Author: sandip

  • Are You Naturally An Introvert, Extrovert, Or Ambivert: QUIZ

    We often get confused about whether we are introverts or extroverts. Here is an interesting introvert quiz that will reveal whether you are naturally an Introvert, Extrovert, Or an Ambivert.

    While we might enjoy that comfortable corner of our room, we might end up having a good time socializing. We often end up asking questions like, ‘I feel like I’m an extrovert but I have some qualities of an introvert too. So, who am I?’

    A person can be naturally extrovert and possess some qualities of an introvert, or vice versa and we can also be an ambivert.

    Extroverts are people who love spending time with others, are outgoing, prefer to work on teams and do not hesitate to talk to strangers. On the other hand, introverts are people who love spending time alone, are reserved and prefers to work independently.

    And ambiverts are those who exhibit qualities of both introversion and extroversion and can choose to be either introvert or extrovert depending on their mood, situation and goals. Ambiverts can be outgoing introverts, antisocial extroverts, or social introverts

    According to Adam Grant, an associate professor at Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, ambiverts seem to strike a balance between the two more extreme personality traits.

    It is important for you to understand your personality so that you can ace a job in an interview or interact with people in a different social setting in a way that adds to your personal and professional life.

    Are you wondering too what’s your natural nature?

    Take this simple quiz and find out:

    Let us know what you have found! We are happy to hear from you. Also, feel free to share this extrovert and introvert quiz with your friends and folks.

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  • Impulse Test That Will Reveal Your Greatest Inner Strength: Quiz

    Most of the time we get so involved with the world that we often fail to notice our inner strengths. We are always so busy doing what is expected from us, that we tend to forget who we are, and what we want. If you are one of these people, then this impulse test can help you understand your greatest inner strength.

    Do you know what’s there within you? Are you a person who is filled with compassion, who puts others’ needs before them, who understands others’ problems as if it’s their own? Are you a charismatic person who leads the world to positivity, who is responsible and leaves a remarkable impression wherever they go? Or are you a creative person who gifts the world’s newest creations? Or are you someone who prefers to be quiet and do good for others without letting them know? Or do you have something else in you?

    Once you know what your inner strength is, you will be able to work towards being the very best version of yourself. You will be able to feel complete, and you will start feeling a lot of courage and determination in your heart.

    This impulse test can help you identify your inner strength.

    All you need is to click on the images that come without giving a second thought. You will get the result and then discover your strength, and then hone it to become a stronger person.

    Related: The Path You Choose Reveals Your Life Philosophy: Quiz

    To start Click on Lets Play below:

    Impulse Test Reveal Greatest Inner Strength Quiz Pin
  • What Do Tears Look Like Under Microscope? The Topography of Tears By Rose-Lynn Fisher

    Neither tears are just salt water, nor a sign of weakness. Our tears carry a microcosm of the collective human experience. Rose-Lynn Fisher revealed what your tears under microscope look like. Scroll down to know the beauty of your tears, you’ll surely be surprised.

    Photographer Rose-Lynn Fisher is known for her mind-blowing images of honey bees that she captured in an entirely new light using a powerful scanning electron microscope.

    In 2010, she published her book of remarkable images including magnified bees’ microscopic structures. These images magnified by a hundred or thousand times in size are jaw-dropping. The abstract forms of images are usually not possible to see by the naked human eye.  

    Later she again surprised people with startling results of her new project called “Topography of Tears.” Her research was focused on “dried human tears” and with amazing photography skills, she generated an unexpected view of human tears under microscope. 

    What do tears look like under a microscope?

    Life offers a roller coaster ride and no one has the option to deny it. Not even Fisher! She started her project on human tears when she was going through several ups and downs in life and suffered many losses. So, she had enough raw materials to start her project on tears. 

    What inspired Fisher to work on this research was startling images of honey bee structure as well as images of a fragment of her own hip bone removed during her surgery. It was then realization dawned on her and she said, “everything we see in our lives is just the tip of the iceberg, visually”. 

    She was driven by curiosity to know what tears look like under a microscope.

    Tears of ending and beginning by rose-Lynn Fishe

    What do tears look like under a microscope?

    She caught one of her own tears on a slide and allowed it to dry. Then she placed the slide on the holder of a standard light microscope. She said that the aerial view of her tears appeared like a landscape when looked down from a plane.

    In her words, human tears under microscope are like “aerial views of emotion terrain.”

    Then she started pondering if all the tears under a microscope looked the same or if tears of joy differ from tears of grief. So, she decided to compare different types of tears under a microscope and launched a multi-year photography project.

    She collected, examined, and photographed more than 100 tears from both herself and a handful of other volunteers including a newborn baby.

    Onion tears under microscope

    Different types of tears under microscope

    Fisher divided tears into separate categories based on their origin:

    1. Reflex tears – are secreted when dust particles or irritants, like dust, onion vapors or tear gas enter into eyes. 

    2. Tears of grief – rolled down your eyes when you are sad or grieving. 

    3. Basal tears – Keeps the cornea of our eyes lubricated. They are released continuously in tiny quantities (on average, 0.75 to 1.1 grams over a 24-hour period).

    4. Tears of joy – secreted when you are happy. 

    5. Psychic tears – triggered by extreme positive or negative emotions.

    All types of tears contain a biological substance suspended in saltwater –  it can be antibodies, enzymes like lysozyme that is antibacterial, or oil.

    Fisher found that different types of tears contain distinct molecules. For instance, emotional tears contain protein-based hormones including the neurotransmitter leucine enkephalin, which is a natural painkiller – released when you’re under stress. 

    But, she said that the microscopic structures of dried human tears are mainly crystallized salt. Tear dries in different circumstances and when viewed in the microscope results in dissimilar shapes and formations. 

    It is possible that two psychic tears having the same chemical composition can look very different up close. It is because of various factors like viscosity, chemistry, the setting of the microscope, evaporation rate, and so on.

    tears under microscope

    As tears look like large-scale landscapes Fisher says, “It’s amazing to me how the patterns of nature seem so similar, regardless of scale”. 

    The branched crystalline patterns of dried tears (that are formed in less than a moment) viewed in a microscope resemble patterns of erosion that are etched into the earth over decades. 

    Basal tears under microscope
    Laughing tears under microscope

    Your tears are unique!

    Fisher’s amazing study confirms that tears are more than just a salty liquid discharged when you are happy or sad. 

    “Tears are the medium of our most primal language in moments as unrelenting as death, as basic as hunger, and as complex as a rite of passage,” she says.

    “It’s as though each one of our tears carries a microcosm of the collective human experience, like one drop of an ocean,” She added. 

    Did you enjoy reading and viewing human tears under a microscope? Share your opinion by commenting below and stay tuned as The Minds Journal is coming up with many more interesting topics for you.

    Do Different Types of Tears Look Different Under a Microscope?

    Some viral memes claim that there are differences between tears of grief and tears of other emotions. Well, it is true that there are different types of tears, each with it is own biological origin and containing its own unique makeup.

