Super Flower Blood Moon 2021 Horoscope: This Is How It Will Affect You

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Super Flower Blood Moon Horoscope 1

2021’s first eclipse is here, and it’s also the first total lunar eclipse in two years! The Super Flower Blood Moon is going to make its appearance on May 26, 2021, at 7:14 am EST. This occurrence is a part of a series of eclipses that began last spring, that aroused our souls, and pushed us to take action towards change. If you see it from a spiritual point of view, lunar eclipses are all about appreciating your spirit, body, and mind.

This super flower blood moon is an uncommon occurrence, as in, it is both a supermoon and a blood moon. It’s a supermoon as it will be closest to the Earth, and it’s size will be bigger than usual, and it’s a blood moon because it will be slightly reddish in color, as the Sun’s rays will be blocked by the Earth. No wonder this is the perfect time to make changes in your life, and start afresh.

Oh, and this will happen in the fire sign of Sagittarius in polarity to the Gemini Sun. The Sagittarius sign is that sign who is always seeking the truth, and doesn’t stop until it gets it, and this is exactly what is going to help you to be authentic with yourself and others. Instead of just shutting your eyes to your problems, you will be pushed by this blood moon to confront them and deal with them.

Here Is How The Super Flower Blood Moon Affect Your Zodiac Sign

1. Aries (March 21 – April 19)

If you have been feeling tired and wanting to give up because the world has been beating you down since a long time, please know that this lunar eclipse is the perfect time for you to get back up, and start pushing yourself again. Your never-say-die attitude is what makes you, you and you have the potential to touch the sky if you push yourself enough.

Quitting can never be an option, and always remember that you are way stronger and resilient than you think. Things might seem overwhelming right now, but don’t give up on yourself. Take this blood moon as your personal reminder to keep on fighting, and never saying ‘I give up’.


2. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

It’s high time you were reminded of your worth, and this blood moon is here to do exactly that. You need to stop letting others walk all over you, and put you down whenever they want. Look at the people who are criticising you, and see them for who they are – insecure, irrational and bitter. Such people’s words lose their power the moment you see them for who they are exactly, hypocrites.

Stop absorbing their negative energy, and don’t give them the importance they are desperately seeking. Love yourself and help yourself rise up by focusing on your positive attributes, and qualities, and never let anyone else diminish your confidence.


3. Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

For you Gemini, the flower moon is indicating that you need to learn from your past mistakes, and take the right path in your life. You might struggle a lot internally, and there will be people who will try and hold you back from your true potential, but you need to prioritize yourself, and do what works for you.

Don’t be scared of new possibilities. Don’t be scared of new beginnings. You might be feeling that everything is getting out of control, and hence the uncertainty, but have faith in yourself and your abilities. It’s okay to let those things go that are only holding you back and are not serving you anymore.


4. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

For the last few years, you have been completely preoccupied with what others are doing, and how they are leading their lives, but haven’t focused much on your own. So maybe it’s time for you to stop comparing your life with the ones you see on social media. Do some digital detox and most importantly, some much-needed mental detox.

Take some time away from social media and just breathe. Breathe and appreciate everything that you have, and show gratitude for it. You will feel better the moment you will focus on yourself and your happiness, instead of constantly comparing yourself with others. Calm down and take deep breaths, Cancer.


5. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

It’s time for some romance, isn’t it Leo? Well you can thank this lunar eclipse as that’s exactly what it’s going to bring to your life! However, why are you trying to avoid, and run away from it? Why are you trying to detach yourself from this beautiful emotion? You need to let this fear go, and embrace love and romance with open arms. Take a leap of faith, and see where it takes you.

Don’t think about what others are saying, let go of all the societal norms, and think about what your heart wants. Move forward with love in your heart, and you will see just how beautiful life can get.


6. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Finally, your heart and mind are working in sync! Your mind is helping your heart open itself up to experiencing new situations, and you are finally seeing things for the way they really are. After years of second-guessing and doubting yourself, you are where you were always meant to be. Now this blood moon might force you to face many harsh truths, but instead of avoiding them, try to understand how you really feel.

The moment you realize your true feelings, and feel every part of them inside you, you will grow. This emotional breakthrough was a long time coming, and this will help you get closer to all your innermost and intimate feelings, and emotions. Something which you were trying for a very long time to work on emotionally.


7. Libra (September 23 – October 22)

You can never run forever from the truth, can you? This blood moon is going to bring out all the truths that you have been turning a blind eye to, and is going to push you to see everything from a more real and honest perspective. It’s going to shine a light on all the secrets that had been hidden for all this time (even some of your own secrets).

The blindfold on your eyes will be removed finally, and you will see the deeper meaning behind everything that has been going on for all this time. This lunar eclipse will also motivate you to let go of all your immature beliefs, and embrace more mature ones. You will finally become the person you were always meant to be.


8. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Scorpio, it’s time for a change, and this eclipse will help you make that change in your life. It is going to help you take small steps towards a major transformation, but it will only be possible if you are ready to grow. Because if you are not ready for this transformation, then the Universe is going to continue to send consequences your way for all the mistakes you keep on repeating.

In order to make sure that doesn’t happen, you need to make a fresh start, and pay off all your debts to Karma; these are the only ways to get out of this vicious and painful cycle. True healing is only possible if you work towards repairing your past trauma, and moving on towards new and more soul-soothing things.


9. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

This blood moon is going to influence you a lot into removing all the toxicity from your life, and push you to realize all those things that make you happy emotionally and mentally. It’s time to make your soul happy, and if for that you need to let go of all the inauthentic and toxic relationships from your life, then so be it. It’s high time you be honest with yourself, and focus on your emotional and mental well-being.

It is only with the right people and right relationships will you be able to elevate your love to the highest level, and for that, you need to cut out all the negative cords that are threatening to hold you back. Always remember that there’s no shame in letting go of negativity.


10. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Hard work and perfectionism are amazing virtues to have, but sometimes you need to take a break from it all. Working 365 days a year, and 24 hours a day is obviously going to take a toll on you physically and mentally, and this lunar eclipse is a much-needed reminder for you to slow down. Work hard, but not at the cost of your emotional and mental well-being.

Meditate, listen to soothing songs, go on a hike, take a short vacation, spend some quality time with your family and friends, and do whatever you need to do to decompress. Stop pushing yourself to the extreme limit, and focus on your mental peace. Don’t exhaust yourself. Focus on your mind and body, and rest when needed. Taking a break is not a bad thing, you know.


11. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Getting to hear good and positive things about yourself from your close ones, always feel amazing, doesn’t it? But always keep in mind that these positive words should only amplify the already positive things in you, not represent them. No matter how open-minded and independent you are, sometimes you put too much emphasis on what others think about you.

Don’t always go around craving validation, praise and love from others, and realize that all that is already within you; all you have to do is get in touch with your inner self. Give yourself that joy and love you are looking for on the outside. This blood moon will help you realize your own worth and value, and once you realize that, there will be no stopping you.


12. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Focusing on your personal growth, and working on it everyday is not as easy as it sounds, but that is exactly what you have been doing for the past few months. And now it’s time for the world to see all the work you have done for your personal growth. Rather than getting dejected due to some minor criticism coming your way, or overreacting to every little thing, you don’t get affected by such things anymore, and take them with a pinch of salt.

Because of your personal development, you don’t let others define you anymore, nor do you let them treat you badly. You stand up for yourself, and you speak up for yourself whenever someone tries to mess with you. You have come a long way, Pisces, and you should be very proud of yourself.


So, how excited are you for the lunar eclipse and super flower blood moon? And also, what zodiac sign do you belong to? Let us know in the comments down below!

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