The 16 Myers-Briggs Personality Types: Which MBTI Personality Types Are You?



You must have come across the term Myers-Briggs many times on the internet. The term Myers-Briggs is named after Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother Katherine Briggs. The Myers-Briggs personality type theory they came up with, tries to explain the several differences between different people, and can also be relied upon for choosing the right career, having better relationships, etc.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicatorยฎ instrument is a personality questionnaire, that was published by Consulting Psychologists Press. This questionnaire helps you to understand which Myers-Briggs type you are, and can give you a lot of insight into your mind and personality.


There are many things about the Myers-Briggs personality type theory, that have steadily contributed to its intrigue and effectiveness over the years. However, at the core are four simple concepts, or preferences, if you please.

These four preferences can help you understand your Myers-Briggs personality types better.

Do you like to deal with more:

  • Information or concepts (Introversion or โ€œIโ€), or things and people (Extraversion or โ€œEโ€)
  • Potential and possibilities (iNtuition or โ€œNโ€), or reality and facts (Sensing or โ€œSโ€)
  • Relationships and values (Feeling or โ€œFโ€), or truth and logic (Thinking or โ€œTโ€)
  • Spontaneity and flexibility (Perception or โ€œPโ€), or an organized, structured, and planned approach (Judgment or โ€œJโ€)

According to the Myers-Briggs personality theory, a person tends to prefer one thing over the other. After that, you amalgamate all the letters of your preferences after which you get your very own Myers-Briggs personality type. For example, if you have the preferences of I, N, F, and P, then your Myers-Briggs personality type is INFP.

Myers Briggs Personality Types info

1. Introversion and Extraversion โ€“

Introversion and extraversion are all about the kind of energy you have and itโ€™s direction.

  • If you prefer to direct and use your energy towards beliefs, thoughts, explanations, information, and ideas, or in other words, โ€the inner worldโ€, then your inclination is towards Introversion.
  • If you prefer to direct and use your energy towards situations, things, people, or โ€œthe outer worldโ€, then your inclination is towards Extraversion.

2. Intuition and Sensing โ€“

Intuition and sensing are all about the things and information that you process.

  • If you prefer to focus on creating new possibilities, delve deep into the unknown, dabble with unique ideas, and have an ability to predict things that arenโ€™t always obvious, then your inclination is towards Intuition.
  • If you prefer to focus on what you already know, what is physically detectable by the human eye, clarity, and hard and fast facts, then your inclination is towards Sensing.

Sometimes, the letter โ€˜Nโ€™ is used to denote Intuition, since the letter โ€˜Iโ€™ is already used to signify Introversion.

3. Feeling and Thinking โ€“

Thinking and feeling centers around how you like to make decisions.

  • If you prefer to make decisions based on values, and ethics, i.e. who and what you believe is actually important โ€“ then your inclination is towards Feeling.
  • If you prefer to make decisions based on practicality and logic and have a very detached and analytical approach, then your inclination is towards Thinking.

4. Perception and Judgment โ€“

Perception and Judgment centers around the kind of lifestyle you prefer, and want to adopt more.

  • If you prefer to take one day at a time, be flexible, spontaneous and go with the flow, then your inclination is towards Perception.
  • If you prefer structure, organization, stability, security and like to have a planned approach towards everything, then your inclination is towards Judging (But donโ€™t confuse it with โ€˜Judgmentalโ€™, as itโ€™s entirely different).

The 16 Myers-Briggs Personality Types

1. ISTJ โ€“ The Inspector

Myers-Briggs istj

Quiet, reserved, and serious, ISTJs always focus more on peace of mind and security. They are dependable, responsible, and exceptionally thorough. Possess extremely good concentration skills. ISTJs like supporting establishments and traditions, are hardworking and organized and gradually work towards identified goals. When this Myers-Briggs personality type decides to do something, they make sure they go ahead with it and get it done perfectly.

ISTJ stands for Introverted Sensing Thinking Judging (Introverted Sensing with Extraverted Thinking)

As an ISTJ,

  • Your primary mode of living is focused internally, i.e. where you absorb things and the stimuli around you through your five senses.
  • Your secondary mode external, i.e. you handle things logically, practically, and rationally.

1. ISTJs are extremely serious and responsible people when it comes to fulfilling duties.ย They have a lot of integrity, work hard, and always focus on their goals.ย Strong determination and an abundant amount of patience help them achieve all the goals that they have their sights on.

2. ISTJs are exceptionally reliable, dependable, faithful, and loyal. Integrity and honesty matter to them a lot, and they always try to do the right thing for their friends, families, and communities. They might come across as very serious sometimes, but they have a quirky sense of humor and can turn out to be a lot of fun.

3. ISTJs are firm believers of traditions, and laws and expect others to do the same too. Breaking laws and going against rules and regulations is something they just cannot fathom. But if there is a good and strong reason for going against the grain, they will do it, but only if itโ€™s for a good reason. However, for the most part, they like to do everything by the book.

4. ISTJs are intelligent people who never limit themselves to just one field of expertise. They are always trying to know more about everything, and are constantly absorbing knowledge like a sponge. They are multitalented people with a flair for statistics and facts, rather than ideas and concepts.

5. ISTJs will work for long periods of time and put tremendous amounts of energy into doing any task which they see as important to fulfilling a goal. But, they will hesitate to invest time and energy into something they donโ€™t agree with, understand or believe that it has no practical use.

They like to work alone for the most part, but are willing to work in teams if itโ€™s really needed. Because they are good with being accountable for their actions, they do well in authoritative positions. The ISTJ has little use for theory or abstract thinking unless the practical application is clear.

6. ISTJs always emphasize facts and logic the most. They have a library of facts within them, all of which they have acquired through their Sensing capabilities. Sometimes, they might struggle to understand certain ideas and theories, but if itโ€™s important to someone they love and respect, they will do their best to internalize and support it. The moment they believe and support an idea, they will provide their unending support to it.

7. ISTJs are not very good when it comes to dealing with their own feelings and even othersโ€™ feelings. They find it difficult to detect and pick up emotional needs instantly, as they occur. Being perfectionists themselves, they have a tendency to take other peopleโ€™s efforts for granted, like they take their own efforts for granted. ISTJs need to remind themselves sometimes that itโ€™s good to appreciate the people who do a lot for them.

8. ISTJs are likely to be uncomfortable expressing affection and emotion to others. Nevertheless, their innate sense of duty, and their impeccable ability to see what needs to be done, help them in letting go of their inhibitions and reservations. And they end up providing a lot of support and care to the people they love. Once the ISTJ realizes the emotional needs of those who are close to them, they put forth the effort to meet those needs.

9. ISTJs are not spontaneous people who go with the flow; they feel most comfortable when they know that everything is planned out and there are certain rules to follow. People who break rules or do not abide by them will never be in the good books of an ISTJ. They believe that rules and structure help in fostering dependability, and chaos can lead to missed deadlines and unpredictability.

10. This Myers-Briggs personality type takes their commitments and work very seriously, and they donโ€™t stop unless everything turns out perfect. That is why when things donโ€™t work out the way they wanted them to, they take all the blame upon themselves and become overly self-critical. They ruminate, blame, and shame themselves, and have a hard time accepting the fact that life isnโ€™t always predictable.

11. ISTJs usually have a great sense of space and function and artistic appreciation. Their homes and spaces will always be beautifully decorated and furnished, and flawlessly maintained. They are acutely aware of their senses and want to be in surroundings that fit their need for structure, order, and beauty.

12. ISTJs when stressed, go into their infamous โ€œcatastrophe modeโ€, where pessimism completely takes over and they constantly obsess about everything that can go wrong. They will criticize themselves for all those things they feel they could have done in a different way or the tasks that they failed at. This interferes with their ability to do things calmly, which then leads to them getting depressed and feeling lost.

Jungian preferences:

  • Dominant: Introverted Sensing
  • Auxiliary: Extraverted Thinking
  • Tertiary: Introverted Feeling
  • Inferior: Extraverted Intuition

Related: Myers-Briggs Personality Types: 10 Signs You Are An ISTJ Personality Type

2. ISTP โ€“ The Craftsman

Myers-Briggs istp

Reserved and quiet, ISTPs are deeply interested to know why and how things work. They have impressive skills when it comes to machines and other mechanical things, like taking risks, and advocate living in the present. Extremely talented in sports and all sorts of physical activities.

This Myers-Briggs personality type is uncomplicated and loyal to a fault when it comes to their loved ones. Analytical and detached, they are good at coming up with effective solutions to empirical problems. ISTPs donโ€™t really care that much about abiding by laws, rules, and regulations.