    But, exactly how these tears are differentiated and what they look like under a microscope depends on myriad factors. According to, this process is poorly understood by the scientific community. It is misleading and inaccurate to say that tears of one emotion are “structurally different” than those of another. For more refer to


    • Fisher, R.L., Frey, W.H. and Lauterbach, A., 2017. The topography of tears. New York: Bellevue Literary Press.
    • Basha, F.Y.S., Gayathri, R., Vardhan, A. and Priya, V.V., 2018. Analysis of tears-An in vitro study. Drug Invention Today10(8).
    • Frey, W.H., foreword to Rose-Lynn Fisher. The Topography of Tears.
    • Fisher, R.L. and Klinkenborg, V., 2010. Bee (No. 2/11). New York, NY, USA: Princeton Architectural press.
    • Hasson, O., 2009. Emotional tears as biological signals. Evolutionary Psychology7(3), p.147470490900700302.

    Disclaimer :

    This article is for your entertainment/infotainment purposes. We have employed our own due diligence in developing accurate and quality information for the readers of this website. We cannot assure you that all of the information provided will always be accurate or up to date, nor can we take responsibility for your use of this information.

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  • 11 Proverbs For Couples That Will Guarantee Stronger Relationships

    Everyone wants a strong relationship, but how many are actually willing to work for it? These eleven proverbs for couples can help you a lot. Sustaining a relationship is no joke, and unless you put in the effort and work towards building a sense of understanding, problems will be galore.

    I’ve been working with couples for over 30 years, and during that time I find myself saying some things over and over. Many things I have learned elsewhere, particularly from colleagues in the Imago community. Some things I’ve come up with on my own – I think. At this point, the sources are a blur because in saying them so often they now all feel like my own. Here they are, in no particular order.

    Here Are 11 Proverbs For Couples

    1. There are three things that make me believe in God.

    a) The taste of fresh-squeezed orange juice, b) Yosemite Valley, and c) the perfection with which couples choose each other. 

    You may think you know why you choose your partner when you propose or say “yes, I do.”  But you haven’t a clue. The deeper reasons and deeper meaning for your partnership will continue to unfold over the decades of your relationship if you hang in long enough and stay open to it. 

    And much of this meaning comes through in the struggles you two will have. Each time I witness this perfection in my office, my faith that there is a Higher Being organizing the cosmos is reaffirmed.

    2. You pick the person who can best create your worst nightmare. 

    While this may sound harsh, or scary, there is deep meaning in its truth. The intent here is that you will choose someone (unconsciously, of course) who will trigger sore spots from your past. 

    Along with this theory is the belief that you make such a choice in order to heal things as an adult with your partner that you could not work out with your parent when you were a child.

    Related: 5 Ways Couples Can Survive During Times of Crisis

    3. When it’s hysterical, it’s historical. 

    If your partner is acting or reacting in a way that makes absolutely no sense based on the stimuli, the reason behind the behavior may come from the distant past. Does your wife have a total meltdown if you forget to pick up something at the store she asked for? Find out what that feeling reminds her of from her childhood

    You might be surprised to learn it can be connected to something like a parent who forgot her birthday or forgot to pick her up from school repeatedly, or something in the neighborhood of a profound feeling of not mattering.

    4. In marriage, it’s win-win or lose-lose. There is no win-lose.  

    So many arguments devolve into one person trying to beat the other through marshaling evidence, verbal jousting, or subtle or not so subtle putdowns. This does absolutely nothing positive for either side in the dispute. 

    The only thing that will help your marriage is if both of you feel like winners. If you don’t, you will both lose. It’s that simple, and any time you think you have to prove your point, you’re not proving anything except that you don’t understand what it means to be in a relationship.

    5. In heated arguments, remember the 90/10 formula. 

    Connected to proverb #3, this formula posits that when you and your partner are in a screaming match over something inane, 10% of the conflict stems from the present-day context of what you’re arguing over. (My wife and I once got in an argument over who had to turn their head more to see the clock in order to know what time it was.) 

    The other 90% of the energy you bring to the conflict stems from your past. It is the little child in your adult body who is providing all the energy behind this conflict.

    Related: 5 Core Truths About Marriage That Every Couple Should Keep In Mind

    6. If you think there are only two options, choose the third. 

    So often it can seem like there are only two irreconcilable options available to you. Which do you choose?  #1 or #2? Who says there are only two?  It’s because you’re locked in a power struggle that it seems that way. 

    When I see couples stuck here, I ask them, “What is the third option?”  Sometimes something will shift in the room, the atmosphere will change, and creative thinking will unfold.

    7. You can be wrong even when you’re right.  

    There are a ton of ways to be wrong even when you’re right. Most of them fall into the category of holding onto something because it’s technically right for you individually, but wrong for the relationship. 

    Let’s say it’s your turn to get the new car but you know it’s more important to your spouse to drive the new car. You can exercise your “right,” but you would be wrong to do so.

    8. Your partner fell in love with your essence, not your survival suit. 

    We all develop survival suits to make our way through the world. These are the coping strategies we have developed over time to hide our vulnerabilities (“I really think I’m stupid/ugly/incompetent/a fraud”) as we go through life. Your spouse did not fall in love with your survival suit.

    Your spouse fell in love with you in the vulnerable state you showed him/her when you first fell in love, and you felt safe enough to be your true self. If you show that same self to your spouse, he/she may very well fall in love with you all over again.

    9. Do you want to be right or do you want to be happy? 

    It’s pretty rare that you can be both in your marriage. Connected to #4 and #7, I ask this of people when they are doggedly trying to prove their point to their spouse. Just what is the big deal with being right?

    10. Marriage is where the rubber meets the road. 

    It is very easy to be cool, groovy, understanding, and wonderful with your male or female friends. They don’t live with you. Your spouse does. 

    So don’t pull out “my friends say…” when your partner complains about something. There is nothing like marriage to force you to walk your talk.

    Related: Couples Who Stay Crazy In Love Do These 5 Things Everyday

    11. Leave the kids out of it.  

    Don’t ever use the kids to bolster your argument with your spouse. That’s a nuclear button. 

    All of us are deeply sensitive to what kind of parents we are. All of us are aware of all the ways we could be better parents. We don’t need our spouse to reinforce that and we won’t be able to hear a thing our spouse says while using the kids as a weapon. So don’t do it.

    Dr. Gressel can be reached via his website at

    Written By Josh Gressel
    Originally Appeared In Psychology Today

    These eleven proverbs for couples can help you and your relationship a lot if you genuinely want it to work and go the long mile. Things are not always going to be easier and ideal, but these proverbs can do wonders for all the couples out there. Just try them out and see the magic for yourself.

    Couples Guarantee Stronger Relationships pin
  • Why Is It So Hard To Leave A Covert Narcissist? 5 Manipulative Traps They Use

    Why is it so hard to leave a covert narcissist? Because they use covert emotional manipulation tactics to trap you in a relationship and prevent you from leaving.

    The scenario: Insensitive, forgetful, dismissive, selfish, and never wrong, a partner has pushed you to the edge. Standing up for yourself results in nightmare fights without a resolution. The inconsiderate behaviors rarely change, and the disrespect continues as if it was not addressed.

    Exhausted from the constant disappointment, hurt, and anger, you decide to end the relationship. You work up the nerve to “pull the trigger.” Yet your partner barely acknowledges the break-up and persuades you to revisit the issue the following morning. The next day, he acts as if there is nothing to talk about. Uttering a few compliments while offering you half of his bagel, he makes a joke, and just like that, you are back.

    The same cycle continues. You swear you’ve had enough. Yet each time you attempt to end the relationship, he reels you in with empty promises and insincere sentiments. Ironically, after he has convinced you to re-invest in the relationship, he breaks up with you.

