A Year In Review Of The Minds Journal 2021



And just like that another year is coming to an end. Is it just me or did it just whoosh by in the blink of an eye? Even though the world is still healing from what it has been going through for the past two years, 2021 showed us that thereโ€™s always hope at the end of the day.

This year was all the more special to us because our readers showered so much love on us, that we didnโ€™t know what to do with it all! All your submissions and contributions made our hearts feel full, so we thought of compiling a list of the top contributions AKA, the best articles of 2021 that did not just make an impact on us, but also on our audiences. These articles were liked, shared, and well-loved by so many people!

And not just this, we also want to take a moment to recognize the people who contributed the most to our beloved The Minds Journal. All in all, youโ€™re in for a good ride! Read on to know the best articles of 2021.

Most Trending Articles Of 2021 (Based on Views)

1. Do You Often Wake Up Between 3 am to 5 am? This Is What It Means

Itโ€™s really not a surprise that this was the most trending self help article of 2021. If you constantly find yourself waking up between 3 am to 5 am every day, then you should definitely read this one, if you already havenโ€™t.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), our bodies are made up of various channels, known as Meridians, through which energy is distributed throughout our bodies. If you find yourself waking up at this time consistently, then maybe one of your meridians is out of balance and needs some healing.

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According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), every Meridian is activated every couple of hours. This is done to achieve balance in our energy matrix and maintain proper health and stamina.

2. 63 Most Commonly Used Phrases Byย Narcissistic Mothers

Having a narcissistic mother feels like punishment for a crime you didnโ€™t commit. Narcissistic mothers donโ€™t feel even an ounce of love for their children, and the only thing they care about is humiliating them and putting them down every chance they get. They feel a sense of twisted satisfaction when they get to break your heart and see you in pain. And they are always ready with some toxic words whenever you try to call them out on their behavior.

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1. Get over it.
2.ย Youโ€™re so dramatic.
3.ย Iโ€™ll give you something to cry about.
4.ย I told you so.
5.ย Why do things always affect you more than other people?
6.ย These are the choices that you have made.

3. 5 Signs You Are The Child Of A Toxic Parent

Having a toxic person as your parent is never easy because the damage they do to your mental and emotional health continues to haunt you even when youโ€™re an adult. You donโ€™t get to choose your parents, so when you are cursed with toxic parents, safe to say, the experience is always painful, traumatizing, and depressing. No matter how hard you may try to love them and have a healthy relationship with them, they will always find a way to degrade you and break your confidence.

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The toxic person or parent is not able to empathize with others.ย Instead, everything is about them and their needs, and they fail to see how anything they do could be seen by others as disruptive, harmful, or hurtful.

4. What Is Your Soul Symbol? Your Birth Month Has The Answer

Every human being walking in this Universe has their own soul symbol, and it all depends on which month you were born in. Your soul symbol can say a lot about your personality and who you are as a person. The best way to know who you are truly on the inside is to just look at your birth month, check out your soul symbol, and deduce your true personality!

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Space and time are the tools of the mind to put everything together and therefore, a part of our mind which is our soul exists outside of space and time.

5. What Wearing All Black Reveals About Your Personality

What is it about the color black that it never goes out of fashion, and no matter who wears black, they are bound to look gorgeous and mind-blowing? Black is an extremely sexy color that is timeless, elegant, and beautiful at the same time. Sophisticated is the perfect word to describe the color black. If youโ€™re someone whose favorite color is black and loves to wear this color all the time, then you must know that it says a lot about your personality, and who youโ€™re as a person.

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People who mostly wear black, wear it because they like it, not to impress anyone. It also means that you need your privacy, you are secretive and you like to detach from society.

Most Popular Quotes (Based On Likes And Shares)

Our posters have always resonated with our readers, and they love them as much as we do putting them up. The beautiful thing about these posters is that they say a lot in just a few words, and it hits you directly in the heart. So no wonder, these posters were the most loved ones on The Minds Journal.