ISTP stands for Introverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving (Introverted Thinking with Extraverted Sensing)

As an ISTP,

  • Your primary mode of living is focused internally, i.e. you handle everything rationally and with a lot of logic.
  • Your secondary mode is external, i.e. you absorb things through the five senses.

1. ISTPs are always interested to know how things truly work. Good at analyzing everything logically, they are the masters when it comes to handling everything practically. Logical and reasonable people, they could care less about ideas and theories unless there is a practical application for them. Disassembling things and wanting to see how they work on the inside, is one of their favorite things to do.

2. ISTPs have a relaxed and flexible demeanor. Their chilled-out personality combined with their adaptable nature helps them in improvising whenever the need arises, and also helps them keep their cool in stressful situations. They have enough faith in themselves to believe that they will do a good job.

3. ISTPs are always up to something or the other and are always involved in some kind of project.ย They normally donโ€™t like sitting idle for a long time and love it when they have something to do, especially something interesting.ย Due to their amiable and positive nature, they hardly feel stressed and are mostly in a good mood.

4. ISTPs like to spend time on their own and rely on solitude to think more clearly. It is in solitude that they are able to sort out all the issues they have in their minds. They absorb a lot of information from around them, and when they are alone, they sort through them and come up with their own opinions and judgments.

5. ISTPs are action-oriented people, and they like to stay active. Doing a 9-5 job where they will have to sit behind a desk for the most part of the day, is not their cup of tea. Spontaneous and adaptable, they grasp whatever is in front of them. Because they have impressive technical skills they do well as technical leaders.

6. ISTPs never make judgments or criticisms based on anything personal. Whatever they say and do, they do it on the basis of facts and logic. They are not good with feelings and fail to understand how their actions and words affect others. Their emotional intelligence is quite low, as they are always focusing on practicality and reason.

7. People this Myers-Briggs personality type can be some of the friendliest people you will ever come across, but at the same time, they can be notoriously private. After all, they do have an introverted side to them. If they choose to be private about themselves and their lives, thereโ€™s no way you will be able to know what is going on, unless they want you to.

8. ISTPs hardly spend any time daydreaming or fantasizing about what can be; they would rather dive headlong into making their dreams a reality. They always focus on the present, and never ever dwell in the past.ย ISTPs do not give importance to ambiguous ideas, and would rather work towards solving problems and doing what needs to be done.

9. ISTPs are truly gifted when it comes to being multifaceted. Despite this, they will be happiest when they are able to participate in action-oriented assignments, that demand impeccable technical skills, and analytical and logical thinking. They feel exceptionally proud of the fact that they are good when it comes to taking the next accurate step.

10. ISTPs are positive people who are always cheerful and have vivacious personalities. They are uncomplicated, unproblematic, trustworthy, kind, generous, and loyal. They are always up for helping people and do whatever they can to make lives easier for others, especially their close ones.

Jungian preferences:

  • Dominant: Introverted Thinking
  • Auxiliary: Extraverted Sensing
  • Tertiary: Introverted Intuition
  • Inferior: Extraverted Feeling

Related: Myers-Briggs Personality Types: 10 Signs You Have The ISTP Personality Type

3. ISFJ โ€“ The Nurturer

Myers-Briggs isfj

Conscientious, warm-hearted, and reserved, ISFJs are people who you can rely on blindly. They normally prioritize other peopleโ€™s needs before their own. This Myers-Briggs personality type values security, stability, and traditions the most, they are extremely practical people. ISFJs are sensitive towards othersโ€™ feelings and have a rich inner world of worldly observations.

ISFJ stands for Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging (Introverted Sensing with Extraverted Feeling)

As an ISFJ,

  • Your primary mode of living is focused internally, where you absorb things through your five senses.
  • Your secondary mode is external, where you handle things on the basis of your feelings about them, and how they come together with your personal values.

1. ISFJs never hang back when it comes to helping others; they always wholeheartedly share their knowledge, wisdom, and time with anyone who might need it.ย They love helping people and supporting them, and always choose empathy over discernment. Their passionate nature drives them to do good for others without expecting anything in return. Even when people donโ€™t appreciate their goodness, they continue to be the same people they always have been.

2. This Myers-Briggs personality type has an abundant inner world that is not always obvious to others. They are constantly absorbing information from around them, and quietly storing all of that inside themselves. This treasure of information sometimes helps them have an almost eidetic memory.

It wonโ€™t be that absurd for an ISFJ to remember a specific conversation or a facial expression that they might have witnessed a considerable time ago since that had an impact on them.

3. ISFJs are always very clear and sorted as to how everything should be, and this is one of the things that they always work very hard to achieve. They appreciate kindness, goodness, security, and traditions, and consider them to be important things in life. ISFJs are firm believers in the idea that surviving rules and systems are there because they work. Thatโ€™s why they prefer to do things the way they have always done before.

4. ISFJs are firm believers in getting up and doing something, rather than reading about it in a book or magazine. This is one of the reasons why they donโ€™t do very well in fields that center around theory and conceptual analysis; practical applications are the way to go for them.

Once they understand the practicality and importance of something, they will give their all to make sure that itโ€™s completed perfectly. This is what makes them some of the most reliable people around.

5. ISFJs have a good amount of spatial intelligence, and they understand the concept of aesthetic appeal very well. This is the reason why every ISFJ has beautifully decorated and furnished homes; they are natural interior decorators. They are also really good at giving gifts because they have an innate talent for finding the perfect gift for a person.

6. ISFJs are always very aware of their internal feelings, as well as the feelings of others. However, most of the time, they donโ€™t feel comfortable sharing their feelings and end up suppressing a lot of them. Nevertheless, when everything becomes too much, they somehow find an outlet to express their feelings in a healthy manner.

7. People with the ISFJ personality type tend to have an amazing work ethic, and no matter what, they will never give anyone a chance to say anything negative about them; they are that good.ย On the flip side, their diligence and perfectionist attitude can sometimes end up making them overworked and tired.ย There will be days when they will choose to stay back in their office and be so busy with work that they would even forget to take their meals.

8. An ISFJโ€™s selfless demeanor can at times be their biggest curse because many people end up taking advantage of that.ย Because of their ability to compromise and see everything from different perspectives, they end up letting go of things they should not.ย ISFJs continue to help and support people even when they do not deserve an ounce of it.

9. ISFJs seek positive feedback and appreciation from others, and when they donโ€™t get this, they feel extremely dejected and discouraged. They are sensitive to criticism, and when faced with it, feel convinced that they are not good enough. This sense of inadequacy ends up dominating their emotions and feelings because they feel they can never do anything right.

10. ISFJs are dependable, giving, and kind people. They have a lot to offer to people and lucky are those that have an ISFJ in their lives. ISFJs need to remember not to be too hard on themselves and have faith that they are good and amazing people, and that they give out a lot of positivity and kindness to the world.

Jungian preferences:

  • Dominant: Introverted Sensing
  • Auxiliary: Extraverted Feeling
  • Tertiary: Introverted Thinking
  • Inferior: Extraverted Intuition

Related: Myers-Briggs Personality Types: 10 Signs You Have The ISFJ Personality Type

4. ISFP โ€“ The Artist

Myers-Briggs ISFP

Compassionate, emotional, reserved, and shy, ISFPs generally do not like conflicts and try to not do things that might lead to them. All of their five senses are really well-developed, and they understand beauty and aesthetics very well.

They donโ€™t like controlling others, which is why they feel uncomfortable in leadership positions. Open-minded, and spontaneous, this Myers-Briggs personality type is creative and original people.

ISFP stands for Introverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving (Introverted Feeling with Extraverted Sensing)

As an ISFP,

  • Your primary mode of living is focused internally, where you handle things on the basis of your feelings about them, and how they complement your personal values.
  • Your secondary mode is external, where you absorb things through your five senses.

1. ISFPs are so good with emotions and feelings, they are always able to use them to craft beautiful and bold ideas, that never fail to tug at the heartstrings of people.ย They always succeed in expressing their imagination in remarkable ways and with astonishing beauty. Be it a song or a painting, you will rarely find a person who wonโ€™t be moved by their art.

2. ISFPs are reserved and quiet people, which is why it takes some time to get to know them. Because of their reserved nature, they tend to hold back a lot when it comes to expressing their opinions, even in front of their close ones. They always try to contribute towards other peopleโ€™s happiness and well-being and put a lot of effort into the assignments they believe in.

3. ISFPs are naturals when it comes to appreciating beauty and aesthetics. They love nature and anything related to that and are also huge animal lovers. Originality and independence are their middle names, and personal space is something they never compromise with. They like to be with people who show patience in understanding them and also support them in their goals and dreams.

