soul, and if you add mystical mantras to it, you just elevate it to another level altogether. Meditation mantras are simple words which if repeated over and over again, can tremendously work towards raising your consciousness.

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โ€œMeditation Mantras are like lotus flowers that spring from the murky depths of our minds, and blossom into the purity of being.โ€

17. The Narcissistic Family Tree: 12 Common Dynamics of a Dysfunctional Family

You have heard of narcissistic people, but have you ever known of a narcissistic family? Anyone who has grown up in a narcissistic family ends up having a dysfunctional and troubled childhood, which continues to influence them even when they are adults. Some eventually grow up to be narcissists themselves, whilst some spend their entire lives trying to escape from that childhood trauma and pain.

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โ€œThe typical adult from a narcissistic family is filled with unacknowledged anger, feels like a hollow person, feels inadequate and defective, suffers from periodic anxiety and depression, and has no clue about how he or she got that way.โ€

18. 7 Hobbies That Make You Smarter According To Science

Gone are the days when people used to believe that if you are not born intelligent, you can never be intelligent. Scientists and research has proved that there are certain hobbies you can indulge in that can make you smarter with time, and increase your potential. Basically, when you learn new skills, your brain creates new neural pathways that aid in it working better and faster.

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โ€œDifferent activities stimulate different areas of your brain, so you can work on becoming unbeatable at your strengths as well as improving your weaknesses.โ€

19. The Power Of Self-Talk

How you talk to yourself is what is important at the end of the day, because people will come and go but you will always have to live with yourself. Your unconscious mind is impacted by what you tell it and feed it, just like it is impacted by what other people tell you. The more positive you try to be, the more optimistic and confident you will feel. The more negative you are, the more dejected and depressed you will feel.

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โ€œTry to make your positive self-talk outweigh any negative self-talk. This way you can develop an improved outlook and attitude, which can lead to better health and decisions and greater success in your relationships and work.โ€

20. What Wearing All Black Reveals About Your Personality

This has one of the โ€˜most popular articles of 2020โ€™ written all over it. Many people consider black to be a negative color, because well, itโ€™s black. But not you. Black for you is a happy color, isnโ€™t it? Bright colors make you feel nauseated at times, and sometimes it makes you feel like a cake-topper. Even though the color black is sophisticated and elegant, your love for it can say a lot about you and your personality. It can even tell you things about yourself that you donโ€™t even realize.

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โ€œBlack clothes help to shift the focus from your appearance to your personality. When you wear black clothing, people perceive you as sensitive, purposeful, ambitious, and successful.โ€

So, these were the most well-loved and most popular articles of 2020. Do you have any favorites? If yes, then let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

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