6 Tell-Tale Signs Someone Is Interested In You: How To Know If They Really Like You

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Tell Tale Signs Someone Is Interested In You 1

It can be difficult to tell the signs someone is interested in you. But, here’re some signs of attraction to look out for that indicate their level of interest.

When it comes to love, and wanting to have a serious relationship, you know when someone is interested in you, all they care about is you. They will always try to make you happy and treat you as their first priority. You know someone is interested in you when all they want to do is make you smile, and feel special.

“A poor life this is if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.”

– William Henry Davies

We are so engrossed in our lives that we “see” nothing. Our fast-paced lifestyle has made us insanely competitive and mechanical. Your soulmate could board the same bus with you every day or try to talk to you at the café, but you’d be busy checking emails on your phone! Stop living in an alternate universe and start noticing.

“What we need to learn is always there before us, we just have to look around us with respect & attention to discover.” – Paulo Coelho

You may have phases when you are searching for love or decidedly neglecting it. There are certain signs for you to know if someone is genuinely interested in you.

Let’s find out all the major signs someone is interested in you.

Related: The Untold And Often Overlooked Signs That You Have Met Your Twin Flame

6 Tell-tale Signs Someone Is Interested In You: How To Know If They Really Like You

1. The person makes sure you get what you like.

How to tell if someone is interested in you?

So imagine this: someone orders your usual dishes for you without asking, you’ll feel great right? It could be as simple as getting you the latest book you wished for or making a favorite playlist. When someone pays attention it means you matter to them.

You know someone is interested in you when they value your opinions and choices. They will try to make you smile by doing the small things you love, like placing a flower vase on your desk or get access to your favorite fan-fiction. All this would make you feel accepted.

Signs Someone Is Interested In You

2. The person showers compliments on you all the time.

Everyone loves flattery, isn’t it? When someone compliments you always and everywhere – social-media, face to face, post-it-notes, you are bound to feel good. Even better if the person pays attention to minute mundane details like the way you tie your hair or your phone’s ringtone, these show that the person is attracted to you.

To them “there is none like you” and they want to express it. Romancing with words can be very charming if done the right way. You may give the person a chance because of their sheer skill of putting feelings into words.

3. Body language can never lie.

Did you notice how your fingers tremble during the exams or how you tap your feet while sitting? This shows your nervousness and boredom.

Similarly, if a person runs their fingers through your hair, has a sheepish smile plastered on their face, or holds hands, it all speaks of attraction. Dr. Albert Scheflen, the author of Body Language and the Social Order, discovered certain behavioural changes that take place in the company of someone of the opposite sex.

When we wish to impress someone, we maintain good posture, we are happy and it reflects in our smile, we take care to dress up for that special person and exude confidence. We want the person to take notice and feel drawn towards us. We need assurance that they like us.

Signs Someone Is Interested In You

4. The eyes have it.

How to know if someone really likes you? Look out for this sign!

All of us have swooned when we heard the iconic dialogue of Scarface, “The eyes Chico, they never lie”, and it is the absolute truth. Eyes are the mirror to the soul and a study by the University of Chicago has shown that a person may fall in love by gazing into your eyes.

With our heads buried in our phones almost 24*7, if someone is willing to look at us and hear what we say, it shows the effort that comes with courtship. Admiration in one’s eyes for yourself is bound to tug your heart.

5. The person wants to know the real you.

Often we build walls around us to protect ourselves from getting hurt. We wear masks to go on with our lives smoothly. Once in a while, there comes a person who truly cares and will try to break your guards. You know someone is interested in you when they want to know who you are when nobody’s watching or whether you are free in the truest sense.

He/she wishes to know your hobbies, dreams, and family. They wish to share your passion for something just to be involved in your life. They would accept your idiosyncrasies and make you feel wanted. Time is the most precious gift a person can offer, and if someone makes time for you and your hobbies, surely he is in love.

Related: Signs Someone Is Attracted To You, Based On Their Zodiac Sign

6. The person is all ears.

One of the major signs they really like you is this one right here.

There are people who pay attention to everything. A person who is attracted to you would always listen to you intently. You may speak gibberish or share your problems, he will never ignore. In fact, communication is the key to any relationship.

Relationships fail mostly because we assume what the person is saying instead of listening patiently. We are way too distracted. Someone who wants undivided attention will hear each word you utter, they will also remember things.

So open your heart and soul. Look for someone who appreciates you and puts efforts. After all,

Signs Someone Is Interested In You

“Love arrives exactly when Love is supposed to and Love leaves exactly when Love must
When Love arrives, say, ‘Welcome. Make yourself comfortable.’
If Love leaves, ask her to leave the door open behind her.
Turn off the music. Listen to the quiet.
Whisper, ‘Thank you for stopping by.’”

-Sarah Kay and Phil Kaye

When someone is interested in you, you will know because actions speak louder than words. Don’t they? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

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