4. ISFPs believe in actions more than thoughts. They thrive in โ€œhands-onโ€ and practical environments and dislike traditional methods of teaching, especially those that emphasize abstract ideas. Another thing that they donโ€™t support is making decisions completely based on logic; impersonal analysis is not their cup of tea.

Due to them having a strong belief system, they firmly believe that decisions should always be made on the basis of personal values and beliefs rather than laws and rules.

5. ISFPs are always strongly aware of others, due to their impressive perception powers. They are always collecting all sorts of information about people, and try to discover what it all means. The interesting thing is that they are almost always correct about the perceptions they hold about others.

6. ISFPs are empathetic and warm people, who make everyone else feel warm on the inside. They really and truly care about others and try to make them feel happy and appreciated as much as they can. Deeply caring, and emotional, they like showing their love for their close ones through their actions, rather than words.

7. ISFPs are flexible people, but sometimes there is a difference between being flexible and irresolute, and sometimes ISFPs can be so broad-minded that they fail at making strong and solid decisions.ย They end up changing their opinions a hundred times a minute, and always seem confused. This makes them prone to getting manipulated at times.

8. ISFPs feel uncomfortable accepting credit and acknowledgment for things they do well. No matter how good of a job they might do, they constantly feel that they could have done better. Because they are hardcore perfectionists, they tend to be very self-critical about themselves, and constantly treat their inner self with harshness.

9. Since ISFPs are always looking to have fun and experience as much adventure as they can, they never shy away from trying out different things. They are active people who are always pursuing some hobby or the other and are never low on energy.ย Living uptight and boring lives is something they hate, and โ€˜Carpe Diemโ€™ is always their life motto.

Jungian preferences:

  • Dominant: Introverted Feeling
  • Auxiliary: Extraverted Sensing
  • Tertiary: Introverted Intuition
  • Inferior: Extraverted Thinking

Related: Myers-Briggs Personality Types: 10 Signs That Show You Have The ISFP Personality Type

5. INFJ โ€“ The Advocate

Myers-Briggs INFJ

Sensitive, deep, original, and with a lot of inner strength, INFJs are probably some of the most mentally strong people out there. They persevere until everything is done perfectly. Exceptionally intuitive about other people, they show a lot of consideration for their feelings.

INFJs have strong value systems and they always try to adhere to that. Confident about themselves and their individuality, they would rather walk their own path, than follow or lead.

INFJ stands for Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging (Introverted Intuition with Extraverted Feeling)

As an INFJ,

  • Your primary mode of living is focused internally, where you approach and absorb everything intuitively.
  • Your secondary mode is external, where you handle things on the basis of your feelings about them, and how they complement your personal values.

1. Because INFJs are Feeling types, they perceive and approach almost everything emotionally, and put a lot of emphasis on sentimentality.ย Empathetic to the core, they are quick to recognize sadness, unhappiness, or worry in their loved ones and go out of their way to make them feel better. They hate conflicts and fightsย and try their best to keep things peaceful and happy.

2. INFJs like having a systematic and orderly approach towards everything, especially in the outer world. They are always on the lookout for the perfect system for getting things done and always work towards redefining their priorities in life. INFJs are extremely intuitive, and most of the time rely on their intuition before making a decision or embarking on something new. Their instincts are one of their biggest advantages.

3. This Myers-Briggs personality type is very good at identifying people and their true intentions, because of their strong intuitive skills. They can just sense when something is wrong, or when someone is trying to deceive them. Sometimes, they can even predict things before they happen, but they are not psychics by the way; they are just really intuitively intelligent.

INFJs are also very protective and guarded about their feelings, and donโ€™t open up to others that easily. They are complex and deep individuals who are notoriously private and secretive.

4. INFJs might be complex beings, but that doesnโ€™t take away from the fact that they are some of the most warm-hearted people too. They are very caring and loving towards people who are close to them. Protecting their loved ones and supporting them is what makes their hearts feel full and happy.

They are always very concerned about other peopleโ€™s feelings and try their best not to hurt them in any way. Conflicts are something they despise and try to stay away from them.

5. INFJs have immense resilience and inner strength, and that is why they can fight every battle fearlessly; rarely can anyone outmatch their mental and emotional strength.ย They always work hard on their ideas with a lot of conviction and donโ€™t stop unless all their goals are fulfilled. INFJs always try to make the world a better place with their conviction, inner strength, and positivity.

6. INFJs are inherently nurturing, and are devoted, loving, and giving. They make supportive and loving parents and always have a strong emotional bond with their children. But at the same time, they also push their children to do their best and reach their full potential. Children of INFJs are always lucky to get sincere, emotionally healthy, and devoted parents like them.

7. An INFJs perfectionism can end up burning them out, as they do not like to stop unless they have finished all their assignments and fulfilled all their goals.ย They sometimes fail at striking a balance and forget that they need to stop and take a break at times. Self-care is something that you have to remind them of constantly, in order to make sure that they do not burnout.

8. An INFJโ€™s values, ethics, and morals are unparalleled, and no matter what happens, they always stand up for what is right.ย They harbor profound beliefs in themselves, and never compromise on them. Always ready to give a helping hand to the less fortunate and the people who need it, they serve as the beacons of hope in society.ย Their motto always has been, โ€œMaking the world a better place, one day at a time.โ€

Jungian preferences:

  • Dominant: Introverted Intuition
  • Auxiliary: Extraverted Feeling
  • Tertiary: Introverted Thinking
  • Inferior: Extraverted Sensing

Related: Myers-Briggs Personality Types: 10 Aspects Of The INFJ Personality Type You Didnโ€™t Know Before

6. INFP โ€“ The Mediator

Myers-Briggs INFP

Idealistic to a fault, self-reflecting, and introspective, INFPs are deep people in the truest sense. They are exceptionally loyal people and have a very laid-back and adaptable personality unless their core values are threatened. Being the talented writers they are, this Myers-Briggs personality type is exquisite with words.

INFP stands for Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving (Introverted Feeling with Extraverted Intuition)

As an INFP,

  • Your primary mode of living is focused internally, where you handle things on the basis of your feelings about them, and how they complement your personal values.
  • Your secondary mode is external, where you approach and absorb everything intuitively.

1. INFPs are known for their generous and thoughtful nature, and they never like to be happy at someone elseโ€™s expense. They love sharing everything good and positive with the people they love and being selfish or self-centered is not really in their DNA.ย They will go to any lengths to compromise and adjust if it means making someone else happy. Treating everyone kindly and equally is something an INFP firmly believes in.

2. INFPs are extraordinarily intuitive, especially about other people. They strongly rely on their intuition to guide them in life, and in all the major happenings of life. INFPs are always on the search for the truth behind everything that happens. All of this leads to one major goal and that is to help people and help make the world a better place to live in.

3. This Myers-Briggs personality type is very considerate and kind by nature who are also good listeners and can make anyone feel comfortable. They might be a bit guarded when it comes to expressing and talking about their feelings, but deep, down inside they have a well of love and affection. Even if they donโ€™t show this side every often, their loved ones can sense it. Thatโ€™s why an INFP is considered to be a trusted friend and priceless confidante.

4. The empathy and idealism that they harbor in themselves, makes them capable of great compromises and sacrifices.ย INFP is known as The Idealist, because of its ability to take into account everyoneโ€™s viewpoints and then come to the ideal solution that serves everyoneโ€™s interests.ย They believe in the spirit of cooperation and are even willing to sacrifice their own happiness and priorities if needed.

5. INFPs are normally very laid-back, flexible, and happy-go-lucky unless one of their core values is threatened or violated. Once their values and principles are threatened, they become really aggressive in defending themselves and donโ€™t hesitate in fighting fervently for their cause. Even though they are not really detail-oriented or pedantic, they try to make sure that everything is done perfectly, when it comes to their โ€™causeโ€™.

6. INFPs tend to be very ignorant and unaware of the banal and mundane things of life. They can go on for days without noticing the crack in the kitchen floor, but a tiny speck of dust on their journal will catch their eye.

7. INFPs donโ€™t do very well with logic, reason, and hard facts, and more often than not, choose to ignore these. They like to form their opinions and base their decisions on human emotions and feelings, which is why being practical is a huge struggle for them. But in case a situation needs them to be logical, then they will try their best to be so. When they are under a lot of stress, they sometimes misuse logic in the form of an emotional outburst.

