Who am I? What is the Purpose of My Life?

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Who am I What is the Purpose of My Life 1

Do you know the answer to the simple yet unanswered question “What is the purpose of your life”.

Have you ever wondered what’s the reason for your existence? If you haven’t figured it out before moving to the wrong path.

A few days back, I was reading an article about a man in the mid-30s who left his high paying professional job to pursue his passion. I wondered what made him so dissatisfied that he quit his job to follow his passion. After a lot of thinking, I framed two questions to get the specific answers out of it. I will try to answer these two questions to the best of my knowledge.

  • Who am I?
  • Purpose of my life?

In this world, many people are dissatisfied with their profession, relationships, social needs, etc. This is because they are living in an artificial world having inner emptiness.

As a child, we are conditioned to accept our identity and our likings, which has nothing to do with our true selves. External expectations put a lot of social pressure on us. Due to this social conformity somewhere, down the line, our true self is lost.

People love me because of who I am or do people appear to love me because of what they want me to be. If I match their expectation then they show their love for me, otherwise, we are not accepted in society.

This is the reason we are unable to get the answer of who am I.

Until you got the answer of who am I, probably you will not be able to find the key to the purpose.

In this world, we perform various roles such as children, parents, and we act according to the schemas attached to these labels and designate values.

Now there are many labels attached to a person and we pick up any label say mother, then my purpose of life becomes to take care of my children. If we meet a doctor and ask what is the purpose of life then he will say take care of my patients. Now, if a person is very sincere about his job, most of the time he/she makes that purpose of life.

Here we are the confusing purpose of life with the role I am playing in life. For doctors, healing is the purpose of my life or it’s a profession or responsibility of my life.

The common mistake that we all are making is that we have misunderstood our purpose with the roles we are playing, the responsibilities that we are to execute, relationships that we are to commit.

Therefore the goal of life should not be confused with purpose, because a profession can change from time to time but the purpose of life is mine.

We can do a small exercise to get the answer to Who am I?  Sideline the various roles/labels that we are playing in this world and you will reach the final answer to who am I.

And I found that I am the Soul/energy/consciousness who is running this body and playing all the roles and building relationships. I am this pure being/energy/consciousness.

My main purpose in this world to come to this body is to exchange energy and come into action with other souls.

The inherent nature of the soul is to love and to be loved because the soul is part of God. Love of God is resting in the heart of every living being but we have forgotten that love.

So we are trying to find that love and experience the pleasure in so many ways in this world but which is not satisfying the needs of our soul. We are pure, love full, and happy being/Soul as we have the personality of god only because our soul is part of the super soul which is God himself, but this has been forgotten.

Side-lining all my roles in this world, I realized that I am pure being/Soul Who’s the purpose of life is to love and be loved.

See like this…

Inherit nature of Soul:

Peaceful being – Then purpose becomes to create peace

Happy being – The purpose becomes to create happiness

Love full being – The purpose becomes to give love

Now my purpose of life becomes:

I am a happy being playing a role of Father/Doctor etc. in this world.

As we grow, we keep on adding a lot of labels of relationships, profession, etc. we have created so many layers over us that we forgot who we really are.

We are busy protecting these labels that we have forgotten ourselves and your true self became more and more dissatisfied. We are playing all the responsibilities properly still we are not satisfied because not being able to experience ‘actual me’.

Author – Puneet Arora

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Who am I ? What is the Purpose of My Life ?

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