    This cycle of reeling a person in to pull the rug out from under them is a sign a partner has control issues. A deeply insecure partner unconsciously combats insecurities by controlling another person’s emotions. Oscillating from nice to mean, caring to cold, interested to dismissive, and then back again, the emotionally impaired partner gains a person’s trust then blindsides him or her.

    Related: What is a Covert Narcissist?

    This continually throws a person off and keeps him or her spinning. The emotional turmoil is paralyzing, and the need to stop the hurt creates a desire to blame yourself so you can return to the partner and stop the pain.

    Yet nothing changes. Each time the person concedes and re-invests in the relationship, the selfish partner increases his or her control. Eventually, the partner takes complete control by abandoning the person. This is the ultimate blow because the person has sacrificed and surrendered aspects of who he or she is to be with the manipulative partner. The rejected person’s damaged self-esteem plummets, and thoughts such as, “If he doesn’t want me, who will?” may be all-consuming.

    A helpful way to deal with the situation is to understand the partner’s covert emotional manipulations. Once the intangible dynamics become apparent, it is easier to refrain from absorbing the blame that belongs to the partner. Seeing a covert narcissist realistically allows a person to differentiate between a narcissist’s distorted perceptions and reality.

    For example, maybe the narcissist accuses the person of being “dramatic” and “crazy” when she is hurt and angry because the partner humiliated her in front of her boss. The narcissist denies his part in the conflict and continues to point the finger at the person, accusing her of being someone she is not. Uncovering these distortions and manipulations assists a person in escaping the emotional trap a narcissist sets.

    A covert narcissist commonly uses five emotional manipulation tactics which include the following.

    5 Manipulative Traps A Covert Narcissist Uses

    1. Playing The Victim

    Playing the victim occurs when a partner attempts to dodge accountability by garnering sympathy and re-directing the focus. If a partner attempts to escape a confrontation by painting himself or herself as the victim in the scenario, he or she is probably playing the victim.

    An example includes a partner who is caught tracking and stalking his girlfriend when she is spending time with her girlfriends. When it is discovered, he states, “Every partner I have ever had has cheated on me, so I have trust issues. It is not my fault.”

    He excuses his controlling manipulations because he believes he has been wronged in the past. Yet incurring hardship in the past does not give a person a license to mistreat someone in the present. Talking about this vulnerability and working through it instead of using it as an excuse to bully someone else is the healthier option.

    Related: The Covert Narcissist: Angel On The Outside, Devil On The Inside

    2. Deflecting Accountability

    Extreme deflection of accountability is a second common tactic a covert narcissist uses. Denying culpability may be an almost everyday occurrence. Rewriting history in order to exonerate himself or herself, the narcissist often makes a person feel crazy.

    For example, say the narcissist consistently refuses to go to the dog park with a person, but when the person mentions it, the narcissist says, “I go with you all of the time!” Although this is completely false, the narcissist vehemently believes the lie. The narcissist changes experiences in his or her own mind to excuse any fault. Arguing does not help the situation as the narcissist refuses to budge.  

    3. Projecting Blame

    Robustly projecting blame is closely linked to deflection but maybe more damaging because projections are unfair attacks that detract from a person’s sense of self. Also, a projection is usually about the partner who is criticizing, not the person who is being criticized.

    For example, say a partner consistently completes all of the chores around the house. One day, he decides to forgo some housework in order to go watch a game with friends. Upon his return, he notices the narcissist did a load of laundry. He thanks the partner and the partner utters, “You do whatever you want. You are so selfish. You only think of yourself.” Obviously, it is the narcissist who is selfish, not the partner.

    covert narcissist

    4. Inflicting Guilt

    Continually inflicting guilt is another painful weapon a narcissist wields. This happens when a narcissist does something nice for a person then throws it in the person’s face when attempting to control the person, or when trying to take advantage of a person’s empathy.

    For example, say a person conveys to the narcissist that separation is necessary. The narcissist may say things like, “How can you do this to me when I helped you start your own business?”

    A projection may follow, “Were you just using me?” The narcissist may also say things to imprison the person in the relationship using guilt. “If you leave, I’ll never be the same.” Or “You will devastate the kids. You are ruining everyone’s life. I hope you are happy.” Exploiting a person’s conscience to manipulate and control the person is never acceptable.

    Related: 7 Signs You Are Being Manipulated By A Narcissist

    5. Acting Passive-Aggressively

    Routinely acting out in a passive-aggressive fashion is also a tendency of a covert narcissist. This typically transpires when a person doesn’t comply with a narcissist’s wishes.

    For example, say a person interviews for a position the narcissist does not agree with. She lands the position, but her new boss mentions that she needs to “clean up” her LinkedIn page. She checks it out and discovers the narcissist messed with it, subtly creating a sloppy and unprofessional appearance. When she approaches the partner, the partner claims he was trying to help her and accuses her of being “ungrateful.”

    These emotional manipulation tactics are often unconsciously motivated by insecurity, so the narcissist may be unaware. Reality is also distorted by the narcissist’s unconscious defense mechanisms, which may make it nearly impossible for the narcissist to see. Yet, these narcissistic dynamics destroy healthy conflict resolution, tear apart a person’s self-esteem, and undermine a person’s strides towards success.

    They may have a destructive impact on a person’s life over time. Assessing a partner’s motivation to examine these compulsions is necessary and professional help may be helpful. Yet, if a partner is unmotivated to trust a person and honor the request to address the problems, the safe solution may be to exit the relationship.


    Written By Erin Leonard
    Originally Appeared In Psychology Today
    Emotional Manipulation Tactics Covert Narcissists In Relationship Pin
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    hard to leave a covert narcissist pin
  • 8 Truths You Must Accept To Find True Love

    Accept These Truths To Find True Love

    True love is desired by all, but is it understood by all?

    Who doesn’t want to find true love in their lives and that special someone? Thinking about that perfect partner, being in love and finally getting married, are the things that everyone at some point has thought about. However, getting to experience true love is sometimes easier said than done. Committed relationships always start out well and full of excitement. However, as the relationship gradually progresses and things start to mature, it is when you realize that there is a lot you do not know about your partner.

    You might end up finding out that your partner does not share the same interests and goals as you. This is one of the biggest reasons for friction in a relationship, which sometimes even results in its dissolution. But is breaking up always the best alternative?

    “True love is when you value your lover’s happiness more than yours and make their happiness your first priority.”

    If you feel that you have found your true love, giving up very easily is only going to hurt you more as time passes. It is not every day that you go around finding people who you consider to be your true love. 

    If you feel that you have found someone who makes you happy and understands you, then you shouldn’t let a few differences ruin what you share with him. You need to put in the effort every day. You need to work on your relationship every day. It takes a lot of compromise and sacrifice in order to build your relationship into a genuinely fulfilling one. To love and be loved in a positive, and healthy way is not effortless. True love means saying “no” to urges. True love means being conscious rather than hurtful, being compassionate rather than selfish, acknowledging your partner’s needs, being faithful. True love includes both big and small acts.

    Related: It’s Never Too Late To Find True Love

    Even though there are numerous lessons for finding true love, how can you define true love exactly? Truly loving someone means to be patient, loving, caring, supportive and faithful. Without these values, it is incredibly difficult to sustain a relationship. Lessons for finding true love are abundant, but which ones are actually effective? Some of the valuable lessons are as follows:

    Accept these Truths For Finding True Love

    Truths Accept Find True Love

    Here are 8 truths you must accept in order to find true love.

