Religious Narcissistic Abuse: 15 Tactics Narcissists Use To Control You

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Religious Narcissistic Abuse Tactics Narcissists 1

Narcissists use various manipulative tactics to control their prey. But what if their narcissistic abuse and manipulations are followed by the name of GOD? A religious narcissistic uses various abusive and manipulative tactics that they believe are justified by โ€˜Godโ€™s Willโ€™.

There was a time when your religious beliefs brought you companionship and peace, but now you struggle with intimacy, insecurity, and comparison. You used to find security in your faith, but now there is the only sanctuary in ceremonies and rituals. How did you get here? Narcissist uses their religious beliefย to abuse, manipulate, control, and dominate you through fear.

They systematically take the life out of your faith and replace themselves in the center.

It doesnโ€™t matter the religion. Major organizations such as Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, and Jewish or even minor sects such as Mormon, Taoism, Confucianism, New Age, or Rastafari can be used. Even those who do not profess a belief in God such as Atheistic, Agnostic, or Satanism can be included.

What A Narcissist Means

It is not the type of belief but rather how the faith is used that makes it abusive.

Here are 15 tactics of religious narcissistic abuse:

Religious Narcissistic Abuse info

1. Dichotomous thinking

It begins with dichotomous thinking, dividing people into two parts. Those who agree with the narcissistsโ€™ beliefs and those who donโ€™t. Interestingly, only the narcissist is the judge and jury of who belongs on which side. Your opinion is insignificant.

2. Make fun of you

Then the narcissist makes fun of, belittles, and shows prejudice towards other beliefs. This tactic is done to remind you that if you change your views, you will be treated likewise.

Also read โ€“ 9 Types of Toxic People That Will Rob You Of Your Happiness

3. Narcissist becomes elitist

Suddenly the narcissist becomes elitist and refuses to associate with people or groups they consider impure or unholy. They prefer isolation and insist you do the same while condemning others who donโ€™t.

How Narcissists Gain Control Of Their Victim

4. Force you to adopt their point of view

Next, the narcissist requires that you completely adopt their point of view. There is no room for differing opinions or questioning their authority. Any voicing of opinions to the contrary is met with threats of abandonment or divorce. There is no free will for you.

5. Demands total submission

Demands of total submission without question follow. You are not free to question their authority and any attempt to do so is met with spiritual, physical, and/or verbal discipline. Name-calling, chastising, and silent treatment are common maneuvers into compliance.

When A Toxic Person Can No Longer Control You

6. Need the appearance of power in public

The narcissist is no longer satisfied with private dominion but instead needs the appearance of power in public. They expect strict adherence to whatever image they have created regardless of the accuracy of that image. Even the slightest hint of challenging their facade is met with quick and cruel reprimands.

Also read โ€“ What Is Emotional Abuse? 10 Signs Youโ€™re Being Emotionally Abused

7. Labelling

To further intimidate, the narcissist labels people who donโ€™t comply with their beliefs as disobedient, rebellious, lacking faith, demons, or enemies of the faith. This is done in front of others to reinforce their opinions and instill fear inside and outside the family.

8. Demand perfection and happiness

There is a huge emphasis on public performance. They demand perfection and happiness at all times. Religious activities such as attending church have extreme demands, excessive expectations, and rigidity. No allowances are given even for grieving over the loss of a friend or relative.

9. Stringent rules and regulations

Strict adherence to their rules and regulations is commanded with absolute statements about insignificant issues such as hair color or style. Non-compliance is met with severe discipline and even excommunication.

10. Narcissist uses secrecy

To further segregate, the narcissist uses secrecy or withholds information to a few select worthy individuals. Sometimes they require proof of advanced spirituality or some deeper level of commitment before they will share.

Also read โ€“ Is It Still Gaslighting If My Partner Has Aspergerโ€™s?

11. Expect blind obedience

Questioning the narcissist is worse than questioning the religion. Blind obedience to the narcissist is expected as their opinion is more important than religion. In essence, they have replaced your religion with themselves and you are expected to worship them.

12. Conspire for personal gains

religious narcissist

Narcissist frequently uses their religious position of authority to connive for their own personal benefit which is often financial. They will justify this behavior by saying they deserve it because they are better than others. You, however, will not be included because even your best is not good enough.

13. Engage in criminal misconduct for in the name of their religion

For the narcissist, the end justifies the means. They may engage in criminal misconduct or cover up the transgressions of others in the name of their religion. This includes covering up sexual abuse, physical abuse, financial felonies, and misdemeanors. They believe they are above the law and therefore can subvert it.

14. Estrangement from extended family members and friends outside of the religion

To complete the isolation, estrangement from extended family members and friends outside of the religion is mandatory. This includes shunning, alienation, or persecution. You are completely alone now with only them as the voice in your life.

Also read โ€“ The 10 Types of Toxic Relationships You Should Avoid At All Costs

15. Constant abuse

At the end of this, you find your own beliefs have lost their vitality and your religious growth is stagnant due to the constant abuse by the narcissist. It is not unusual for you to question your faith and even abandon it due to sadistic behavior.

narcissist will blame you

You donโ€™t have to be subject to religious abuse. Study these steps and refuse to be part of any organization that encourages this behavior. Your faith is far too precious to be destroyed by a narcissist. Donโ€™t let them steal your joy.

Written by: Christine Hammond, MS, LMHC
Originally appeared on:
Republished with permission from Randi Fine

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a Spiritual Narcissist?

A Spiritual Narcissist is a person who uses โ€œGodโ€™sโ€ name to tear others down. They abuse, belittle, humiliate, harass and emotionally abuse their victims, all in the guise of spirituality and religion.

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