The popular posters in 2021 were these:-

1. Donโ€™t Let Instagram Fool You

best articles

2. Once The Heart Gets Too Heavy With Pain

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3. Remove Sex From A Relationship And You Will Discover

best articles 2021

4. Do You Ever Find A Relatable Post Anywhere And Want To Share It

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5. All Women Need To Read This When A Man Is Truly Interested In You

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Most Popular Readerโ€™s Thought

Readerโ€™s Thought is literally our readersโ€™ thoughts! This is the part where our readers pour their thoughts, and we are more than happy to publish them so that it reaches everyone far and wide. Our beloved readers submit their thoughts, poems, and quotes, and their works are read by millions of people all over the world.

If you also want your thoughts out there and want them to be read by millions of people, then you can send in your writings at [emailย protected]

This yearโ€™s most popular Readerโ€™s Thought Pieces were by:-

1. Those Angel Eyes Have Been Through More Hell
by Debra Pry

2. The Warnings! by Aneet Mahajan (795 views)

3. If โ€˜Iโ€™ Am Your Only Thirst! by Aneet Mahajan (523 views)

Most Popular Mind Talk Writings

Our Mind Talk section is for all those people who want to express whatโ€™s in their hearts in the form of short stories, articles, and poems. This section of The Minds Journal brings together writers and readers from across the world and shares thoughts that promote self-development and enhance self-expression.

If you have a flair for writing, you can submit your own writings and get a chance to be read by millions of readers across the world. You can submit your writings at [emailย protected].

This yearโ€™s most popular Mind Talk pieces were by:-

1. I Hold Secrets In My Heart by Debra Pry (1194 views)

2. What I Struggle With Mentally by Larissa Martin (511 views)

3. In Pursuit Of Happiness by Shobhna Kanwar (347 views)

Most Trending YouTube Videos Of 2021

1. 12 Signs Of True Love From A Man

The old adage โ€œactions speak louder than wordsโ€ rings truer than ever when it comes to dating and relationships. Someone who genuinely feels for you will make sure their actions back up their words. Under such circumstances, you will not have to keep wondering where you stand in their life. No wonder this video was so well-loved by all!

2. We Fall In Love With 3 People In Our Lifetime โ€“ Each One for a Specific Reason

Usually, a person falls in love with 3 people in his/her lifetime before they know what love really means. The reason for loving these three different types of people is also very different. We need each of these three types of love in our life as they affect us in different ways.

Most Popular Wise Pick

In this really popular section, we post a deep-meaning, and thought-provoking image every day on our social channels, and give an opportunity for our readers to come up with captions for that image. Everyone has their own interpretations of the images, and itโ€™s heartening to see the world through everyoneโ€™s eyes.

For this year, these were our top and most viewed Wisepick captions:-

1. Corrina Maurer Tercero


Let your brain be your brawn!

2. Roccio Saldaรฑa


By practicing calmness you learn how to tame the wild beast that exists within you, all for the greater good.

3. Pam Osborne


If I could walk back in time,
how far would I go?
Would I change anything,
or just re-live it to
enjoy it once more?

4. Charlie Prince


We all have different ways, of working things out;
stay true to who you are, and donโ€™t give in to doubt.

Contributors With Most Views

These two contributors knocked it out of the park with their writings and emerged to be the two people with the most views. Their writings were shared, liked, commented and loved the most, and this recognition is a very, very well-deserved one.

1. Debra Pry (19,598 views)

2. Aneet Mahajan (5,608 views)

Expert Authors Who Contributed The Most

1. Gregg Henriques

A licensed clinical psychologist, Gregg Henriques has expertise in theoretical psychology, unified approaches to psychotherapy, psychological well-being, personality functioning, depression, and suicidal behavior. His articles on depression, coping, philosophy, and mental health have helped countless people (including our readers) over the years. He is a true visionary who believes in developing a โ€œunified metapsychology frameworkโ€ for both the science and practice of psychology.ย 

Some of his most popular articles on The Minds Journal are:-

2. Erin Leonard

Dr. Erin Leonard is an award-winning researcher, author, and psychotherapist. For more than 20 years, she has helped her clients recover their well-being and improve their mental health. Her compassionate approach to psychotherapy has ensured that her clients experience improvement quickly, and her practice is a safe and open space for anyone with the need to be heard, understood, and treated.