    1. Be the right person, before looking for the right person.

    If you want to be in a happy relationship, it is important to be happy yourself first. Making yourself happy or finding your happiness is crucial to being in a committed and complete relationship. When you choose to be in a relationship with someone, you cannot expect him to be responsible for your happiness all the time. That can be mentally exhausting and draining.

    Related: Signs of True Love & True Relationships

    Depending on your partner for your happiness will not only make you an over-dependent person, but it can also severely affect your relationship.

    2. Boundaries are non-negotiable.

    Every person has their deal-breakers when it comes to their relationships, such as alcoholism, physical abuse, financial instability or something else. Whatever may the deal-breaker be, make sure that you are transparent with your partner regarding that, so that he knows what your sensitive points are.

    If your relationship is based on true love, your partner will always make sure that he keeps your deal-breakers in mind and strive to always avoid situations like them. But if your partner does not care about any of that and intentionally chooses to indulge in stuff that makes you scared or uncomfortable, you are clearly not with the right person.

    3. Communication is key.

    Communication is one of the biggest tools to understand and foster well being in a relationship. To actively listen to the legitimate concerns of your partner is a tool used in successful relationships. Hence, one of the most important lessons for finding true love is to make sure that there is no communication gap between you two. 

    Without proper communication, it is next to impossible for a person to continue with a relationship. If you cannot talk to your partner about what is bothering you and vice-versa, then what is the point of being together? There are going to be times when you might do something that affects your partner in some way, and if he talks to you about it openly, then respect that.

    “Relationships cannot grow without the proper amount of communication.”

    The same thing is applicable to your partner too. True love is when your partner is always open, transparent and honest with you, regarding everything.

    4. Having shared goals is vital.

    You must figure out what you want to do with your life and how you are going to achieve your goals. At the same time, find out what your partner’s goals are so that you can help and support each other in achieving those goals. 

    It is not mandatory that both of you should think and function in the same way, otherwise it is not true love. However, if your interests and goals are more or less the same, it will help you understand each other. Additionally, it will also help you both in achieving those goals and make the most out of your lives together.

    Related: 7 Signs Of True Love From A Man

    5. Do not feel victimized.

    You are the controller of your life. And oftentimes, to be a victim or not to be is our choice.

    If you are in a relationship where your partner does not care about your physical or mental well-being, then leave that relationship. Do not stick around trying to change an irreparable situation and be a victim. Your life and your sanity is your own, and only you can bring about a change in it.

    “Nobody can hurt me without my permission.”  —​ Mahatma Gandhi

    Victimhood is not attractive to healthy people. Not only that, you are not a victim. You are in control. Take it.

    6. Your life should have a purpose.

    Every person’s life should have a purpose, including you. Your only focus should not be your relationship. Now, don’t get me wrong, giving your relationship priority is a good thing, but it shouldn’t be your only priority. You should be your first and foremost priority and you must live with purpose.

    You can be a person who makes things happen or a person to whom things happen. Which do you want?

    Living with purpose is about doing the tough things, and then reaping the rewards. When you sit with your feelings instead of eating them, or watching mindless TV or drinking five beers, you can get past them, understand them, and process them. When you go to the gym to re-energize, relieve anxiety, and get strong, you give yourself an immeasurable gift. When you eat healthy to fuel your body you can be present in mind, body, and spirit for your family, friends, partner, and yourself.

    Related: The Difference Between Ego Love and True Love in Relationship

    When you are in a loving relationship, you might want to spend all your time with your partner. Even though that is quite natural, you need some alone time too. This will help you from getting lost in the relationship and losing yourself in the process.

    7. If you are getting hurt all the time, it’s not true love.

    True love can never hurt you, and even if it does at times, it will always try to make things right. If you are with the right person, and he says something hurtful to you, he will always try to rectify the situation once he realizes his mistake.

    Having arguments is a normal part of every relationship, but whether you are letting those arguments dominate your relationship is the real question. If your partner is giving you ample emotional support, you will see that you are able to overcome anything.

    Related: True Love Is Built On Free Will And Free Choice

    At the end of the day, it is not always about winning or losing an argument. It is about loving each other enough to get through every obstacle.

    “Someone who truly loves you sees what a mess you can be, how moody you can get, and how hard you can be to handle but still wants you.”

    8. True love accepts you as you are.

    If your partner is asking or rather demanding you to give up doing all those things that you love doing, that is not true love. Your true love will always motivate you and push you to be the best version of yourself. They are never going to impose their decisions on you and expect you to abide by them, just because you love them. One of the most important lessons for finding true love is to accept your partner as they are.

    True love might be hard to find, but if you hold on just a bit longer, you will see that it’s just around the corner. Always remember that the person who loves you truly will always keep you happy, no matter what.

    You Won’t Find True Love Until You Accept These 10 Things
    You Must Accept These 8 Truths To Find True Love
    You Must Accept These 8 Truths To Find True Love
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  • The Blob Tree Test: Unlock Your Hidden Personality

    Psychology is such an interesting subject, it can reveal unknown facts about your personality in an instant, through the method of images. Here’s the famous Blob Tree Test —  guess which blob person are you and we will unlock your personality truths and help you understand yourself better.

    This block tree psychology test was developed by the famous British behavioral psychologist, Pip Wilson so this test is also known as Pip Wilson test. It is highly effective in determining facts about your personality, and also helps understand how you perceive the world.

    Although the blob tree test is used in many schools to determine the mental health of children, it has proven to be relevant in the case of adult personalities also.

    The blob tree test is inspired by the theories Wilson put forth in his book, The Big Book of Blob Trees, where the author uses 50 different blob trees, characters, and scenarios to explore feelings, and understand hidden emotions that individuals or groups may experience personally.

    The Blob Tree Test: Unlock Your Personality

    Choose a blob figure and we will tell you what kind of a person you are:

    blob tree test

    The Pip Wilson blob tree test depicts a tree where several illustrated figures are shown in different moods and positions. As you can see in the picture above, there are figures with various facial expressions sitting on/trying to sit on/climbing/lying around the tree. Each of these figures describes a certain mood and a certain activity.

    First of all, take a good look at the tree and its denizens; then choose two figures. Not randomly. You have to carefully choose two blob figures:

    Your choices will reveal facts about your psycho-emotional state and personality.

    Which Blob Person Are You? Results

    1. If you chose Figure 1

    You are a driven person

    You are a driven person, ready to overcome obstacles to achieve your goals.

    If you are persistent, your efforts will surely end in success. Although sometimes you are overwhelmed by the challenges in your path, remember that there are people in your life who are willing to lend a helping hand.

    2. If you chose Figure 2

    You’re an amiable person

    You’re an amiable person, enjoying healthy social and personal relationships.

    This gives you a sense of fulfillment in life. You prioritize your loved ones. You’re always ready to offer your guidance when needed, and your family is your biggest support system. In your social circle, you are valued as a good-natured, reliable friend.

    3. If you chose Figure 3

    Youre a resolute person

    You’re a resolute person, eager to learn and succeed in life.

    You’re determined to push through adversities. Luckily, you’re blessed with helpful friends who encourage you to fulfill your dreams. As you reach new heights of success, don’t forget the ones who helped you climb the ladder of success.

    4. If you chose Figure 4

    You are a jolly and good natured person

    You are a jolly and good-natured person, who aims for a stable life and career.