8. INFPs are experts when it comes to seeing something from an unconventional and non-traditional perspective.ย They are never stuck in their own opinions and perceptions and are always willing to learn something new and different.ย INFPs are tolerant of everyone and always give everyone a chance to make their point. Because they are open-minded people, they never judge others, as long as they are not doing anything harmful, and morally wrong.

9. INFPs turn out to be really gifted writers. They might find it uncomfortable and awkward when it comes to verbally express themselves, but they are really talented when it comes to writing about their thoughts and feelings. This is why INFPs thrive in the field of social services, such as teaching and counseling. They feel the happiest when they get to do something good for the public and their communities.

10. INFPs are capable of achieving and accomplishing great things in life because they have that drive and fire in them. But no matter how much they achieve, they feel uncomfortable taking credit for a job well done. Itโ€™s not a surprise that some of the greatest humanitarian leaders and game-changers are INFPs.

Jungian preferences:

  • Dominant: Introverted Feeling
  • Auxiliary: Extraverted Intuition
  • Tertiary: Introverted Sensing
  • Inferior: Extraverted Thinking

Related: Myers-Briggs Personality Types: 10 Signs You Are An INFP Personality Type

7. INTJ โ€“ The Architect

Myers-Briggs INTJ

This Myers-Briggs personality type is determined, analytical, smart, original, and self-dependent. They have an innate ability to turn theories and ideas into the most impeccable strategies of action. INTJs greatly value structure, organization, competence, and knowledge, and never compromise on them.

They are long-term thinkers, who have high expectations and standards from people. Even though they are natural leaders, they have no problem following someone else, if they trust them, that is.

INTJ stands Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging (Introverted Intuition with Extraverted Thinking)

As an INTJ,

  • Your primary mode of living is focused internally, where you absorb things through your intuition.
  • Your secondary mode is external, where you deal with everything in a logical and rational manner.

1. INTJs are truly gifted when it comes to building strategies, making plans, and coming up with ideas. They have a lot of respect for competence, hard work, intelligence, and knowledge. People who possess these virtues are the best kind of people for them.

2. INTJs are famous for having a rational, sensible, and logical bend of mind, as they never make the mistake of just assuming something based on conjecture or rumors. Whatever step or decision they might take, they always make sure to base it on logic, and correct information.

For them, their mind is their biggest weapon, and they always make sure to use it for coming to the right conclusion, smell lucrative opportunities from far away, and come up with creative solutions to problems.

3. INTJs are extremely adaptable and can take up any challenge, without batting an eyelid. Their hardworking and determined nature helps them win at every challenge they face. Their inherent curiosity makes them open and receptive to new ideas and concepts, but as long as they are logical, analytical, and backed by evidence. An INTJs curiosity makes them who they are, and is one of the biggest reasons behind their intelligence.

4. INTJs have amazing leadership qualities, even though they prefer to stay in the background and do what needs to be done. Unless they feel that their intervention and participation are needed. Their strong leadership skills help them see every aspect objectively and then use their adaptable nature to change the things that are not in harmony.

5. INTJs are introspective people with rich inner worlds, and thatโ€™s why they are never really concerned about othersโ€™ feelings. But if their Feeling side is nicely developed, they have no difficulty being intimate with others. Additionally, if their Sensing side is not developed properly, then they end up ignoring important details that are crucial for implementing their strategies.

6. INTJs are long-term thinkers, extremely confident and ambitious. This is why many INTJs do well in scientific and engineering fields, although many of them also find success in the world of finance and business. They hate inefficiency and an unstructured way of doing things. Transparency and efficiency are non-negotiable for them, as this helps them make all their dreams a reality.

7. One of the major reasons why this Myers-Briggs personality type is a great problem-solver is because they are always receptive to innovative and creative ideas. They strongly believe that anyone and anything can always be made better with unique solutions and ideas, and instantly get to work towards that.

Another great thing about INTJ is that they are also open to working on themselves and their talents. They might not think too much about their feelings and emotions, but they are always wholeheartedly ready to focus on their self-improvement and self-development.

8. INTJs when stressed out may find themselves being obsessed with repetitive, mindless and at times, self-destructive activities such as excessive drinking. Whenever they feel stuck in a rut or lost, they try to numb their pain and uncertainties with the help of addictive things. But naturally, this does not help them in any way.

9. INTJs sometimes struggle with expressing themselves, which results in several misunderstandings and a whole lot of miscommunication. Additionally, their inability to talk about their feelings properly causes them to behave in a volatile manner with others.

10. INTJs always have a well-planned strategy whenever they set out to fulfill one of their many ambitious goals. They never dive in headfirst into something, without deciding on a safety net, and having contingency and backup plans. This way, if one option doesnโ€™t work out, they will get to the next best one.

When it comes to fulfilling their goals, there is nothing that can stop them, and once they have their eye on the prize, they will get to work immediately. Once they set their mind to something, it is all that matters.

Jungian preferences:

  • Dominant: Introverted Intuition
  • Auxiliary: Extraverted Thinking
  • Tertiary: Introverted Feeling
  • Inferior: Extraverted Sensing

Related: Myers-Briggs Personality Types: 10 Signs You Are An INTJ Personality Type

8. INTP โ€“ The Thinker

Myers-Briggs INTP

Creative, authentic, and logical, INTPs always look forward to thinking and discussing ideas and theories. They are extremely capable when it comes to deciphering ideas and making them easier to comprehend. INTPs highly value pragmatism, proficiency, and knowledge.

This Myers-Briggs personality type is quite guarded, and thatโ€™s why itโ€™s a bit of a challenge to get to know them very well. Having strong personalities, they donโ€™t really like to follow anyone, and would rather forge their own path.

INTP stands for Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiving (Introverted Thinking with Extraverted Intuition)

As an INTP,

  • Your primary mode of living is focused internally, where you handle everything practically and rationally.
  • Your secondary mode is external, where you absorb information through your intuition.

1. INTPs perceive the world as a very complex thing and understand that as with any kind of machine, it is made up of many interrelated components. And when they add their abstract ideas to it, they can come up with some amazing ideas.ย They are very good at analyzing the different connections, and judging how all these unrelated and different factors can come together and make something interesting, which ends up surprising most people around them.

2. INTPs treasure knowledge the most, and they are thoroughly impressed by people who are full of knowledge and intelligence. They are always thinking about ideas, concepts and theories, and trying to come up with ways of disproving or proving them. Seeking logic wherever they go, farfetched and half-baked ideas are not their cup of tea. They hate monotony and routine, and would rather work on complex theories and their solutions.

3. INTPs donโ€™t like controlling or leading people. Normally very flexible and unprejudiced, but they take a rigid and strong stand in case any of their core beliefs are challenged or threatened. They are generally very shy when meeting new people are concerned but have a very enthusiastic attitude when they are with people they know, love, and trust.

4. The INTP personality type is a very straightforward and honest person, who would rather be brutally honest and tell the truth rather than deceive anyone by lying to them.ย Their intention is not to hurt anyoneโ€™s sentiments, but telling the truth matters to them a lot, because for them truth is supreme.ย Uncomplicated and honest to a fault, they are always the ones you can rely on for some good and honest advice.

5. INTPs can sometimes get so lost in their worlds and get caught up in reason and logic, that they end up dismissing and ignoring the emotions of the people around them.ย Emotional things and sentimental ramifications often confuse them, and that is why they prefer to sit on the side of logic instead of dwelling on emotions.

Additionally, they can also get very condescending because deep down inside they are extremely proud of their logic and rationale.ย They love sharing their unique ideas, but get very arrogant and annoyed sometimes when they have to dumb down their ideas for people who are not on the same wavelength.

6. INTPs are always very concerned about facts and ideas being conveyed accurately and clearly. When it comes to expressing themselves, they believe in telling the truth and the absolute truth.

They hate modifying their ideas so that itโ€™s easier for others to understand; if they come across anyone who has a hard time understanding what they are saying, they will simply ignore them and move on. This can be a bane sometimes, because whatโ€™s the point of having and implementing an amazing idea if they are the only people who understand it?

7. INTPs are always very authentic, distinctive, and self-dependent. They donโ€™t really care about things like security, and popularity, and are very temperamental and restless. Extremely creative, they have complex and unconventional minds, that help them approach problems from different angles, and come up with ingenious solutions. Thatโ€™s why unsurprisingly, INTPs have been behind many scientific breakthroughs of the world.

8. INTPs work best alone and donโ€™t do well in teams. Whenever they are given the scope and environment of running wild with their creativity and intelligence, they end up achieving remarkable and jaw-dropping things. They are truly the pioneers and game-changers of human society.