Some of her most popular articles on The Minds Journal are:-

3. Jason B. Whiting

Jason Whiting researches the love lives of couples, focusing on how deception and conflict take root in even the best of relationships. His goal is to apply social science to help couples to be more loving and authentic. He has won numerous awards for his research and writing and is currently a professor in the School of Family Life at Brigham Young University.

Some of his most popular articles on The Minds Journal are:-

4. Michelle McQuaid

Dr. Michelle McQuaid is a best-selling author, workplace wellbeing teacher, and playful change activator. With more than a decade of senior leadership experience in large organizations around the world, sheโ€™s passionate about translating cutting-edge research from positive psychology and neuroscience, into practical strategies for health, happiness, and business success. Michelle lives to help people discover their strengths, move beyond their fears, and finally discover what it truly takes to flourish with confidence.

Some of her most popular articles on The Minds Journal are:-

5. Danielle Bernock

Danielle Bernock is an international, best-selling, and award-winning author, coach, and speaker who helps people embrace their values, heal their souls and reclaim their lives through the power of the love of God.ย Her writings have helped a lot of people deal with their trauma, and find self-love again within their hearts.

Some of her most popular articles on The Minds Journal are:-

Editorโ€™s Choice Articles for 2021

1. Face Mapping: How Your Face Reveals Which Part Of Your Body Is Sick

The idea behind face mapping is that, just by looking at your face and reading it, your health ailments can be detected. Ancient Chinese healers were known for using the method of face mapping to understand which organ in your body is not in a healthy condition, and they could even deduce many life-threatening illnesses.

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All the organs of our body are interconnected. If one organ doesnโ€™t work properly, it is bound to affect the workings of other organs. Hence, if any organ is not functioning properly, the face will show symptoms.

2. The Way You Hold Your Fist Reveals A Lot About Your Personality

Have you ever thought about the possibility that the way you hold your fist can reveal a lot about who you are as a person? Well, itโ€™s true! The way you hold your fist can reveal a lot of secrets about not just your personality, but also about your love life. Additionally, understanding your movements and body language can help you know yourself a lot better.

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Learning to evaluate your own movements and mannerisms will help you to gain a deeper understanding of yourself.ย Body languageย is HUGE.

3. The Symbol You Pick Will Reveal The Phase of Life You Have Entered

Everyoneโ€™s journey in life is different, and as you pass through the different phases of life, your personality is put through many lasting changes. This is part and parcel of the human experience and none of us can avoid it even if we try to. But knowing which phase youโ€™re in can help you understand yourself and your journey a lot better. The symbol you choose can accurately tell you everything you need to know.

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These phases donโ€™t depend on how old a person is for their occurrence, and you can enter into a phase of life at any age as age has no bearing here. Carl Jung, a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst from Switzerland and one of the most influential figures in the field of psychology, said that these phases depend on our individual personalities and the paths we are meant to take.

4. The 5 Stages of Love: Why Too Many Stop at Stage 3

Everyone wants true and long-lasting love in their lives, but unfortunately, not everyoneโ€™s love story has a happy ending. Many relationships break up and many marriages fall apart, even when they start off with a lot of hope, and optimism. There are 5 stages of love, and one of the reasons why so many relationships donโ€™t work out might be because they give up on each other at stage 3. Want to know what all this is about? Check out the link below!

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They donโ€™t understand that Stage three of the five stages of love is not the end, but the real beginning for achieving real, lasting love.

5. 10 Animals As Omens When They Cross Your Path

There are certain animals who if they cross your path, do so because the Universe is trying to send you an important message. Animals have been serving as powerful omens for centuries, and close encounters with them are often regarded as divine interventions by many.

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During the Old Times, animals and plants were all associated with Gods and Goddess. Athena had Owl as her sacred animal while Poseidon protected Horses and Artemis (Diana) deers.

Most Trending Quotes In 2021

1. Types Of Toxic People

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2. A Relationship Means You Come Together To Make Each Other Better

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3. Four Types Of Love You Need

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4. You Donโ€™t Have To Have Sex To Be A Cheater

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5. You Did The Right Thing

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May the coming new year be filled with joy, happiness, growth, and fulfillment. Let us know your thoughts about these best articles of 2021 in the comments down below, and thank you again for all your contributions and submissions.

See you next year, and a very Happy New Year from us at The Minds Journal!

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