    While you dream of great achievements, you aren’t willing to go through the tedious, boring road that leads to success. To realize your dreams you need to ascend the tree, without fear of falling.

    5. If you chose Figure 5

    You are lacking in life force

    You are lacking in “life force”, which makes you feel exhausted and unenthusiastic all the time.

    You lack energy for most activities.  To regain your strength and motivation, you might want to engage in hobbies that you loved in the past, or maybe learn a new skill. Remember, this is just a bad phase that you can overcome through consistent efforts.

    6. If you chose Figure 6

    Youre a goal oriented and ambitious

    You’re a goal-oriented and ambitious individual, and handwork is the key to your happiness.

    If you’ve set your eyes on something, nothing can deter you from achieving it. You’re self-disciplined, steadfast, and always give your best effort.

    7. If you chose Figure 7

    Youre a focused person

    You’re a focused person, displaying a strong sense of duty, and enjoy meaningful work.

    When the going gets tough, take a breather and spend time with friends doing activities that bring you joy. This will help you strive towards your goals with renewed passion.

    8. If you chose Figure 8

    You are a person immersed in your own world

    You are a person immersed in your own world, always introspecting and looking for deeper meanings.

    While introspection is the best way to improve self-awareness, brooding too much over your affairs prevents healthy interactions with your environment. You should try to find out what drives you, and then move on in life.

    9. If you chose Figure 9

    You have a cheerful sunny disposition

    You have a cheerful, sunny disposition, and appreciate the little joys in life.

    You’re a fun-loving soul, who wishes to experience an epicurean lifestyle. However, don’t be afraid of changes, accept them as new challenges to broaden your worldview.

    10. If you chose Figure 10

    Youre an adaptable person

    You’re an adaptable person who enjoys a comfortable position in your social and professional life.

    You value stability, and your priorities in life are well-balanced. You just want to lead a happy life, and see new challenges as an opportunity to improve your situation further.

    11. If you chose Figure 11

    Youre the cherished person

    You’re the cherished person in your social circle, the confidant of your friends.

    Your friends trust you with their secrets, and you’re also the go-to person for advice and hugs. You’re communicative, and the happiest when in the company of your peeps.

    12. If you chose Figure 12

    person with an active social life

    You are a person with an active social life, and always ready to provide emotional support to your friends.

    You’re outgoing, eager to have a good time with buddies. You prioritize loved ones, and they ensure that you’re never lonely or bored.

    13. If you chose Figure 13

    locked within yourself

    You are locked within yourself, and prefer alone time over hanging out with others.

    However, being introverted can lead to overthinking and worrying, which reduces productivity. To overcome your bouts of anxiety, try communicating with like-minded people.

    14. If you chose Figure 14

    person suffering from internal turmoils

    You are a person suffering from internal turmoils that have left you emotionally drained.

    You are exhausted, mentally, physically, and emotionally, and in urgent need of rejuvenation. To tackle this crisis situation, seek help from loved ones or a professional; there are always people willing to help you feel better.

    15. If you chose Figure 15

    person who has adapted well

    You’re a person who has adapted well to his/her environment, and have a positive outlook.

    Currently, you enjoy a comfortable and stable position in life. You are well-adjusted to society, and enjoy a sense of wellbeing. 

    16. If you chose Figure 16

    supportive person and feel responsible

    You’re a supportive person and feel responsible for someone very special to you.

    Your nurturing qualities are appreciated, and that makes you feel rewarded. Sometimes, you might feel tired of being the responsible one- don’t feel guilty; no one will blame you if you need some space.

    17. If you chose Figure 17

    person who enjoys attention

    You’re a person who enjoys attention, and likes feeling looked-after and secure.

    While you enjoy being pampered, you are also valued as a helpful friend. Don’t be afraid to set out on your own path; it can open up fresh opportunities in your career.

    18. If you chose Figure 18

    sociable easygoing person

    You are a sociable, easy-going person who feels safest in the company of loved ones.

    Having an exciting social life is essential for your overall happiness. Your people skills are on point and your friends rely on you as their go-to person.

    19. If you chose Figure 19

    kind hearted person

    You are a kind-hearted person who is always ready to lend support to people in need.

    You sympathize well with others, and this quality manifests in your professional choices too. Being an empathetic person brings you personal satisfaction.

    20. If you chose Figure 20

    person exaggerated sense

    You’re a person who has an exaggerated sense of self-importance and always wants to be heard.

    While you are born with leadership skills, that isn’t enough to become the successful leader you dream of becoming. Humility is a key trait of successful people, and if you can work on it, your journey is sure to become simpler and more enjoyable.

    21. If you chose Figure 21

    Youre not at peace with yourself

    You’re not at peace with yourself, even though you have reached the topmost rungs in the ladder of success.

    You have shut yourself from others, and this only makes you more bitter and brooding. You should try opening up to your loved ones about your feelings, and take conscious steps to manage your stress levels.

    Hope this article has helped you develop insight into your own life. Let us know which blob person you identified with, in the comment section below.

    Big Book of Blob Trees (Blobs) 1st Edition by Pip Wilson

    The Minds Journal Articles Volume -1  is Copyright Protected vide Regd.# L-103222/2021 

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    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    What is the blob tree?

    The Blob Tree is a tool that consists of a tree surrounded by several blob figures. The blobs symbolize different emotions and feelings, and the tree depicts a setting, such as a classroom or a team.

    Who invented the blob tree?

    This block tree psychology test was developed by the famous British behavioral psychologist, Pip Wilson to help individuals understand how they perceive the world.

    Does blob tree help people discuss their feelings?

    The Blob tree test is highly effective in determining facts about your personality, helps understand how you perceive the world and explore feelings or understand hidden emotions.

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    Blob Tree Test Unlock Hidden Personality pin
  • Choose A Crystalline Shape And It Will Reveal Your Unresolved Past Life Karma

    There is a popular saying, “What goes around comes around“, well, then have you ever thought of unraveling your past mistakes or actions? Try this karma test to find out!

    “Even chance meetings are the result of karma… Things in life are fated by our previous lives. That even in the smallest events there’s no such thing as coincidence.”

    ― Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore.

    Have you ever felt that there are certain issues in your life which you can’t resolve no matter how hard you try? Such issues are so repetitive that perhaps there have been times when you felt, ‘ Why me?’

    You are right! Why you?

    The answer is probably there is some unresolved karma in your past which your soul has chosen to heal in this lifetime. Hence, we face difficulties in these areas of our lives.

    Some common themes are self-worth, healthy relationships, health, poverty and others.

    If we can figure out what our karmic theme is, we will be able to understand the reason behind the challenges we are facing and also get the chance to solve them.

    These karmic themes can be identified by taking this simple test.

    Karma Test: Choose A Crystalline Shape To Reveal Your Past Life Karma

    Choose the crystalline shape which appeals to you the most  (it should be a natural selection, don’t think too much.) The one you choose will help identify the unresolved karma from your past life.

    karma test

    To start, choose one from below, and then scroll down to read its interpretation.

    Interpretations Of Your Choice For This Karma Test

    1. If You Choose Shape 1

    Letting go of toxic relationships and moving on

    You have to let go of toxic relationships and move on

    In your past life, you were probably alone, ignored and abandoned by people you love.

    So, in this life, you wish to see the best in everyone no matter how abusive they are. You try to hold on to them irrespective of the damage you are causing yourself. But such relationships don’t work out. In the end, you are left alone, wounded.