Jungian preferences:

  • Dominant: Introverted Thinking
  • Auxiliary: Extraverted Intuition
  • Tertiary: Introverted Sensing
  • Inferior: Extraverted Feeling

Related: Myers-Briggs Personality Types: 10 Signs You Are An INTP Personality Type

9. ESTP โ€“ The Persuader

Myers-Briggs ESTP

ESTPs are action-oriented individuals who have an adaptable nature, and an amiable personality. Immediate results are what they look for, and โ€œbigger pictureโ€ thinking is not really their MO. They like taking risks and always live in the present. Being impatient is their forte, and they hate long explanations.

Loyal to a fault, this Myers-Briggs personality type has amazing people skills but doesnโ€™t really take laws and rules seriously.

Portrait of an ESTP โ€“ Extraverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving (Extraverted Sensing with Introverted Thinking)

As an ESTP,

  • Your primary mode of living is focused externally, where you absorb things through your five senses.
  • Your secondary mode is internal, where you handle things practically and rationally.

1. ESTPs are natural leaders, they tend to be very outgoing and social when it comes to it.ย Their extroverted nature makes sure that they thrive in social settings and social interactions, and have absolutely no difficulty in being the life of the party.ย The interesting thing is ESTPs donโ€™t plan on being like this, their natural charisma and dynamic personality do half the job for them.

2. ESTPs are really sharp when it comes to judging and perceiving othersโ€™ motivations and intentions. They notice things that others donโ€™t and they know very well how to read between the lines. Their intelligence makes them stay a few steps ahead of everyone; when they have their eye on something, they make sure that they get it. ESTPs never give up once they set their mind to something.

3. ESTPs are extremely sensible and realistic, who are always looking for practicality wherever they go.ย Half-baked and arbitrary ideas are not their cup of tea, and the only way they would ever be interested in something is if it is put to good use.ย The moment they sense that the ideas are never going to become a reality, they prefer to leave and not waste any more of their time on it.

4. ESTPs donโ€™t fare very well when it comes to intuition, and their impatience is one of the reasons behind this. They donโ€™t like theoretical things, and all they want to do is just get on the ground and do it. Even though their intuition does knock on them sometimes, for the most part, they end up being incorrect.

5. Their pragmatism and bold thinking are a deadly combination when it comes to coming up with original ideas. They have a gifted mind and imagination, and whatever they come up with, blows everybody away.ย Always experimenting and playing with different ideas, they have an innate ability to put things together like no one else. If you are looking for a creative and effective plan, then ESTPs are the ones for you. Any day.

6. ESTPs are always full of energy and new ideas and are always looking to shatter the glass ceiling and push their boundaries.ย Coming up with unique ideas and discovering new things give them a high that seldom anything else can. Whatever is on their mind, they say it directly as they donโ€™t have time to play mind games with others.ย All they care about are facts, not assumptions and what-ifs.

7. ESTPs are fun-loving and vivacious people, who are really good at improvisation. Another good thing about them is that they can provide innovative solutions for every problem they face. They are motivating, energetic, but at the same time observant and pragmatic too. As long as they are not doing monotonous and confined jobs, they can achieve remarkable things.

Jungian preferences:

  • Dominant: Extraverted Sensing
  • Auxiliary: Introverted Thinking
  • Tertiary: Extraverted Feeling
  • Inferior: Introverted Intuition

Related: Myers-Briggs Personality Types: 10 Signs You Are An ESTP Personality Type

10. ESTJ โ€“ The Executive

Myers-Briggs ESTJ

ESTJs are always very organized, practical, and have a traditional way of looking at things. Additionally, they are also gifted athletes. Theories are not for them, but itโ€™s a huge yes to practicality.

They always have a very clear vision as to how they want things to be and are very hardworking and reliable. ESTJs are good at planning and organizing things, and highly value peace of mind and stability in life.

Portrait of an ESTJ โ€“ Extraverted Sensing Thinking Judging (Extraverted Thinking with Introverted Sensing)

As an ESTJ,

  • Your primary mode of living is focused externally, where you handle things practically and rationally.
  • Your secondary mode is internal, where you absorb things through your five senses.

1. ESTJs are exceptionally reliable and dependable. They have very strong ethics and that is what helps them always do the right thing, and in the right way. ESTJs never leave anything halfway, nor do they abandon any task just because itโ€™s boring and they donโ€™t feel like doing it. If they have given you their word, they will make sure that they follow through with it. For them, morals and integrity always come first.

2. ESTJs have impressive leadership skills, and they know exactly what they want from themselves and others who are there on their team. When they really, really want to get something done, they can be very aggressive and confident about pursuing that. They are also very talented when it comes to devising action plans for achieving something tricky.

When they are in the zone, they can get very critical and demanding, if something doesnโ€™t meet their standards. In short, they always believe in giving their absolute best.

3. ESTJs are always the ones who likes to follow and uphold traditions. They take their commitments very seriously, and never do anything that might jeopardize their values and ethics. Since they love mingling and socializing with people, most of the time, they end up being the life of the party; there is never a dull moment when they are around.

4. An ESTJโ€™s rigid-mindedness and stubborn nature threaten to cut back on the various, interesting possibilities that life has to offer. They are always so stuck up on what works, that they fail to acknowledge the fact that there might be something out there, that might give better results. They hate experimenting, always focus on tried and tested formulas, and refuse to get out of their comfort zone, no matter how much you might push them to.

5. ESTJs are extremely strong people mentally and add to that an immense amount of resilience, and you have got a winning combination. Their dedication and never-say-die attitude are truly enviable, and that is exactly what helps them thrive and be successful. You will never find them give up on their conviction just because they have opposition, and they always stand firm and tall when their principles and values are concerned.

6. ESTJs highly value and covet social order, stability and security, and they will go to great lengths to ensure that they have these virtues in their lives. They will do what needs to be done to promote their values, and will also encourage others to do the same. For them, these are the things that matter in the long run, even more than money and other materialistic things.

7. ESTJs never do anything halfheartedly, and always give their best, no matter what they do. Be it professional commitments or personal, they are always trying to make everything better. They are dependable, loyal, practical, and highly conscientious people who never forget their duties. They also have a lot of integrity, who strongly believe that there should always be a certain degree of mutual respect and trust amongst everyone.

Jungian preferences:

  • Dominant: Extraverted Thinking
  • Auxiliary: Introverted Sensing
  • Tertiary: Extraverted Intuition
  • Inferior: Introverted Feeling

Related: Myers-Briggs Personality Types: 10 Signs You Are An ESTJ Personality Type

11. ESFP โ€“ The Entertainer

Myers-Briggs ESFP

Fun-loving, social and extroverted, ESFPs are true-blue entertainers. They love new experiences and they always live in the moment. Impersonal opinions and theoretical ideas are not their cups of tea. They love being in the limelight and are amazing when it comes to handling attention from other people. ESFPs are some of the smartest and well-versed people you will ever come across.

Portrait of an ESFP โ€“ Extraverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving (Extraverted Sensing with Introverted Feeling)

As an ESFP,

  • Your primary mode of living is focused externally, where you absorb things through your five senses.
  • Your primary mode of living is focused internally, where you handle things on the basis of your feelings about them, and how they complement your personal values.

1. If there is one thing that ESFPs excel at, then thatโ€™s being original and authentic. Traditions, and tried and tested formulas are not their jam, and you will always find them experimenting with different things and coming up with never-before-seen and never-before-heard ideas.

Add to that their boldness, and you have got a winner in your hands. They always look for ways to stand out from the crowd, and they happily step out of their comfort zone, if it means that they will get to enjoy and experience something new and unique.

2. ESFPs are gifted when it comes to interpersonal skills, which is why they are often entrusted with the role of being the peacemaker. For them, their personal values and morals matter a lot, and that is why they have an empathetic personality, and genuinely care about other peopleโ€™s wellbeing.

They have a very warm, caring, and generous demeanor. Their observation powers are top-notch, and because of that, they can sense if something is wrong, even without being told anything about it.

3. ESFPs are the clear winners as far as showmanship and having a strong sense of aesthetics are concerned. They are natural performers who donโ€™t have to work very hard to entertain people. Itโ€™s like they were born with talent at their fingertips, and you will seldom come across someone who will be better at performing than them. Their panache and creativity do not just show in their outfits, you can see oodles of it in their actions, thoughts, and words too.

4. ESFPs enjoy being in the limelight, and for them, the whole world is a stage. Since they are natural performers, they love entertaining other people and making them happy. In almost every social event, itโ€™s an ESFP that turns out to be the life of the party. Having fun and making people have the time of their life, are two things they are really good at.

