How To Answer Your Calling And Find Your Life Purpose

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Whether we believe ourselves to be human beings having a spiritual experience or spiritual beings having a human experience largely determines our world view, how we view ourselves, and our role in the world. As long as we identify with the human form and ego, we will be guided by our conditioning and will try to derive our life purpose from what we perceive from the external world.

But if we understand and believe that we are spirits and infinite life itself encased in a human form, we will go deep within and listen to our inner guidance to reveal our life purpose to us.

โ€œYou came here with something to do. You are part of a universal consciousness, and there are no accidents in it. In your true essenceโ€”not the false self, not the ego part of you, but in the true essence of who you areโ€”you are infinite and you have something very profound to accomplish while youโ€™re here. Otherwise, you wouldnโ€™t be here.

Find it. Pay attention to it. Listen to the calling. See the clues, the cues. See the alignments, whatever they might be, no matter how absurd or bizarre they might seem to everyone around youโ€ฆif you have a calling inside that says thereโ€™s also something else, donโ€™t ignore that. Donโ€™t die with your music still in you. Donโ€™t die with your purpose unfulfilled. Donโ€™t die feeling as if your life has been wrong. Donโ€™t let that happen to you.โ€ โ€“ย Wayne Dyer

It is said that on the soulโ€™s evolutionary journey, there are few lessons that we choose to learn in each lifetime. It is on the basis of these lessons that one gets into conditions for a particular life, like birthplace parents; culture, etc.

For example, if courage is the primary lesson that our soul chose to learn in this lifetime, we would encounter those souls and circumstances that would require us to invoke courage.

Related: Psychological Experiment to Discover Your Life Purpose

If we understand that everything happens for a reason, we would stop blaming our circumstances and acting like a victim and will start looking for ways to step into our highest power.

When we start looking for ways to find out our calling from our soulโ€™s point of view and not from the egoist mind, the universe will start guiding us.

We will start noticing patterns and synchronicity, be it in the form of numbers, a song, or any random conversation between strangers.

The more sensitive and receptive we become, the more lucid will be the flow of our universal guidance.

Once we start following the path of this universal guidance, we will see that one thing leads to the other and the path ultimately leads to our calling and highest potential.

As Steve Jobs put it, โ€œYou canโ€™t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something โ€“ your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.โ€

It ultimately comes down to recognizing ourselves as powerful co-creators and realizing that our calling is our own creation.

Life Isn't About Finding Yourself

Your calling is your own creation

Our souls have certain life lessons to learn on the evolutionary process but once the soul realizes that it is the infinite life essence itself and attains self-realization, it is free to create its own mission and calling.

The more we are aware of our divine essence and our connection with the Universal Source, the more empowered we become to embrace the role of powerful creators.

But to reach to this empowered state, we first have to let go of our identification with any limitations or fear.

It could be the fear of the unknown, fear of failure and even the fear of success. If we let these limitations guide us, we will indulge in self sabotaging behavior and will never be able to reach the pinnacle of self-transcendence.

Related: Overcome the Fear & Follow your Purpose

No one can walk this journey for you

The path towards self-realization and liberation is something that each person has to walk alone. You can find a lot of teachers, mentors, and guides to support you on your spiritual journey. Ultimately, you have to walk this journey alone.

It can be a lonely and hard walk initially because it requires letting your soul take the driverโ€™s seat instead of your ego. It involves identifying and modifying all of your cherished but dysfunctional beliefs.

The process can involve a lot of cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance is the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.

To replace dysfunctional beliefs regarding oneself or the world with an alternative belief will also include altering your behaviors steaming from the ideas. Once you go through the process, you come out on the other side being the powerful and infinite creator that you really are.

Trust the process

Finding your calling and reaching your highest potential is a process just like any other process. It doesnโ€™t happen overnight. It is not a linear journey. It will have a lot of ups and downs.

Before stepping into our role of powerful creators, most of us pass the victim hood stage where we question ourselves as to โ€œWhy is this happening to me?โ€

โ€œWhat did I do to deserve so much pain and suffering?โ€

But this very suffering acts a catalyst on our evolutionary journey.

Taking responsibility for oneโ€™s actions and the thoughts evoking them does half the work of healing.

Most of the time, our purpose comes from our particular kind of suffering. Once we heal, we want to help others who are going through the same process. Healing is a never-ending continuous process. Once we heal ourselves, we inspire others with positivity. We become othersโ€™ agents of change.

Related: 12 Signs That Prove You Are Walking The Highest Path Of Your Purpose

life purpose


Another important aspect of the evolutionary journey is to learn the art of surrender. It requires surrendering and becoming available to the grace of universal guidance. It is recognizing that we are guided by our unconsciousness, which when brought to consciousness can lead us to gain insight about ourselves and change the course of our lives.

โ€œOne does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness consciousโ€ โ€“ C.G Jung.

How To Answer Your Calling And Find Your Life Purpose
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