    It is important for you to understand that you cannot take control of others’ attitude and people are there to hurt you no matter how much you love them. You need to trust on your intuition and accept the warning signs. Move out if it’s needed.

    You can experience this with your family, friends, romantic partners or even co-workers.

    2. If You Choose Shape 2

    Doubting yourself and ruining your goals

    You keep doubting yourself and ruining your goals

    In your past life, you have probably taken some wrong decisions which caused major damage to you and your peers, financially, physically or even mentally.

    Hence, you suffer from the lack of self-confidence in this lifetime. We all make mistakes. There’s nothing wrong in that. What’s important for us to realize is that how are we dealing with our mistakes.

    Give time to yourself, think of all the positive things you have done in your life. Stay organized and always try to evolve.

    Don’t go around asking for suggestions from too many people. As the saying goes, too many cooks spoil the broth. Be your own Masterchef!

    3. If You Choose Shape 3

    Unresolved Karma

    It means that you have difficulty in trusting others

    In your past life, you got betrayed by people you trusted. This backstabbing has led you to develop trust issues with people in this lifetime.

    You probably have come across people who needed you to trust them.

    Have patience. Know the person for at least 3-4 months, observe them well. In the beginning, you might not understand but soon you will get the signs. Use your gut feeling and then take the decision of their position in your life.

    How accurate were the results? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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  • 12 Signs You Are Cursed By An Evil Energy

    Are you feeling a little down in the dumps lately? Seeing or hearing weird things? Or experiencing a series of negative events? These are strong signs you are cursed. Learn how to overcome the evil eye.

    Curses are one of the most common practices since the Dawn of Human Civilization. Unfortunately, this magical activity still is extremely popular in witching rituals in many parts of the world. This is why it is very common to be cursed.

    What Is A Curse?

    In order to defend ourselves, we must first know what we are dealing with. Let’s see some facts about curses from our article “Defying Black Arts – What’s a Hex, Curse and Evil Spell”.

    • A Curse or a Hex is a form of the spell, cast either spontaneously (driven by anger or other dark emotions) or strategically (using ritual magic) with exceptionally malevolent and ill intention.
    • The Word Hex comes from the German language – Hexe – and it actually means a Witch.
    • A curse can target a person, a location, or even an object. Once the Curse is cast it will try to mark and harm the target by any means possible.
    • Whether the Curse will succeed depends on how protected the target currently is.
    • The Curse can endure years and they can endure even Death, thus following the target for his/her next incarnations.

    Related: 7 Ways Vecna in Stranger Things 4 Is An Allegory For Mental Illness

    Is Cursing ok?

    You probably need to think of it in another way. Will the Wars ever stop while humans still invest in creating and inventing new weapons? The same applies to curses. The Karmic burden of this material plane is getting heavier as we still insist on cursing instead of liberating and healing ourselves.

    Cursing is an active attempt to ‘bend’ someone else’s Free Will. This violation of the highest spiritual Law brings an instant lowering of our spiritual vibrations.

    An it harm none, do what ye will”. Please remember that we are all connected. We are all part of the same energy matrix. The more we ‘blacken’ it, the worse will the consequences be for all.

    How Do I Know If I Am Cursed? 12 Signs You Are Cursed

    Signs You Cursed

    1. Finding scary stuff in your house.

    Witches who target you need to establish contact in order to effectively curse you. To do so, they have to employ several ways. The most usual tool of Dark Witches is Fear. Fear links people.

    If you feel cursed then this is likely to occur like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Psychologically speaking, when we are convinced we are targeted, we may act like cursed people.

    What To Do:

    1. Has someone broken into your house? Regardless of the ‘curse’, call the police, if you believe that someone broke into your house and left something that is spooky to terrorize you. Any possible ‘breaking and entering’ as well as an act of vandalism should be reported.

    2. Call the local ‘Ghostbusters’ aka the Witches or Exorcists who professionally deal with stuff like this.

    3. Get rid of the spooky artifact. Never throw a possible cursed artifact in a lake!

    Related: Telepathy: How to Read Someone’s Mind

    2. Weird symbols on your house.

    In a similar way, witches may need to ‘mark’ your territory with a sigil or a demonic talisman.

    Finding ‘magical’ talismans or sigils of unknown origin on your territory means a Witch or someone who impersonates ‘a witch’ was there. This sigil is possibly inscribed by a knife (ritual dagger) or painted with magical ink.

    What To Do:

    1. Is this Vandalism? Regardless of the ‘curse’, call the police if you feel that you should report vandalism that took place in your territory as it may mean that someone, may try to terrorize you. Any possible ‘breaking and entering, as well as an act of vandalism, should be reported.

    2. Call the local ‘Ghostbusters’ aka the Witches or Exorcists who professionally deal with stuff like this.

    3. Get rid of the spooky symbols – remove them. Throw Holy Water on the spot AFTER you cleanse it.

    3. Missing photos.

    Photos (especially the older or non-digital ones) are believed to possess something from your Auric energy on them. They can actually act as a link to the photographed person or animal or place. It is used as a focal point for many rituals, both good and evil.

    Hence, missing photos from your room or house mean that someone may steal them to use them for dark rituals.

    What To Do:

    1. Has someone broken into your house? Regardless of the ‘curse’, call the police if you believe that someone broke into your house. Any possible ‘breaking and entering’ as well as an act of vandalism should be reported. Of course, just a missing photo would be hard to explain. So don’t exaggerate.

    2. Call the local ‘Ghostbusters’ aka the Witches or Exorcists who professionally deal with stuff like this.

    4. Missing underwear or VERY personal items.

    Underwear or clothes (especially worn) have a strong Auric Imprint drenched in them. The same applies to your very personal items (for example your watch). This thick energy of yours can be used as a link in rituals both for good or ill purposes.

    What To Do:

    1. Regardless of the ‘curse’, call the police if you feel that someone broke into your house. Any possible ‘breaking and entering’ as well as an act of vandalism should be reported. You may not want to report some missing underwear, but what about expensive personal items like a watch or jewelry?

    2. Call the local ‘Ghostbusters’ aka the Witches or Exorcists who professionally deal with stuff like this.

    Related: Do You Often Wake Up Between 3 am to 5 am?

    5. Unidentified spilled liquids on your doorstep or elsewhere around or in your territory.

    Sometimes a Witch might use enchanted potions to hex you or your territory. To do so, the liquid has to be spilled around or in your house or on your doorstep.

    To find such liquids along with iron nails or scattered glasses might mean that someone is trying to curse you.

    What To Do:

    1. Call the local ‘Ghostbusters’ aka the Witches or Exorcists who professionally deal with stuff like this.

    2. If you don’t know the origin of the liquid, call a professional team to cleanse your territory from this substance. Throw Holy Water on the spot AFTER you cleanse it.

    6. Experiencing random pain.

    Sometimes, a psychic attack – aka a curse – interacts with your energy matrix which you may probably feel as pain.

    Hence, this pain is actually a warning from your Aura that something bad has happened. Especially if this pain is nothing like you’ve ever felt or affects a part of your body that is 100% healthy.

    What To Do:

    1. Call your Medical doctor. Any pain should first be examined by a medical professional.

    2. Monitor the pain. When did it begin? Was it on a waning moon? On the night of a Full Moon? Keep a log.

    3. Cleanse and Shield your Aura.

    7. Trees act weird or healthy houseplants get sick.

    If healthy houseplants get sick without any reason, first you have to check the soil. Usually, ‘undercover’ evil witches prefer to bury enchanted items on houseplants.