5. ESFPs are open-minded and accepting people who never judge anyone without knowing their story first. They are generally very welcoming and accepting of everyone, and genuinely want to know everyone on an intimate level. For them, everyone they meet is their friend. Nevertheless, if someone hurts them or betrays them in any way, they close themselves up instantly, and their icy demeanor comes out.

6. ESFPs when under a lot of stress, tend to feel mentally exhausted and pessimistic. When they go in the pessimistic zone, they tend to believe that nothing will ever work out and that they are not capable of doing anything good. But once they are able to get out of their funk, and get back in their groove, nothing can stop them. No matter how dire the situation might be, trust them to come up with the best solution.

7. ESFPs are probably some of the most immature people out there, due to their unwillingness to understand that some things in life need to be taken seriously.ย They are so caught up in the present, that they fail to see that they need to be prepared for the future, and for that, they need to work for it.

Now, when you add stubbornness with immaturity, it is truly a recipe for disaster. Because no matter how much you might try to push them, encourage them or counsel them to do the right thing, they wonโ€™t do it, unless they want to.

8. ESFPs have really good taste, an amazing aesthetic sense, and are also very gifted when it comes to spatial intelligence. Thatโ€™s why itโ€™s not a surprise that an ESFPโ€™s home is always decorated and done up very artfully. They have a keen eye for beautiful things and love to enjoy the finer things that life has to offer.

9. ESFPs are great team players, and they never create any fuss nor do they throw any tantrums when they are in a team. They have no problem following someone who knows what they are doing, as long as they are talented, self-assured, and intelligent. Because they are energetic personalities, they do well in careers that have a lot of diversity, as well as spontaneity.

10. ESFPs like to go with the flow, and they see life with a lot of optimism. No matter what they go through, they always believe that tomorrow is another day, and everything will be alright in the long run.ย They always look at the bright side, and their hopefulness and enthusiasm are highly contagious.

ESFPs firmly believe in the adage, โ€œLive every day as if itโ€™s your last.โ€ Due to their optimism, they are also very happy people who always walk with a spring in their steps. Happiness radiates off them, and whenever you spend enough time with an ESFP, their energy is bound to rub off on you.

Jungian preferences:

  • Dominant: Extraverted Sensing
  • Auxiliary: Introverted Feeling
  • Tertiary: Extraverted Thinking
  • Inferior: Introverted Intuition

Related: Myers-Briggs Personality Type: 10 Signs You Are An ESFP Personality Type

12. ESFJ โ€“ The Provider

Myers-Briggs ESFJ

Conscientious, popular, and kind, ESFJs are providers in the truest sense. They always choose to put the needs of others before their own, due to their innate sense of duty and responsibility. They love serving others and looking after them, and strongly support security and values. Sometimes, they need a little bit of appreciation and positive reinforcement to feel nice about themselves.

Portrait of an ESFJ โ€“ Extraverted Sensing Feeling Judging (Extraverted Feeling with Introverted Sensing)

As an ESFJ,

  • Your primary mode of living is focused internally, where you handle things on the basis of your feelings about them, and how they complement your personal values.
  • Your secondary mode is internal, where you absorb things through your five senses.

1. ESFJs are the best people to be with when it comes to being in a romantic relationship. They are extremely supportive, trustworthy and nurturing, and will take care of their partners as no one else will. They always look for secure, stable, and mature relationships to be in, and once they get that, they give it their all.

ESFJs are committed and loving people, who will hardly give their partners any chance to complain and will always be there for them, no matter what. No matter what happens, they always follow through with their promises, and never compromise on their love and integrity.

2. ESFJs are responsible people and can be relied upon with eyes closed. They seek a content and happy life, more than a wealthy and materialistic one. Stability, security, and happiness mean a lot to them. They take their duties and responsibilities very seriously, and always make sure that everything is done correctly and perfectly.

3. ESFJs are warmhearted and kind people, who sometimes look for acknowledgment and appreciation from others to feel good about themselves. Indifference, harsh words and unkindness hurt them a lot. They always put other people first, sometimes even sacrificing their own needs in the process. Because they are so sensitive and caring, they struggle a lot when it comes to confronting and accepting an uncomfortable truth about someone they love.

4. ESFJs and their values systems are always defined externally. They are sorted individuals, who know what they want, and donโ€™t hesitate in expressing their opinions, needs, and wants. Even though they have a strong moral code, it is predominantly defined by the community they are a part of, rather than their inherent values.

5. ESFJs are never scared of taking on challenges, nor do they ever get intimidated by them. They know how to take a stand for themselves, and will never stand by and watch others take credit for the work they have done. They know how to be a leader, and never wait for others to initiate things.

ESFJs are always ready to help people whenever they can, be it volunteering at a soup kitchen, raising money for underprivileged kids or even run for being the neighborhood president โ€“ they know they can make a difference, and will always work hard to make sure that they do.

6. This Myers-Briggs personality type can be quite controlling at times because there is nothing more they love than organization and structure; closure also matters to them a lot. As long as everything is organized, planned, and structured properly, they will feel calm. Mess, and clutter is some of their worst nightmares. They donโ€™t like things that are impersonal, too formal, and abstract. However, they always try to be careful not to control people who donโ€™t like to be controlled.

7. ESFJs respect in rules and regulations, and believe that they are there for a reason. Their traditional mindset pushes them to do things in conventional and established ways, rather than being spontaneous and impulsive. Because security matters to them a lot, they would any day choose to stick to the laws of the land, rather than take risks. This attitude and mindset sometimes leads to them blindly accepting and following rules without understanding and questioning them.

8. This Myers-Briggs personality type need a lot of appreciation and acknowledgment to feel happy and confident about themselves. This constant need for validation makes them come across as excessively needy and clingy. Whenever their efforts are not acknowledged, they try various ways to fish out compliments to feel better and reassure themselves of their good qualities.

Criticism is the worst nightmare for an ESFJ, and thereโ€™s no way they are ever okay with it. Even if you provide constructive criticism, they will take it to heart, feel hurt over it, and make it seem like something huge whereas itโ€™s not. They feel very dejected whenever someone doesnโ€™t agree with their values, beliefs, and traditions.

9. ESFJs can be quite conscious about their gender and the existing gender roles in society. Most of them would be more comfortable playing roles that perfectly and traditionally suit their gender. Female ESFJs can be very feminine, and male ESFJs are normally very masculine. Very rarely do they voluntarily choose to break out of the established gender roles.

10. ESFJs are extremely down-to-earth, helpful, empathetic, warm, tactful, energetic, and understanding people. They prefer security, stability, and tradition, and always put their loved ones first, sometimes even before themselves.

Jungian preferences:

  • Dominant: Extraverted Feeling
  • Auxiliary: Introverted Sensing
  • Tertiary: Extraverted Intuition
  • Inferior: Introverted Thinking

Related: Myers-Briggs Personality Type: 10 Signs You Are An ESFJ Personality Type

13. ENFP โ€“ The Champion

Myers-Briggs ENFP

Innovative, idealistic, and energetic, ENFPs can do anything and everything that interests them. They have amazing people skills and can gel well with almost everybody. Their inner values matter to them a lot, and they try to live their life accordingly.

Details bore them, and new ideas make them feel excited and raring to go. This Myers-Briggs personality type is flexible and open-minded, and they have a wide range of abilities and interests.

Portrait of an ENFP โ€“ Extraverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving (Extraverted Intuition with Introverted Feeling)

As an ENFP,

  • Your primary mode of living is focused externally, where you absorb things through your intuition.
  • Your primary mode of living is focused internally, where you handle things on the basis of your feelings about them, and how they complement your personal values.

1. ENFPs have a spontaneous and adaptable nature which makes them enthusiastic, approachable, intelligent with an empathetic soul and an altruistic personality. They are very easy to get along with, who never try to intimidate others by showing off their knowledge. Their friendly disposition makes them popular wherever they go, and such is their appeal, that people actually look forward to meeting them and making them a part of their plans.

2. ENFPs have a wide range of talents and skills, and they excel at every one of those things that interest them. Since they are very project-oriented people, who donโ€™t like to stay stagnant, they tend to have several different careers in their lifetime.

People who donโ€™t know them very well might think they are purposeless and directionless, but on the contrary, they have strong values and morals, which they follow throughout their lives. ENFPs are emotionally deep and intense individuals with highly evolved and meaningful values.

3. ENFPs really need to concentrate on their projects, finish them and then move on to the next project. This is a major problem when it comes to ENFPs. ENFPs sometimes need more alone time than others to center themselves and make sure that they are going forward in the right direction that is in accordance with their values.

If they succeed in keeping themselves centered, and follow through with every project without giving up along the way, nothing can stop them from achieving their goals.