    The houseplants get easily sick because they don’t have an effective way to cleanse their aura. They are the first to get affected.

    Peach trees that bloom early are also believed to be a dark omen.

    What To Do:

    1. Examine the soil and the pot. If a mystical or unidentified item or liquid is found, then get ready for cleansing. Get rid of the item.

    2. Consult a professional if more of your plants are affected.

    Related: Birds As Omens When They Cross Your Path

    8. Pets or local animals act weird.

    Usually, a curse attracts low-vibration entities that lurk around the cursed target. Hence, animals – who are more sensitive to spotting spirits and/or energies – act weird.

    Bear in mind the following examples:

    • Birds – usually ravens – flying around your house or territory.
    • Dogs barking at absolutely nothing. At least, so you think…
    • Cats sparring out of nowhere. At least so you think…
    • Cats assuming a defensive pose.
    • Ants (especially red ones) occupying a place (where they were not before).

    What To Do:

    1. Observe closely the animal behavior.

    2. Try casting a cleansing spell or rinsing your home with Holy Water. Do animals behave differently now?

    9. Seeing someone cursing you in your dreams.

    Usually, witches who curse are enraged people who are prone to making mistakes. Therefore, they don’t cover their ‘psychic tracks’.

    Hence, an intuitive yet cursed target might persistently see the target in his/her dreams. This might be a warning signal.

    What To Do:

    – Ask yourself: Is there a reason why this person is cursing me? If you think that you may have done something bad to this person, try to make things right.

    – Make a ‘forgiving ritual’. This is the ultimate way to break the connection.

    1. Forgive yourself for letting your guard down or for any mistake you believe you made.

    2. Forgive the one who you believe has cursed you or for any mistake.

    3. Love and embrace yourself and all the World creating a powerful shield of Light around you.

    4. Conjure a Shield against Darkness.

    10. Encountering dark omens.

    Spotting a blue butterfly is an omen that Magic is at work here. Unless the magic is yours, bear in mind that you may need to read between the lines.

    Crows and Owls are also attracted by magic, both good and evil. If an owl is hooting before dawn or a raven accidentally crosses your path try to see what is going on.

    Deathwatch Beetles making weird noises. It is believed to be an ill omen as this sound is more commonly observed around dead or dying people.

    Finding a dark egg yolk is considered to be a dark omen of black magic. It is also a way to find out if you are cursed. See here about the Way to scry for curses with an egg.

    What To Do:

    1. Observe the Omens patiently. Write it down.

    2. Ask for help with what you’ve seen. Prophetic dreams might be very helpful. If the omen persists cast a cleansing Ritual and Conjure a Shield.

    Related: 7 Things You Don’t Know About Karma

    11. Will-o’-Whisps.

    Will-o-Wisps are commonly believed to be ill omens of Dark Magic or even Death. They are also known as ‘corpse candles’ or ‘ignis fatuus’.

    A will-o’-whisp is an atmospheric ghostly yellow, greenish, or pale white orb which seems to follow someone. In Mexico, it is believed that the brujas aka witches, actually transformed themselves into flickering balls of light to follow their targets.

    signs you are cursed

    What To Do:

    1. Don’t follow the Orbs.

    2. Conjure a Protection Shield.

    3. Call the local ‘Ghostbusters’ aka the Witches or Exorcists who professionally deal with stuff like this.

    12. Protective amulets break or disappear.

    The last is my ‘favorite’. Amulets are worn so that they take all the damage instead of the person or house they are protecting. Hence, when an amulet is broken or disappears it means that its energy has been consumed.

    What To Do:

    1. Replace the Amulet with a New One! DO NOT FIX THE BROKEN ONE.

    2. Return the broken amulet to the Earth and thank the spirits for helping you.

    Want to know more about the signs you have been cursed? Check this video out below!

    Heads up by Magical Recipes Online
    signs you are cursed
    signs you are cursed
    signs you are cursed
    Cursed Pin
    Signs You Are Cursed pin
    signs you are cursed
  • How To Stop Being An Abusive Person: 10 Steps For Real, Lasting Change

    If you are in an abusive relationship and you are the abusive partner, then realizing and admitting the truth can be the hardest, yet bravest step forward. If you want to stop being an abusive person, then here’s what you need to know.

    Are You An Abusive Person? 

    Do you abuse your partner and others? Do you want to put a stop to this cycle of abuse? Then it is crucial that you take responsibility for your behavior, accept that it is wrong, and seek help. However, if you are reading this and truly want to stop being abusive, then congratulations…you have already taken the first essential step.

    However, if you are still questioning yourself about whether or not you are an abusive person, then here are a few signs that help you identify yourself as an abuser, according to author and marriage consultant Sheri Stritof:

    • Your partner tells you that you’re abusive.
    • You feel jealous often.
    • You often become aggressive. 
    • You know your behavior is wrong.
    • You always like to be in charge.
    • You blame your partner or others for your abusive behavior.
    • You use abusive strategies like gaslighting to make your partner doubt their reality.
    • You are too controlling and uptight.
    • You have anger issues and are usually in a bad mood.
    • You tend to complain about or criticize everything.
    • You don’t allow privacy in your relationship and isolate your partner.
    • You are a closed person.
    • You make sure the focus is always on you.

    Related: 4 Types of Emotionally Abusive Behavior

    If you can relate to most or all of these signs, then you just might be an abusive partner. Yes, it can be very difficult to admit that you emotionally abuse and mistreat your partner. That you have a negative attitude and your behavior is wrong. However, recognizing these signs and accepting your reality will enable you to avoid such toxic behavior.

    abusive person

    Can You Stop Being Abusive?

    Although abusers get a lot of hate, especially from those who have been abused, and rightly so, it is possible for an abusive person to change their attitude and behavior. You can be a better person. You can treat your partner and others with respect yet be assertive. You can be compassionate and loving and be loved in return as well. It is never too late to stop abuse and rebuild your relationship.

    “The fact you want to change is a good indicator that you could sort this out. However, doing it alone may be difficult. Having friends/family to support you… are all good things to try,” writes Dr. Petra-boynton in an article published in The Telegraph.

    If you have been an abusive person till now, then changing your perspective, attitude and behavior can be a challenging and long process. You will often resort to your old beliefs to justify abuse and engage in toxic behavior again. However, when you have the support of your friends and family, you can learn how to bring positive change and how to respect your partner. Change is possible. But it has to come from inside before you can actually implement it in your relationship and your life. 

    Related: 4 Abusive Behaviors That Are Not Physical But Equally Damaging

    How To Stop Being An Abusive Person

    Most of the time, abusive people make false promises about changing themselves just to prevent their partners from leaving them. But sometimes, an abusive person may genuinely regret their actions and want to change and stop hurting their loved ones. So if you are ready to change and put an end to abuse for good, then here are a few steps that can help you bring about some serious change.

    1. Admit that you’re an abusive person

    This is the hardest, yet most important part. Abuse is not just about physical violence. Emotional and verbal abuse is perhaps the most prevalent type of abuse in relationships. Emotional abuse breaks trust and connection and leads to resentment and hatred. However, when you’re trapped in the cycle of abuse, it can often be hard to realize that. This is why you need to pause and take a good look at yourself.