4. ENFPs have amazing social skills and people skills, that help them get along with just anyone and everyone. Their social personality and exceptional communication skills also help them express their ideas to people very easily. One of the best things about ENFPs is that they are equally good at deep conversations as well as small talk. So now you can see why itโ€™s never really that challenging for them to have amazing conversations, no matter where they go?

5. ENFPs are always excited and they exist in a world of infinite exciting possibilities, which is why they find the details of daily life quite trivial. They donโ€™t like to focus on the everyday maintenance-type aspects and tasks and remain blissfully ignorant of them. Even when they have to do these things, they hate it. This ends up creating problems for them with their family and close ones, who feel that they donโ€™t do enough to โ€˜help aroundโ€™.

6. ENFPs can be quite manipulative when itโ€™s needed, and honestly, they are quite good at that. They are gifted with amazing conversation skills, and this helps them influence people into doing what they want. But for the most part, ENFPs never abuse this ability of theirs, because it goes against their ethics and value systems.

7. ENFPs can sometimes make massive errors in judgment. They are highly intuitive people who have great perception powers and can deduce a person and their true intentions in minutes. But whenever they try to use their judgment instead of their instinct and intuition, they end up with the wrong conclusions.

8. ENFPs are open-minded and warm people, who never fail to make someone feel loved and cared for. They are genuinely nice human beings who try to do good for others and help them be the very best version of themselves. ENFPs have this unique talent of making everyone feel welcome and accepted.

Their warm and cozy behavior makes people come to them again and again for advice, support, and guidance. Charming and understanding to a fault, itโ€™s no wonder that they are always the most popular ones in the room.

9. ENFPs never brood, or obsess about ideas, they simply go out and do it. They never stay stuck in their comfort zones and are always looking to do new things, and go on new adventures. Extremely open-minded, creative, and imaginative, this makes them see life as one big, mysterious puzzle with multiple possibilities.

They are also extremely observant people, who miss nothing and donโ€™t underplay even the minute of things. This is because they believe that everything has a reason, and every little thing plays a part in the bigger picture. Due to their curious nature, they look at all these things and try to make sense of all of it.

10. ENFPs are naturally happy people, but they feel extremely unhappy when they are forced to stick to strict schedules and boring tasks. They work incredibly well in situations where they get to be flexible and can work with interesting ideas. This is one of the biggest reasons why most ENFPs prefer to run their own business, rather than work a 9-5 job. They donโ€™t really need any sort of supervision, because as long as they are doing what they love, they will be happy.

11. ENFPs are sensitive and emotional people who think a lot about other peopleโ€™s feelings and sentiments, which leads to them overthinking a lot.ย They think about every little thing they might have said to someone and even the other way around, and this ends up making them feel overwhelmed.ย Moreover, they also never say no to anyoneโ€™s requests, which just adds to their stress.

When you get easily stressed and then you add being over-emotional on top of that, itโ€™s too much, right? Well, thatโ€™s exactly what happens to an ENFP. When they feel extremely stressed out, they tend to have emotional outbursts, which letโ€™s just say, are not very pretty.

12. ENFPs are sensitive, emotional, charismatic, innovative, and outgoing individuals who have a lot of capabilities. They are full of gifts that they use to elevate themselves, and their lives. However, no matter how high they fly, they have the amazing ability to stay centered and down-to-earth.

Jungian preferences:

  • Dominant: Extraverted Intuition
  • Auxiliary: Introverted Feeling
  • Tertiary: Extraverted Thinking
  • Inferior: Introverted Sensing

Related: Myers-Briggs Personality Types: 10 Signs You Are An ENFP Personality Type

14. ENFJ โ€“ The Teacher

Myers-Briggs ENFJ

ENFJs are social, sensitive, and popular with mind-blowing people skills. They genuinely care about what other people feel and think, and how their actions might affect them. Impersonal and formal analysis is not for them, and they like to perceive everything from a humane and personal perspective.

This Myers-Briggs personality type is really talented when it comes to leading and moderating group discussions, and can handle crises very well. They like helping others, which is why they sometimes prioritize othersโ€™ needs over their own.

Portrait of an ENFJ โ€“ Extraverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging (Extraverted Feeling with Introverted Intuition)

As an ENFJ,

  • Your primary mode of living is focused internally, where you handle things on the basis of your feelings about them, and how they complement your personal values.
  • Your secondary mode is internal, where you absorb things through your intuition.

1. This Myers-Briggs personality type is extremely charming and popular. They have this innate ability to gauge just how to capture and enthrall an audience without making them feel bored, and accurately understand their motivation and mood to further communicate with them with passion, sincerity, energy, and emotion.

ENFJs are masters when it comes shifting their attitudes and mannerisms to match that of the audience, and they never miss a mark while doing that. But at the same time, they know how to maintain their individuality. No wonder, they turn out to be amazing orators.

2. ENFJs are amazing with people, and due to this talent, they can influence people to do their bidding. They have this unique ability to get under someoneโ€™s skin and making them react just the way, they want them to react. Even though, most of the time their intentions are positive, there are certain times when they try to manipulate and deceive others for their own personal gains.

3. ENFJs are idealistic it is what almost all their values and morals are based on. So, you can imagine how they feel when they realize that not everything happens on the basis of idealism. Their overly idealistic nature sometimes makes them clash with people who might not have the same mindset.

However, they never attack anyone because of that, and instead of being angry, they take pity on their opponents. Their heavily impractical nature just adds to their naivetรฉ, opening them up to the possibility of getting duped and manipulated, time and time again.

4. ENFJs are comparatively more reserved than other extraverted types, especially when it comes to disclosing things about themselves. Even though they harbor strong beliefs, sometimes they choose to not express them, if they feel it would interfere with the goals of someone. They like being the catalyst of change in people, and they would never want their opinions to play a part in demotivating someone.

5. ENFJs get things done in the right way, and at the right time, especially if they have given you their word. Giving someone their word, and then letting them down is something that horrifies them, and they try their level best to never let that happen. No matter how hard the situation might be, or challenging the task is, they will always give their best, and follow through with their promises. Their maturity and reliable nature make them an asset to every team.

6. ENFJs are popular, and that is honestly an understatement. They are extremely fun-loving, social and most importantly, they love being surrounded by people. They are always high on confidence, and they are great at doing different things. Optimistic, bright, enthusiastic, and always on the go, they dive straight into things the moment they feel even a tiny sense of intrigue.

7. ENFJs are very organized, and want everything to be structured and in the right form. Born perfectionists, they are always fussing about even the smallest of things, which might not be a big deal for someone else. Whatever they do, they make sure that it is done beautifully, and perfectly.

8. ENFJs do well in careers where they have to deal with people and solve their problems, which is why they thrive in social committees. Their inherent ability to understand people and their needs makes them natural problem-solvers. They are comfortable with being in the limelight and thrive whenever they are required to lead and inspire others.

9. ENFJs donโ€™t like impersonal reasoning and try to avoid it like the plague. They feel lost and extremely unhappy whenever they are forced to deal with something, just with logic and facts, and absolutely no human emotions and feelings. Because they believe in possibilities, they focus more on plans than achievements. ENFJs tend to get restless and bored with the present and enthusiastic about the future.

10. This Myers-Briggs personality type always looks for intimate and meaningful relationships, and they always invest a lot of effort in building and maintaining serious relationships. Their loyalty and trustworthiness are some of the best things about them when it comes to romantic relationships. Cheating, betrayal, and two-timing, they cannot even imagine indulging in these things.

11. Sometimes their good things turn out to be their bane. Even though their selfless and innocent nature is something they should be proud of, too much of it ends up creating more problems for them.ย They are always so eager in helping other people with their difficulties, that they tend to forget their own needs and desires.

This leads to many toxic people exploiting their innocence, and good-natured personality. This is one of the reasons why ENFJs more often than not, end up attracting narcissists and toxic people to them.

12. ENFJs have amazing persuasion skills, and when they really, really want to convince you to do something, you will end up doing it. But they never use their skills to exploit or manipulate someone for their own selfish needs; most of the time they fall back on their persuasion skills for positive and charitable reasons only.

All they want is for people to take part in good things, and work towards making a positive change. ENFJs are friendly and likable people as it is, so that is just the icing on the cake, as these two qualities further motivate people to follow them and trust in their vision.

Jungian preferences:

  • Dominant: Extraverted Feeling
  • Auxiliary: Introverted Intuition
  • Tertiary: Extraverted Sensing
  • Inferior: Introverted Thinking

Related: Myers-Briggs Personality Types: 10 Signs You Are An ENFJ Personality Type

15. ENTP โ€“ The Visionary

Myers-Briggs ENTP

Intellectually superior, innovative, and ingenious, ENTPs are good at a variety of things. They love getting into debates and expressing strong opinions but never get offensive while doing so. They are always excited about new projects and ideas, which leads to them ignoring the routine and daily aspects of their lives.

This Myers-Briggs personality type is assertive and quite outspoken, and they never shy away from speaking up about something they believe in. ENTPs are also blessed with the ability to comprehend challenging concepts and ideas and use logic to come up with interesting solutions.

Portrait of an ENTP โ€“ Extraverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiving (Extraverted Intuition with Introverted Thinking)

As an ENTP,

  • Your primary mode of living is focused externally, where absorb things through your intuition.
  • Your secondary mode is internal, where you handle things logically and rationally.

1. ENTPs are dominated by the Extraverted part of their personality, which is why their primary interest lies in trying to understand the world they reside in. They are continuously taking in information and ideas about the situations they are involved in. ENTPs predominantly use their intuitive skills for processing information, and thatโ€™s why most of the time they are correct in understanding certain situations.

2. ENTPs are extremely shrewd, brilliant, and flexible minds, which makes them quick on their feet. No matter what you throw at them, they will always have an even better retort and answer ready for you, because of how fast they can think.

They are hardly ever caught unaware, and they are good at flitting from one idea to another in the span of seconds. This is one of the biggest reasons why they are outstanding debaters, and why itโ€™s always a disadvantage to have them as an opponent.

3. ENTPs are true-blue โ€˜ideasโ€™ people; their perceptive capabilities drive them to look for possibilities everywhere they go. Always enthusiastic and thrilled about the ideas they come up with, their energy is felt by others even. Their energy is so infectious, that other people also end up believing in their conviction, and end up supporting them.

4. ENTPs donโ€™t like traditions, especially rigid and orthodox ones. Thatโ€™s why they never hesitate in bringing them down and tearing them apart. They always believed in adapting to the changing times, and thatโ€™s what they do when they use their creativity to combine different modern ideas to come up with one major, mind-blowing vision.

They are excellent when it comes to taking contrasting ideas from their huge knowledge base, work on them and create daring and intelligent concepts. This is the reason why they are the best people to go for when it comes to getting rid of systemic and chronic problems.

5. ENTPs always fall back on their introverted thinking to make decisions. Even though they are most interested in taking in information rather than make decisions, when the time comes, they are good at reaching logical and practical conclusions. And on top of that, if they apply their thinking process to intuitive problems, the results can be very powerful and impactful. Well-developed ENTPs tend to be inventive, insightful, and extraordinary.

6. ENTPs are blessed with the gift of the gab. They make for amazing conversationalists, are always ready with a witty retort, and like to verbally spar with others. Debates are close to their hearts, and they love putting forth their opinions, and sometimes they might even switch sides just to make things interesting. Whenever they are expressing themselves, it turns out to be intense and passionate.

7. ENTPs excel at being bold and fearless. There is no challenge that they are scared of, and there is no obstacle they cannot jump over. ENTPs know very well that failures are the stepping stones to success, and that is why they are not afraid to fail. No matter what happens, they keep on innovating and creating and donโ€™t stop unless they come up with something original, unique, and one of a kind.

8. ENTPs struggle when it comes to the Sensing-Feeling aspect. More often than not, they end up ignoring the small, but important details of their lies, and also harshly dismiss other peopleโ€™s opinions. This ends up creating problems for them when it comes to their personal and romantic lives.

9. ENTPs are famous for their confidence and charisma, and you will hardly find anyone who can compete with these virtues of theirs. Their intelligence and quick thinking coupled with their charm have always reaped amazing results, no matter where they go.

Informative, smart, and charismatic, they know how to influence people into seeing their vision and going along with it. And the good thing is that they never use their talents to dupe or manipulate others; they always have genuinely good ideas which end up being mind-blowing in the long run.

10. ENTPs are true visionaries, for whom knowledge and intelligence probably matter the most. They are always trying to understand the deep meaning of life, and spend most of their time trying to gain a higher understanding of things. No matter how challenging the problems and obstacles might be, they know how to improvise and rapidly come up with the perfect solutions.

Jungian preferences:

  • Dominant: Extraverted Intuition
  • Auxiliary: Introverted Thinking
  • Tertiary: Extraverted Feeling
  • Inferior: Introverted Sensing

Related: Myers-Briggs Personality Types: 10 Signs You Are An ENTP Personality Type

16. ENTJ โ€“ The Commander

Myers-Briggs ENTJ

ENTJs are born to lead, and being a leader is something they know very well how to be. Outspoken, and assertive, this Myers-Briggs personality type is a pro when it comes to understanding and solving the toughest problems.

Well-informed, smart, and amazing oratory skills make them a force to reckon with. Competence, knowledge and hard work matter to them the most, and they hate disorganization and inefficiency of any sort.

Portrait of an ENTJ โ€“ Extraverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging (Extraverted Thinking with Introverted Intuition)

As an ENTJ,

  • Your primary mode of living is focused externally, where you handle things practically and logically.
  • Your secondary mode is internal, where you absorb things through your intuition.

1. ENTJs are always so good at what they do is that they are extremely confident about themselves and their abilities.ย Even though they have moments of self-doubt, they never let it control them. Their confidence is what makes them always so sure of themselves. And they are not just confident, they are very self-assured too. They trust themselves, their opinions, judgments, and capabilities, and know that they will seldom go wrong with them.

2. ENTJs are career-driven personalities which is why they thrive in the corporate world. Constantly studying and judging the environment they are in, the moment they come across any problem, they get right to solving it. This Myers-Briggs personality type has a bigger-picture mentality and are quite gifted at approaching everything from a broader perspective. It is due to their razor-sharp minds and leadership qualities that they achieve success in the business world.

3.ย ENTJs are perfectionists, and thatโ€™s why they always want everything to be perfect and flawless. They will constantly keep on finding flaws and tiny problems in every plan which they havenโ€™t made.

ENTJs do this even when there really isnโ€™t any problem; they just want to criticize and nitpick. If they do come across any shortcomings, they will not hesitate to ruthlessly criticize the person/people responsible for that. They will go on and on about how wrong they were and how they should have done a better job.

4. This Myers-Briggs personality type has a strong presence and an innate power in themselves which pushes them towards achieving their goals. Nevertheless, this power can sometimes be an agent of self-aggrandizement and alienation, which they should always try to avoid, no matter what.

5. ENTJs have a very forceful personality, and decisiveness is their middle name. They never have any difficulty making decisions, due to their lightning-fast thinking, and never shy away from expressing their opinions. However, this can turn out to be a bane sometimes, as they tend to judge people who are not as quick-thinking as them. This can lead to them becoming quite abrasive and dictatorial at times.

6. ENTJs for the most part are not organically attuned to other peopleโ€™s feelings, but they do have some strong emotional streaks sometimes. But they try to bury these sentiments deep inside them because they consider such sentimental feelings to be a huge weakness. This is because they donโ€™t really work well when feelings and emotions are concerned; logic and rationality are more their forte. So, their emotional side may come out sometimes, but donโ€™t count on it.

7. One of the best things about the ENTJ personality type is that they have immense inner strength, and criticism hardly affects them. Criticism doesnโ€™t bog them down, rather they take it on the chin and work harder than before. They are always raring to go, no matter the circumstances, and always focus on are their goals. Once they know what to do and how to do it, nothing can stop them.

8. ENTJs always want their home to look beautiful, spick and span. They want their children to be disciplined, well-educated, and well-mannered, and they always try to maintain healthy relationships with their family members. ENTJs are the most compatible with people who have high self-worth, self-confidence, and strong opinions. They tend to stay away from submissive, timid, and cowardly people, who donโ€™t have a strong personality.

9. ENTJs are always very strategic when it comes to making decisions, and they never do anything impulsively. Before taking the next step, they stop and think hard, and only when they are absolutely sure about what should be done, they do it. You will rarely come across an ENTJ who just โ€˜wingsโ€™ it. Their strategic and analytical mind makes them some of the most intelligent people out there, who seldom go wrong with their plans and decisions.

Jungian preferences:

  • Dominant: Extraverted Thinking
  • Auxiliary: Introverted Intuition
  • Tertiary: Extraverted Sensing
  • Inferior: Introverted Feeling

Related: Myers-Briggs Personality Types: 10 Signs You Are An ENTJ Personality Type

So, which one of the Myers-Briggs personality types are you? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

Want to know more about the Myers-Briggs personality types? Check this video out below!

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