    If you believe that your behavior or actions were wrong, then you need to accept that you are an abusive person. Admit that YOU are the problem in your relationship and not your partner. The moment you recognize, accept, and acknowledge that your behavior is the real issue, you will find the reason to change.

    2. Decide to change

    How desperately do you want to stop being abusive? Is this something you want to try to keep your partner from leaving or is it something you want to truly accomplish? Change is never easy. The process of changing your abusive mindset, your personality, and tendencies is going to be a difficult process, to say the least. Things will get hard as you take each step and sooner or later you will want to quit. You will realize that being your old abusive self is a lot easier, even if it comes at the cost of hurting your loved ones. 

    However, if you want to overcome your abusive instincts and be a new person, then you need to make a decision about it and reach the end, no matter what. You have to commit to change. You have to motivate yourself on a daily basis and put in the hard work. But most importantly, you have to do this for yourself, not for anyone else. “He must change for his own sake – not to keep his wife or girlfriend tied to him,” writes Lisa Aronson Fontes, Ph.D., author, and Senior Lecturer at University of Massachusetts Amherst.

    Related: Women Abuse Men Too

    3. Take responsibility for your actions

    You have to realize that you have complete control over your thoughts, behaviors, and actions. You are in control of what you say and how you act with your partner and others. You have to admit that it is never their fault, but your own. No one deserves to be abused. So you need to take responsibility for your abusive behavior and refuse to be a controlling, abusive person. 

    Although there may be tons of reasons that may influence your behavior, only you are responsible for your actions. When you recognize that you are responsible for physical, emotional, and psychological abuse towards your partner and others, you can finally find the strength to apologize for your behavior.

    Abusive Person

    4. Talk to the survivor

    Speak with the person you have abused till now. Sit down with them, apologize from your heart, and simply listen to them. Truly listen to what they have to say. Understand how you’ve made them feel, how your behavior affected them and how your actions broke them. Yes, this will be a difficult process. But this will also encourage and inspire you to change. It will help you see how you have hurt the ones you love and why you need to change.

    Listen to them without judgment. Without being defensive. Without blaming them or yourself. Listen to understand, not to explain. Listen to the person you have abused without feeling attacked.

    This is a crucial step in breaking the cycle of abuse. This will help you gain the perspective you need to stop being an abusive person and become who you truly need to be – a loving, compassionate, caring, and supportive person.

    Related: 10 Things That Happen Only In An Emotionally Abusive Relationship

    5. Don’t accept your excuses

    Once you listen to the survivor, it is likely that you may try to explain or justify your behavior as an abusive person. You may find various reasons that might have led to your abusive behavior in the past. But don’t believe in them. Do not believe your own excuses for your abusive behavior. People do not abuse others because they are bad, sadistic people who enjoy others’ pain. They become abusive because of their own suffering.

    It is all the pain and suffering you’re holding inside that makes you an abusive person. It makes you feel insecure and vulnerable. With your feeble self-esteem and poor sense of self-worth, you struggle every day to overcome that pain. However, instead of lifting yourself, your suffering forces you to bring others down.

    But you need to overcome this tendency. You need to stop using your suffering as an excuse for abusing others, especially your loved ones. It is only by healing yourself from your inner pain, you can truly transform yourself into a better person.

    6. Forgive yourself

    Yes, you are an abusive person. But that doesn’t have to define you for the rest of your life. Abuse is something we do, it is not who we are. So forgive yourself for hurting the people you love. It is only by forgiving yourself you can stop the cycle of abuse and transform yourself.

    An abuser often hurts others because of all the pain they feel inside. As they start to blame society and others for their suffering, they avoid accountability. Moreover, to ease the pain they hold inside, they start to hurt others.

    But once you accept the truth about abuse and take responsibility for your behavior, you can stop hurting others. And you can start forgiving yourself. Forgiveness is a powerful tool when it comes to healing yourself. We all have goodness within us. All of us are capable of change. 

    Abusive Person

    7. Lower your expectations

    Expectations, or unrealistic expectations to be precise, are often the root cause for most problems in relationships. When unrealistic expectations are left unmet, it leads to resentment and hatred, which gives rise to blame and accusations. This, in turn, leads to abuse.

    When you start lowering your expectations from your partner and your loved ones, you liberate yourself and them from following certain unnecessary patterns. This will help you to overcome your controlling behavior and enable you to choose how you want to react to every situation. When you stop expecting from others, you stop blaming them. When you stop blaming them for not meeting your expectations, you stop abusing them.

    Moreover, you should also keep in mind that you should not expect the people you have abused to forgive you. Although you are determined to stop being an abusive person, they have still experienced abuse from you. It has affected them emotionally and psychologically and may have even led to trauma. Simply be accountable, focus on changing yourself and forgive yourself without expecting others to forgive you.

    8. Learn to respect your partner

    If you are abusive towards your partner or even other people, then you need to accept that they are independent human beings and respect their opinions and actions. Understand that your partner has a separate identity. They have their own thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, needs, habits, and dreams. They are not YOU. Their life should not revolve around you.

    They have the right to live their lives the way they want to. They have the right to have a private and personal life that is separate from you. They have the right to choose their career and friends. You don’t have the right to control them or tell them what they should or shouldn’t do. They do not deserve to be abused or punished by you.

    Respect them for they are and accept them in all their imperfect glory. You need to accept their decisions and opinions without imposing your decisions on them. You need to accept that they have the right to leave and end the relationship. Respect is the opposite of abuse.

    Related: 25 Ways You Can Show Respect to Your Partner

    9. Reinvent love

    Relationships are complicated. It can be even more chaotic when you are an insecure person who believes they don’t deserve to be loved. By holding on to the pain and suffering inside, you make yourself believe that your partner will leave you unless you isolate and control them. Your insecurities give rise to a persistent fear of the end of the relationship.

    But here’s the thing – relationships end. Some of them do last a lifetime, but most of them don’t. You need to enjoy the relationship for as long as it lasts instead of desperately keeping it from reaching a natural conclusion. 

    It’s okay for a relationship to end because the end will mark a new beginning. The more you become desperate to hold on to your relationship and your partner, the more jealous, controlling, and abusive you will become. And no one wants to stay with an abusive person. So learn to let go and redefine love and relationships.

    10. Seek help

    If you think that you are abusive then you need to seek professional help and support from your loved ones. Most of the time, abuse can often arise from certain underlying mental health conditions like trauma, anxiety, depression, and substance abuse. Treatment can not only help you to cope with the symptoms of mental disorders, but it can also empower you to bring about a necessary change in your mindset, attitude, and personality. 

    Consulting a licensed therapist, counselor, clinical social worker or mental health professional will enable you to manage your thoughts and emotions and gain better control over your reactions. Therapy can help you with substance abuse issues, anger management issues, unhealthy boundaries and toxic relationship tendencies. Moreover, learning and implementing certain self-help strategies and quitting alcohol or drugs can also help you stop being abusive.

    Related: 10 Common Myths About Therapy

    Be Compassionate, Not Abusive

    Abusive Person

    Admitting that you are an abusive person and deciding to change takes a lot of strength and courage. But change is possible. Although most abusers never change, some do. And you can too. You can become a loving, compassionate, caring, supportive, and “non-abusive” person. You can build happier, healthier relationships. 

    As long as you are committed and determined, you have a strong support system and you seek professional help, you can change your abusive personality. All you need to do is be accountable, forgive yourself, respect others and control your expectations.

    Here is an interesting video that you may find helpful:

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